These foods melt the stubborn fat

Here's what to eat to help you lose, once and for all.

There are only a few areas of the body that are more difficult to target than others. This stubborn fat simply does not seem to disappear and there is a place where you probably think - the region of your hips and your back, or "love handles", as some people call it.

contrary tobig belly, which infiltrates your internal organs and is linked to everythingDiabetes Tocardiopathy At the inadequacy of the liver, this other type of undesirable fat consists of subcutaneous grease, located just below the skin and if it is sitting there. It is not so dangerous, but to be frank, it is not always the best, aesthetically speaking. So, if you are ready to rid your body of this fat, it's easier than you think.

Here we have gathered the best foods to add to your diet to lose this stubborn fat. While you make changes, be sure to try these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Oat bran

Oat bran

Are you wondering how to lose grease and belly love handles? Well, if you like to start your day withgroats, you are on the good road. All you have to do is give yourhealthy breakfast An upgrade. While oatmeal is a great breakfast with 8 grams of fiber and 12 grams of protein per cup, oats oats is another level. It packs 18 grams of fibers and 20 grams of protein, for the same number of calories. (What is the difference between the two oatbrains are made from the outer envelopes of oats, while oatmeal is made from the internal part.) Do not get it from brown sugar or syrup. Low fat milk and cinnamon are the best additions to your diet to lose love handles. To love oats? Try one of theseBest night oat recipes for weight loss!


Sweet potatoes

oven baked sweet potato

The king of slow carbohydrates (which means they are digested slowly and that you feel more ample and boosted longer),Sweet potatoes should be a regime clip. The magic ingredients here are carotenoids, antioxidants that stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin resistance, which prevents calories from being converted to grease. And their high vitamin profile (including A, C and B6) gives you more energy to burn at the gym.


Shredded wheat

cereal bowl

Melt your love handles, look for a cereal with the largest fiber and the least sugar (without any of theMalic cereals on the planet) It is difficult to garnish a bowl of shredded wheat - it packs a lot of fiber, has zero sugar, and it is one of the best brands of commercial cereals for people who specifically seek to lose fat around their media.

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Minestrone soup

Minestrone soup
Eat this, not that!

The most commercially prepared soups, particularly bisks and other smooth soups, added sugar or other uncomfortable ingredients that will spoil your environment. Opt for thick and thick soups like minestrone, which are higher in fiber and tend not to come with additional sugars. So enjoy a bowl - and avoid thesebad habits that give you belly fat!


Black rice

black rice

Also known as "Forbidden Rice", because only the emperors have been allowed to eat it, the black rice can be the least expensive source of antioxidants. According toAmerican chemical societyThe black rice has more antioxidants than a spoonful of blueberries, with more fiber, more vitamin E and less sugar. More antioxidants means less inflammation, which means less fat storage for you.


White tea

White tea lemon

White tea works in three distinct ways to help eliminate fat from your body. A study published in theJournal of Nutrition and Metabolismshowed that white tea can simultaneously stimulate lipolysis (ventilation of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of adipose cells). Another group of researchers found that tea is also a rich source of antioxidants that triggers the release of fat cells and help to meet the liver's ability to convert fat into energy.


Black beans

Canned black beans

High in fiber and low in fat, beans are a zero power food of the stomach because they are an excellent source of resistant starch, meaning they "resist" the digestion, taking around the digestive tract and help you to feel longer. By feeding your healthy gut bugs, beans help your body to generate the chemical butyrate, which encourages the body to burn fat as fuel. A study inWake Forest Baptist Medical Center Even discovered that beans can reduce body fat accumulation. All beans are round, but the bean is darker, its concentration of Phytochemistry, so black is the best.


Tortillas but

corn tortilla tacos

This simple exchange can make all the difference: two corn tortillas can deliver 3 grams of fiber for only 80 calories and 1 gram of fat. Two flour tortillas give you only 2 grams of fiber, but they will cost you 260 calories and 10 grams of fat. So what should you make your next quesadilla? In Mexican restaurants, ask them to replace the flour tortillas with corn in all your dishes.


The Jerusalem artichokes

jerusalem artichokes

Ina Canadian studyThe subjects were supplemented by a type of insoluble fiber healthy intestinal called oligofructose not only lost weight in their area of ​​love handles, but also reported less hunger than those who received placebo. The researchers found that subjects who received the fiber had higher levels of ghrelin - a hormone that controls hunger levels and sugar levels in the blood. Artichokes of Jerusalem that are actually the roots of a type of sunflower, hence the alternative name of "sunchoke" - are preparing one of the best sources of fiber. A ogliofructifose is also found in onions and leeks, as well as in rye and barley.



Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

High in fiber and healthy fat mononaturée healthyguacamole is another superfood love handles. Half a cup of Guac-assuming that you did not go blow it by mixing sour cream or something else that does not belong - gives you more than 7 grams of fiber.


Tiger Nuts

tiger nuts with wooden spoon

No animals were hurt in the making of this food! The tiger nuts are neither tigers nor nuts; These are actually the tubers, which means that those with nut allergies can eat safely. They look a bit like roasted corn kernels and a little taste of coconut. A portion 20 tiger nut provides 4 grams of fiber to only 60 calories.


chickpea pasta

Chickpea pasta

With twice the protein and four times the pasta wheat fiber, Banza-made from chickpeas - transforms a traditional carbohydrate in muscle fighter materials. For anyone avoiding gluten is a better choice than pasta powdered corn, rice or potatoes, which are often devoid of any real nutrition. And click here for a cheaper listBest protein for weight loss-Bany without meat!


Sunflower seeds

Pumpkin seeds

This is the Spanish word for pumpkin seeds and if you consider that Jack O'Lantern Inside Inside, you are for a treat. An ounce of seeds contains eight grams of protein-more than an egg or almonds - and is rich in nutrients prone to such as fiber, zinc and potassium, which are essential for muscle building and recovery. Sprinkle them on salads or oatmeal.


Frozen peas

frozen peas

Looking for a cool and fresh snack? Keep a bean bag in the freezer and a pour cup for filling NOSH. A cup of poise has 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber, and because you appear the few at a time, they will keep your hands and your hands busy, preventing you look more sinful treats.



Red fruits are always welcome in any diet, but even among these nutritional outbreaks, raspberries are only the best source of insoluble fiber. A cup of small ruby ​​jewelry has 8 grams of fiber, against less than 3 grams in the same amount of strawberries. Insoluble fibers supply healthy bacteria in your gut, triggering the production of a fatty acid that causes inflammation causing fats throughout your body. And in aCanadian study, The researchers have discovered that those whose schemes have been supplemented by an insoluble fiber had higher levels of Ghrelin-a hormone that controls hunger. And fuel quickly with muscle building protein in theseBest snacks for weight loss!




Decide to make more prejudice. Oysters are one of the best sources of zinc food, a mineral that works with hormonal laptine to regulate appetite. Research shows that overweight people tend to have higher levels of leptin and lower zinc levels than thinner folks. A study published in the newspaperLife sciences found that the taking of zinc supplements could increase the production of leptin in obese men of 142%! Half a dozen oysters has that 43 calories but provides 21% of your Iron deficiencies with iron deficiencies have been linked to a significant increase in the expression of grease gene.


Dark chocolate

dark chocolate

A recent study revealed that antioxidants in cocoa prevented laboratory mice from gaining excess weight and reortgated their blood sugar levels. And another study toLouisiana State UniversityFound that intestinal microbes in our ferment chocolate stomach in healthy and anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory compounds that stop the genes related to insulin resistance and inflammation. To improve the effects, try to pair your chocolate with apple slices: the fruit accelerates the fermentation process, resulting in an even greater reduction in inflammation and weight.


Ezekiel sprinkled with 100% whole grain bread

Slice of ezekiel bread with avocado
Ezekiel Bread / Facebook

What is unique aboutezekiel bread Is it, unlike most brands, society does not use sugar in their breads. With a combination of wheat, barley, millet, lentils and spelled, this low gluten mark 8 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber in each sandwich.


Spa water

fruit water

You see it sitting there every time you are sitting in front of a massage. Spa Water-a pitcher of ice water with whole lemons in slices, oranges or grapefruit - is an excellent substitute for almost anything you might be tempted to drink. Citrus fruit peels add a compound called D-Limonene, a powerful antioxidant that stimulates hepatic enzymes, helping to rid the body of toxins and rinse grease from your system. And do not forget:Delicious smoothies Really can help you lose weight!



whole almonds cutting board

Up to 92% of Americans eat a vitamin E deficient diet and this trend seems the highest in obese people, according to a study of theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Almonds are among the best dietary sources of vitamin E, packing about 20 milligrams per half-cup and are also high in greases and mononaturated fibers, which is optimal to eliminate love handles.



cooked quinoa

It is a complete protein, which means that it contains the complete chain of amino acids necessary for the muscular building and the loss of fat. (Brown rice is an incomplete protein.) In a study in theJournal of Diabetes InvestigationThe researchers have discovered that patients who have ingested higher amounts of vegetable proteins were much less sensitive to metabolic syndrome (a combination of high cholesterol, high blood glucose and obesity). It is also high in amino acid lysine, which helps you burn fat and maintain bones and healthy skin. According to a study published in the newspaperfood chemistryThe quinoa has the highest level of betaine, a chemical that reveals your metabolism and actually firm the genes that encourage love manages the grease to suspend.



red ruby grapefruit

As a marathoner extending before the great race, eating half-grapefruit before a meal can not improve the performance of your body's fat, especially when it comes to love handles. A study published in the newspaperMetabolism I found that this "warm-up" tactic can help gainting your midst of an inch just six weeks! Scientists attribute the powerful effects to phytochemicals of greases of grapefruits. The fruit can negatively interact with some medications, so you get the green light of your m.D, plan to have half of a grapefruit before your morning meal.




Polyunsatured fats like those found in nuts activate genes that reduce fat storage and improve the metabolism of insulin. At about 13 grams per service of an ounce, nuts are one of the best food sources. A littleState study of Pennsylvania I found that a diet rich in walnut and nut oil can help the body to better react to stress and can also help reduce diastolic blood pressure levels. For more invaluable advice, see our exclusivityBest Nutrition Tips Never.



tuna salad in bowl with garnish

Or not tuna? That is the question. As a primo source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the canned light tuna is one of the best and most affordable fish for weight loss, especially around your size and love handles ! A study in theJournal of Lipid Research showed that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation had the deep capacity to disable grease genes. And while you find two types of fatty acids in cold water fish and fish-DHA oils and eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA) -Researchers say that DHA can be 40 to 70% more effective than the EPA to the regulation of grease genes and prevent fat cells from the expansion of size.




What is the prosecution exactly? While it's not a common food in most US, this sour and slightly salted green is often used in Greek and Turkish cooking. You can find it in health food stores throughout the year and in the farmer markets in the spring and summer, but the most likely place you will encounter, it develops in the cracks of your Alley. A bad grass was a regular part of Gandhi's diet and a simple half-cup counts more than 1,000 IU vitamin A. This could be thehealth food furtiveness the cheapest in the world!



scrambled eggs on white plate with garnish

Eggs can help you lose weight For a reason: they are the best food source of a fatty combat nutrient called Choline. But you can improve their fat powers by choosing omega-3 eggs. The eggs enriched in omega-3 are deposited by hens that are fed of flax seeds, chia seeds and fish oil, thus automatically improving your eggs! Bull breakfast at home to reap the benefits and discoverMore ways of losing your belly in 14 days!

Categories: Weight Loss
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