How many proteins do you really need a day to build muscles?

Looking to build muscles? We asked the experts how many protein you should eat daily.

In case you have not pointed out,protein is in and people add it to everything - from theirCoffee to their oatmeal. Between the trendy plans asKeto andpaleo and the influx of new high protein products ranging fromice cream andPasta ToPeanut Butter andpancakeIt is clear that there is an increasing obsession with this macronutrient. Surely, the protein plays an important role in the diet of anyone, but if you are looking forto build up muscle, you must consume more than the average person. That said, there are many misconceptions about the amount of protein you need for a day to increase muscle growth.

If you think the more you eat protein that you eat, the more you are going to die, think again. Because when it comes to this, it is possible to have too much good thing, and this includes protein. Not to mention, protein needs are not a single size - they depend largely on your current.weight and level of activity, so what is enough for a muscle building person to cut it for someone else.

His complicated? Fortunately, we talked to two experts-Cedrina Calder (AKAFitdoc), MD, medical doctor and health expert, and Monica Austlander Moreno, R & D, LD / N and nutrition consultant forRSP Nutrition-To find the amount of protein you need daily for maximum muscle growth.

How many proteins do you need to develop muscles?

TheRecommended Diet Allowance (GDR) for a healthy adult and not pregnant, is 0.8 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. But let's be clear - the GDR is only the minimum amount you need to meet your basic nutritional requirements.

So it's your GDR if you are only looking to maintain your current muscle mass. But if you try to build muscles, Calder suggests to enter theAmerican College of Sports MedicineThe directives of 'and consume between 1.2 and 2.0 grams of proteins per kilogram of body weight of daily protein (or about 0.54 to 0.9 grams per pound).

According to Moreno, this number can get even higher in sports people with ultra-high training requirements. This is why it stresses the importance of taking into account your own unique needs. If you do high intensity exercises or a weightlifting height of five to six days a week, your protein requirements will be higher than they are in someone with the same body weight that is sedentary or only the lightexercise two to three days a week. Because this can be a process of testing and mistakes to find your "Sweet Spot", suggests to monitor your progress closely when you increase your intake of protein and refine if necessary.

"This should be considered as part of the amount of weight exercise you make to support protein consumption, as well as if you are trying to lose weight - weight loss efforts actually would increase that your protein must save Muscle mass, says Moreno. "A registered dietitian can help you evaluate and monitor your own needs."

Can you eat too much protein?

The research has been time and again that it is really possible to do too much on the protein, so it is important to determine what your specific needs are. Reality is that eatingToo many proteins Can lead to dehydration, a breath of nauseating, indigestion and nausea, among other unpleasant side effects. Studies have shown that the surplus protein you consume can not be used effectively by your body - and more,May cause stress in the kidneys and liver. Not to mention, the notes of Moreno that consume excessive quantities of protein could also potentially sabotage yourweightloss efforts.

According toHarvard HealthIt can be difficult to define how much it is too important because the needs of proteins can vary so strongly from the individual to the individual. However, for the average person, it is generally preferable not to consume more than 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. An elite athlete or bodybuilder may be able to exceed this amount safely.

RELATED: Be skinny for life with this 14-day flat stomach plan.

Is the source of your protein important?

Experts agree that the quality of the protein is just as important as the quantity. Proteins can come from various foods, including sources of animals and plants, as well as additional sources (such as whey, casein, soy and peas protein powder). But Calder says that the most effective sources for muscle building are those containing all essential amino acids.

These foods are known ascomprehensive proteins, and they understand:

  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • fish
  • dairy
  • soy
  • quinoa
  • amaranth
  • buckwheat
  • hemp
  • algae
  • spirulina

"Lactose proteinThe golden standard for the synthesis of muscle protein is well studied, so you would like to include lactose protein throughout your day for optimal muscle protein synthesis, "says Moreno.

These include food sources like:

  • cheese
  • kefir
  • cottage cheese
  • yogurt
  • Milk
  • Lactoseum protein concentrate

Moreno adds: "Plant proteins are ideal for their nutrient power and contribute to amino acids to your diet, but they are not the most ideal or efficient path of muscle protein synthesis. You should consume many more beans by weight than beef to obtain the same muscular growth. "

While Calder advises priority to these sources of entire food protein, it adds that high quality supplements can be used to increase your consumption if necessary. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that many commercialprotein powders are full ofArtificial sweeteners, as well as other additives and conservatives - in other words, all are not created equal. If you like to doshaker Moreno suggests finding a whey array lactoseum lactoseum protein, or just want a portable source to strengthen your protein consumption.

One of the most common protein errors is to pack most of your proteins into one meal, such as dinner, or in a post-training shake. Make sure you broadcast your protein intake through all your meals. This will guarantee not only that you stay satiated throughout the day, but it is also optimal muscle growth.

In addition, Calder is categorical that while consuming higher amounts of protein that can help, exercise also plays a key role in your muscle building efforts.

"Without the appropriate training scheme, you will not succeed in muscle building, even if you had to increase your protein consumption," says Calder.

When you make changes to your diet, it is always wise to talk to your doctor to find out if you have health conditions that can take into account your protein requirements. In addition, if you are unsure of your protein requirements, you may want to talk to a registered dietitian or a certified nutritionist for personalized recommendations. And as you start gathering high protein recipes, remember: it's not just about consuming more protein, but find the optimal amount for your unique needs, as well as search for high quality sources.

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