Why do you need electrolytes (and how to get them)

Everyone is going to have the good equilibrium of electrolytes, not just athletes. Here's how to reach that.

There are tons of different waters there to keep you hydratedCoconut water,Seltz waterwater melon water, and evenWater to help you sleep. And if you are looking for an infused drink with electrolytes, you probably reach asports drink. But electrolytes are not only found in Gatorade.

They are in many foods (and drinks) that you consume regularly. And even if you drink enough water, here is an interesting fact: you can always be dehydrated if you do not consume enough electrolytes.

Here's all you need to know about the electrolytes and if you have enough.

What are the electrolytes?

"Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge required for nervous control, muscle contraction, hydration and optimal physiological pH," says Monica Austlander Moreno, MS, R & D, LD / N, nutrition consultant forRSP Nutrition.

Electrolytes are minerals like:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Bicarbonate

These important minerals play a vital role in managing your body.

"In addition to playing the essential role of nutrients and waste moving inside and outside the cells, the electrolytes help control blood pressure and control the nerve impulses that allow muscles. relax or contract, "saysCORDIALIS MSORA-KASAGO, MA, RDN, authorized dietary nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Each of the different electrolytes plays an important role in the body.

"For example, sodium and potassium work together to maintain the amount of fluids inside and outside the body cells, helping to move the waste while bringing nutrients to the cell," explains Mso-Kasago .

What causes electrolyte deficiencies?

There could be a number of things causing a lack of electrolytes.

"Bad regime, exercise for long periods of time without reconstitution, continuous nausea and vomiting, as well as conditions of health such as renal disease, congestive heart failure, bulimia and cancer treatments are some of the The most common reasons for electrolytes to become exhausted in the body, "explains Msora-Kasago.

And if you are bad to stay hydrated, you also put yourself in danger.

"Dehydration is the most common imbalance form often related to exercise, weather, disease and inadequate liquid," Austlander Moreno said.

At the same time, you can bedrink enough waterBut if you do not consume enough electrolytes in your diet, you can not hydraider correctly. Hyponatremia can occur if you drink too much water and live with low sodium levels in your body, diluting the sodium concentration in your blood.

What are the signs you do not get enough electrolytes?

Your body will certainly let you know if you are dehydrated and you do not have enough electrolytes in your system.

Mso-Kasago shares the most common signs of the potential imbalance of the electrolyte:

  • Tired
  • Muscle cramps
  • Weakness
  • Fast and irregular heartbeat
  • Confusion

If you encounter symptoms of one of these symptoms, you can try eating foods rich in electrolytes or drinking drinks rich in minerals.

When do you need more electrolytes?

There are some situations when you should make sure you get extra electrolytes

Austlander Moreno recommends you to get more electrolytes if you are:

  • Intense
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Illness (all from colds / FLUS to gastrointestinal diseases causing vomiting / diarrhea)
  • In a very hot weather

And if you are on theKeto dietYou can be more likely to be dehydrated.

"Keto diets can certainly cause dehydration from high protein consumption in the face of inadequate hydration / loss of fruit hydration and certain vegetables," says Austlander Moreno.

Or, if you are on anotherHigh protein diet, you should use your water. As the body metabolizes the protein, it produces nitrogen waste, that your body blushes with fluids and water. So even if you may consume the same amount of liquid, your body requires more to do its job well.

RELATED: The 7-day diet thatbackground your big belly quickly.

There are also physical indicators that you should look for this can signal a fault in electrolyte.

"High intensity exercise that produces a lot of salty sweat that can leave stains on your clothes or let you look" craky "," explains Mso-Kasago.

Use your urine as an indicator that you are correctly hydrated. "We like to see the urine that is clear for light yellow," says Auslander-Moreno.

How can you get more electrolytes?

Many foods, especially products, are rich in electrolytes.

"Fruits and vegetables offer hydration and many electrolytic minerals - especially the" aquatic "," says Austlander Moreno.

Examples of the bestFoods containing electrolytes understand:

  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Nuts (almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts)
  • Lawyer
  • Spinach
  • Sardines

In addition, electrolytes are also naturally in many drinks andHealthy sports drinks, comprising:

  • Coconut water
  • Orange juice
  • Chocolate milk
  • Milk

Eating a healthy and balanced diet should provide all the electrolytes you need.

"For many people, the word electrolytes is synonymous with sports drinks and hydration mixtures, but it is not the only way to get these vital nutrients," explains Mso-Kasago. "The vast majority of people can get the recommended amounts of electrolytes and other nutrients by consuming a well-balanced and colorful diet. It is a diet filled with fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, from nuts and seeds, dairy and food that have been fortified with calcium. "

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