Ways to eat eggs can help you lose weight, Dietitians Say

Experts share why eggs should be some of your weight loss meal plan.

As long asWeight loss foods go,eggs are one of the best choices you can do. Of course, the most effective way to pour sound books is simply to reduce the number of calories you are taking a day, burn more calories through exercise or ideal, make a combination of both. But here is the thing: eggs can help in this regard because they are ultra-stimulant, which means after you eat them, you will have less chances to overload on the snack between meals (helping to help you Save calories).

The eggs are incredibly versatile - you can enjoy them at any time of the day and in a wide variety of dishes. They also pack a large nutritional bang: In fact, they contain a number of essential nutrients, some of which also play a role in your metabolism. Read on ways to say that dietitians say that eggs can help you lose weight - and do not miss theThe eggs could be your weapon of secret weight loss.


They are high in protein.

frying fried eggs nonstick pan oil

Eggs are remarkably high in proteins, which is the muscular building block, andMuscle tissues burn more calories than fat.

"Eggs are an excellent food in your weight loss plan as they are high in protein tokeep you longer, "saysShenen Jaramillo, MS, RD.

A big egg contains6.3 grams of high quality vegetarian proteins-So if you eat two in one session, you have already reached 25.2% of your recommended daily consumption of 50 grams.

AStudy 2010 Compared men's calorie consumption ate egg-based breakfast with those who ate a cream cheese breakfast. Remarkably, the egg group consumed a 400 calorie reduction of less than 24 hours over the 24 hours after breakfast as the Bagel group. The blood tests showed that Ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger, was significantly higher after Bagel breakfast.

"The protein positively affects satiety hormones likecholecystokinin, which helps inhibit gastric emptying, which keeps us longer), "saysArika Hoscheit, a clinical dietitian registered with Paloma Health. "Proteins also take longer to digest that carbohydrates because they are relatively large, taking a little work to fall into amino acids. High protein foods like eggs help you feel satisfied for long periods, which makes you less likely to reach unnecessary calories. "

Better still, Hoscheit sayshigh protein foods Can actually help you bypass more calories by burying your metabolism.

"The thermal effect of food refers to the number of calories needed to digest it, transport, absorb and store it," she explains. "The protein has the highest thermal effect compared to carbohydrates and fats. More specifically, the metabolic processes involving proteins require approximately 20-30% of the calories ingested to complete, which means that eating high protein foods As eggs gives you a good boost to burn more calories and reach your weight loss goals. "


They are low in carbohydrates.

hot scrambled eggs pan

If you go Paleo, Keto, or you simply try to lose weight bycarbohydrate, eggs should be your new best friend. They containLess than 1 gram of carbohydrates.

"Unlike many traditional breakfast foods such as cereals and grilled bread, eggs are high in protein and carbohydrate, which can help promote satiety without planting insulin levels," says Diana Gariglio -Cleland, certified diabetes educator and registered dietitian withLuxury. "Carbon-based breakfasts such as cereals and bread products stimulate insulin release of the increase in blood sugars. Higher insulin levels can thwart weight loss efforts and lead to more storage. fat."

A 2008 study Compared a breakfast with eggs with a Bagel-based breakfast and found that egg consumption favored 65% higher weight loss compared to the alternative glucidity.


They are low in calories.

Poached eggs

According to Hoscheit, another reason why eggs are a good choice for weight loss is that they are relatively low in calories: a big egg has only about about76 calories. It means for breakfast, you could have two poached eggs and a piece ofGrouped whole grain sprouted for only 232 calories-What is less than certain energy bars (which, it is also necessary to mention, are usually loaded with sugar and do not keep you closely as long).


They contain powerful vitamins.

Omelet with veggies

"The eggs are a good source of vitamin D, a soluble vitamin in the greases that seems to play a role in weight loss," says Gariglio-Clelland.

In aMeta-analysis 2019Vitamin D supplementation has been noted to reduce both the BMI and the circumference of the size of overweight testing topics.

The eggs are also an excellent source of vitamin B12, with .89 micrograms-37% of your DV-in one.

"Low levels of vitamin B12 are associated withOverweight and obesityWhile vitamin B12 is negatively correlated with the body mass index (BMI), which means higher levels of vitamin B12 corresponds to a lower IMC ", adds-GARIGLIO Clelland.

Jaramillo notes that eggs are also rich in iron, which helps maintain your energy throughout the day. And if you work, consider this: 2019 searches published in theJournal of Nutrition discovered that iron supplementation improves endurance performance. In other words, the iron that the eggs contain could actually feed you by this exhausting race or a spin session, helping you to burn more calories.


They can help balance your blood glucose.

boiled eggs

"Eggs can help balance your blood glucose and insulin without negative impact on your blood cholesterol," says Hoscheit.

A2019 study revealed that eating a low carbohydrate content and meals first at high grasses in the morning (like an omelette) can help you avoid the big spikes, which sugar are super common after a breakfast rich in blood carbohydrates ( like a muffin or cereals with fruit). Eating this type of breakfast can also improve your blood glucose control throughout the day, which is particularly important for people with diabetes.

"Keeping your sugar content in the regular average blood of your energy levels remain stable, and you are less likely to reach for a sweet afternoon snack to get through the day," says Hoscheit. "Being less dependent on empty calories for energy means less calories taken overall and, hopefully, weight loss. »

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