What good health can improve your life

And if we told you that the keys to solve your health and weight problems only cut calories, exercise and drink less soda. It's as safe as you eat more bugs.

No, we do not talk aboutthose Bugs. We are talking about billions of useful bacteria that live in your intestine and play a fundamental role in maintaining a healthy and happy organ. (And yes, we have said billions - many estimates equivalent to this number with a compensation of three books of your total weight!) This community, mentioned by scientists like your "intestinal microbiose" or "intestinal microbiome", can be Composed of about 500 species that each provide their own advantages: some of them break down your food and extract nutrients; Others are looking for food pathogens; And others help protect yourself from colds and influenza. In fact, they play such a critical role in our health that many experts have begun to refer to the microbiome as its own organ. All this sounds like a good thing - so what's the problem?

The problem is: when we eat too much junk food (especiallysugar) And take too many drugs (such as antibiotics or antidepressants), we can hit our digestive systems from the composition and disrupt the composition of our gut. When your good gut bugs are exhausted, bad bacteria can take over, causing health problems ranging from skin to depression. In addition, the researchers find that obese people have different gut bugs that healthy weight people, suggesting that the cultivation of an adequate GUT can help solve weight problems.

So, if you have trouble losing weight, anxiety, stress, skin problems, fatigue or chronic illness, you may want to start looking at your intestine. The good news is that you can empower your Gut microbiot and help him fight against invaders by feeding your beneficial bacteria the foods they and yourself must stay healthy. Below you will discover the advanced science behind the reason why the innumerable Gut is essential to maintain a healthy life. And no worries if your gut bugs seem to have taken a vacation; We also compiled the best tips for how you can start cure your belly biome. And then next up tackles these40 habits that make you sick and grease!

First: Benefits of a healthy intestine


You will switch the balance in your favor

Gut health fat

Our weight is considerably affected by these small puggers. In fact, countless studies have shown us that obese people have higher levels of poor phylum bacteriaFarms While lean people have higher levels of phylum bacteriaBacteroids. So, are probiotics useful for solving this problem? Well, a study in theBritish Nutrition Journal So think. Researchers found that when obese women received a daily probiotic supplement on a restricted diet of calories to lose weight, their average weight loss was significantly higher than women who followed the same restricted scheme, but have Received a placebo.


You will decrease inflammation

Gut health inflammation

When you constantly eat inflammatory food (fried foods, refined flours, sugars, etc.), you can force your body to enter a state of chronic inflammation. Which, in turn, causes a weight gain, articular pain, fatigue and increases your risk of diabetes and obesity type 2. One of the ways that makes to starve your gut microbiome. (The bacteria need food too!) Explain to us: these inflammatory food usually lack their natural fibers - a critical nutrient that prevents you from not only longer, but also feeds your bugs. Your good nosh bacterium on and closing these fibers in a fatty acid known as butyrate, which encourages more efficient fat oxidation. Higher levels of butyrate reduce inflammation in your body and also serves as defense against poor pathogenic bacteria, according to a review ofAdvances in nutrition. Beat the inflammation with these20 anti-inflammatory healing foods.


You can prevent colds

Gut health cold

Does this seem as if you get a cold every two weeks? If this is the case, your microbiota could be to blame. Your intestine has 70 to 80% of the immune cells in your body, it is therefore not surprising that many autoimmune diseases have been linked to unidentified gastrointestinal problems. Several studies have found that the regular intake of a probiotic may prevent the occurrence or reduce the duration of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases and a meta-analysis of 10 studies published in theKorean newspaper of family medicine Found evidence that the administration of probiotics can even prevent the capture of colds.


You will attenuate skin conditions

Gut health skin

Eczema, psoriasis, acne and many other skin disorders are not simply "deep skin". Because our microbiome helps to regulate our immune system, composition and health play an important role in the fight against inflammatory diseases such as skin conditions. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute found that the immune system (the majority of which is located in your intestine) helps to choose the microbes living on the surface of the skin: participants in a weak immune system accommodate a different collection from Microbes found on healthy individuals. Therapeutic field research is located in the preliminary stages, but experts believe that the administration of probiotics to those who suffer from skin conditions can reduce the levels of inflammatory protein of patients and mitigate the symptoms. And just like the skin, the health of your hair is moderate by multiple invisible factors - discover how to look at your best with these30 best and worst food for healthy hair.


You extract more nutrients from your food

Gut health food

There is more and more evidence that the composition of our microbial community influences the nutritional value of food. How is it? Is it not the same thing that eats it? Not exactly. Our gut bugs help digest and decompose proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids in our food so that we can extract its nutrients, including essential vitamins such as BB and 9 (folate) vitamin K vitamins and vitamin K . Folate is important to keep your DNA. Control mechanisms operating properly, that is to say keep your FAT genes on "Off!" In fact, research showed theBifidum The species of bacteria, which are generally lower in obese individuals - is particularly active in the production of folate. Therefore lessBifidum Means less control over your genes and more belly fat.


Your vaginal health can improve

Gut health vag

Probiotics are particularly important for women's vaginal health! "There is a naturally acidic pH in [your vagina]," says Bonnie Taub-Ten, RDN. "And some of the most useful foods are those who also have good bacteria." Maintaining a healthy intestine will help balance the pH levels of your vagina so that things are fresh. Another advantage to probiotics? They also help remove bad bacteria, keeping infections out there at the bay. Discover what for Nosh onIncrease your vaginal health.


You might be happier

Gut health happy

You may have heard the best way in someone's heart, but there may be more truth in this remote if you have changed heart to the brain. The assembly of the scientific evidence shows that the composition of our intestine microbiot plays a vital role in the influence on cognitive behaviors and emotions such as anxiety, depression, stress, autism, learning and memory thanks to our "Gut-brain axis", according to a criticism of theAgricultural Chemistry and Food Journal. And a narcotics 95% of your happy serotonin hormone is made and stored in your gut. Who knew?

In fact, a study in the newspaperPnapfound that when the mice were infected with an anxiety-inducing parasite, and then gave a strain of probiotics, a reduction in stress hormone levels and less behavior related to anxiety and depression. And researchers at the Naval Research Office have discovered that they could improve the mood of anxious mice by nourishing healthy calm mouse microbes. The two studies have opened doors to the possibilities of using probiotics to treat neurological disorders such as PTSD, anxiety and depression. (PSST! Probiotics are not the only thing that struggles stress.These teas do too!)


... and healthy

Gut health brain

These intuitive "intestinal feelings" could actually be your Gut microbiot trying to tell your brain something. We have just read how Gut Microbes can make us happy, but other research show that these small intestinal bugs can affect your brain in a more direct and physical way. According to researchers at the University College Cork, intestinal bacteria play a role in the regulation of genes that are crucial for the operation of the appropriate nervous signal. Microbiota caricent causes the product of the product of these genes, the myelin, which is also a symptom of the multiple sclerosis of the disease - a condition where the immune system attacks the brain and the spinal cord, resulting in serious tremors, a loss of Temporary vision, pain, fatigue and altered coordination. Beyond the fact that probiotics can act as a therapy for the SEP, this study also shows us how a healthy intestine is necessary for the good signage of the brain. What else do you know is good for a healthy brain? TheBest foods for your brain!


You will prevent the growth of pathogens

Gut health diversity

Keeping a dense and diverse microbial community will also protect your intestine from being colonized by pathogens, as well as minimize the proliferation of diseases causing diseases, according to a study ofImmunology of nature. These harmful pathogens - that you can ingest poorly manipulated food, untreated water or inappropriate hygiene - can cause light diseases such as food poisoning for more serious problems such as tuberculosis.


You will control your appetite

Gut health metabolism

A solution in which your microbiome affects your weight and your metabolism can be connected to the ability of your GUT bug to regulate the appetite. According to researchers from the University of New York, a bacterium of the stomach calledHelicobacter pylori Can really change the levels of hunger stimulation hormone, Ghrelin, in your body. With the rise of antibiotics and a diet based on refined foods, levels ofH. Pylori have decreased in our belly biomes. And that means less of its inhibitory effect on our appetites - maybe right for which many of us arestill hungry.


You can be protected from heart disease

Gut health diversity

Researchers have found that when patients with hypertriglyceridemia - a precursor of coronary disease-artery characterized by high triglyceride levels possibly caused by obesity and sedentary habits - received a daily probiotic supplement for 12 weeks. Triglyceride level has improved with an additional decrease in risk factors. For cardiac disease, according to a newspaper studyAtherosclerosis.


... and a host of health problems

Gut health diversity

Think of your intestine as a college committee: she loves diversity. There are hundreds of known bacterial species and a happy intestine should have many of them. Research shows that diversity (both the number of different species and the very life of these species) of your microbiome is an important part of your health. In fact, a study in the newspaperNatureDiscovered that people with low bacterial diversity were characterized by greater adiposity, insulin resistance, cholesterol and abnormally high lipids in blood and a more pronounced inflammatory phenotype. Yikes. How do you increase the diversity of your intestine? Nourish it with a vegetable diet, play outside (there is really merit of "rubbing some dirt from dirt!") And stop killing species with microbe murders, like loaded meats antibiotics, processed foods and sugar.

Want to know more ways to cultivate a healthy gut? Continue to read!

How to improve your health


Restore your healthy biome with probiotics

Gut health yogurt

One of the first steps to cure your health is reconstructing the levels of beneficial bacteria. You can do it by taking a probiotic supplement or incorporating probiotic products,fermented foods, like yogurt, Kimchi, and (Gasp!) Even the leaven! Contrary to what many think, leaven is not a flavor, it is in fact the process where the wild yeast and the friendly bacteria break down gluten and sugar in wheat flour, transforming it into protein, vitamins and Pleasant minerals. The starches and grains of the bread are predicted by the bacterium and the yeast, which allows you to digest and a much healthier option than any too transformed white bread.


Feeding your intestinal bacteria with prebiotics

Gut health prebiotics

Just like us, the bacteria of our intestine also need food. And the best foods for work are food-rich foods like leafy greens,Resistant starches-The potatoes, legumes and grains, grains, bananas and even dark chocolate contain varied fibers that feed our Gut bugs. In fact, a study in theFunctional Food Journal I found that the food-resistant starch actually reinforces your intestine biome. It is because healthy bacteria literally get a digesting material, more and more dominant and leading to a cleaner and more efficient intestine.


Eat more plants, less meat

Gut health quinoa

Fiber-rich plant foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain many amounts of fiber, a crucial nutrient to good health because it feeds our beneficial bacteria and also helps disable resistance-related genes. at insulin and inflammation. But while most whole grains and fiber-rich vegetables help this process, quinoa deserves a special place in your daily diet because it is a complete protein - one of the few factories with an acid profile amino similar to meat. It is important because a Harvard study recently found that a diet based mainly on animal protein, particularly that involving a lot of food packaging and burger packaging - can quickly change the delicate balance of the microbes. In your belly. Give up eating animals can be delicate, but not when you follow ourUltimate guide to go without meat!


Fill with polyphenols

Gut health polyphenols

You have probably heard that free radical antioxidants known as polyphenols are essential to reduce inflammatory oxidative stress, causing diseases, but a study published in theClinical Biochemical Nutrition Journal Found additional service may be due to their contribution to the health of incidents. In rats fed a high diet, only rats that have also consumed an anthocyanized polyphenol extract (similar to what you will find in the blueberries) have been able to reduce the damaging effect on the intestinal microbiota of rats. In examining the results, speculated polyphenol researchers can play an important role in preventing degenerative diseases (as well as weight loss) because they improve your microbiome environment. What are you waiting for, catch thesepolyphenolsStat!



Gut health exercise

Not only does exercise help you lose weight by burning calories, but studies show that this will also help you fishing with belly fat by changing the types of organisms that live in our guts. A study published in the newspaperIntestine Examined the differences in the intestinal composition of athletic rugby players and a group of sedentary men in overweight or obese. Rugby players had considerably more diversity in their intestinal microbiomes than men in the sedentary group, as well as a larger number of Akkermansaceae, a bacterium that has been linked to a reduced risk of obesity and systemic inflammation. Staying active will also promote healthier digestion, helping your body process, break down and eliminate food more frequently, which can also help weight loss. If you do not have time for the expert - Recommended 30 minutes per day of moderate intensity exercise, try thealternative method-He cut the exercise time in two and you will reap the same benefits!



Gut health coconut oil

A major cause of an unhealthy intestine is a high carbohydrate diet. This is because the carbohydrates consist of sugar molecules, the main source of fuel for a particular yeast mushroom, Candida. Without beneficial bacteria to keep candida in Bay, this mushroom can exceed your intestine, break down your intestinal walls and release toxic by-products in your blood via a disease called leased intestine. Candida imbalance can in particular reduce gastric acid, which causes inflammation and poor digestion. Since coconut oil contains a powerful antiviral acid, caprylic, it can help improve the health of bacteria and incidents by destroying bad bacteria and candidates. This is not the only thing that coconut oil can do. Learn more in our report,20 Advantages of coconut oil.


Stress & Are Handre With RIDS Trayptophan Footilizations

Gut health turkey

Many times, poor diet is the result of a vicious cycle. You feel depressed, you eat more indulgent foods to reduce the negative feelings, you earn weight, then your mood plunges again. And when you eat these high energy foods, you can also kill the gut bugs that keep you happy. In fact, 95% of Happy Hormone Séotonin is produced in our intestine, and depression, stress, sleep problems and enthusiasm for high energy sugarse might tell you that you are deficient in serotonin and aggravating your health . Because tryptophan is a precursor of the construction of serotonin, eating rich foods in this poultry of amino acids, seeds, chickpeas, milk, bananas and many of theseBest foods to sleep-Can Help improve your mood so you stop diving yourself in the Chips bag, stop failing your bugs from your suitable fuel belly and stop gaining adverse weight.


Get Shuteeye

Gut health sleep

Drinking that your daily fours of four or five cups of coffee can help your private sleep feature, but it will not cure your intestine. According to a study in the newspaperPlos aPeople who often change in the days when they go to bed - essentially living in a chronic time difference state - can move their intestinal microbiota to an inflammatory state, precursor of obesity, metabolic syndrome and inflammatory intestinal disease. And a review of several studies published in theMedical Journal of the University of Toronto Remembered the evidence that artificial lights, computer screens, irregular sleep schedules and work all contribute to a disrupted diet and circadian rhythm, and in turn, a sick gut community. Get to sleep better with these7 Habits of people strongly rested.


Back a backup

Gut health bring in backup

A healthy gut biome is crucial for correct digestion. As we read earlier, our bowels help us break food and even synthesize essential B and K vitamins. When your intestine does not work at its best, there are lower levels of these useful bacteria, which could lead to nutritional deficiencies. While you wait for your bioe to heal, you can help your body digest food by eating certain foods rich in digestive enzymes - active proteins that break fuel food, such as honey, pineapple, mango and sprouted grains. (Get away from soy, however, it is packed with digestive-enzyme inhibitors.) You can also help digestion to move with these experienced peopleFood to tame a troubled belly. (And yes, one of them is ginger!)


Rebuild your belly

Gut health rebuild belly with bone broth

In addition to cure what is inside your intestine, you must also target the GUT itself. Destructive feeding years can break down the intestinal walls, causing a condition known as "Gut Fuit", in which the inflammatory markers circulate in your body, resulting in the accumulation of belly fat. Nutritionist Cassie Bjork, RD, LD, recommend eating nutrient foods that rebuild the Gut wall, like L-glutamine (you can find it in spinach) as well as omega-3 anti-inflammatory from fatty fish. The bone broth, in particular, is a great way to heal your intestine. When animal bones are boiled to make broth, theircollagen is decomposed into gelatin and dissolved in the water. "When we are ingesting that, it acts as intestinal help, protecting and healing the mucosa of the digestive tract that AIDS digestion and helps us absorb additional nutrients from the foods we eat," explains the nutritionist Lauren Slayton, MS, RD.


Engage in healthy diet

Gut health time

Our intestine microbiota is quite delicate and it will take time to heal. The best way to heal your intestine is staying at a healthy diet - and this includes weekends. Researchers at the University of Australia of New South Wales, the University of Australia, found that when the rats were on a Yo-Yo diet (as in, they ate healthy during of the week and have eaten the junk throughout a three-day weekend), their microbiota was almost indistinguishable from rats of diet rats 7 days-week. More specifically, the consumption of junk food has reduced the beneficial microbial species that can metabolize omega-3 and flavonoids (antioxidants that contribute to weight loss, as well as protection against neurodegenerative diseases). So, basically, in binging on junk food - even if it's only three days a week, you will not only make you weight, but it can also move your intestine microbiote on the same scheme associated with obesity.


Eliminate destructive foods

Gut health dont eat

It is important to eat not only foods that help improve your belly biome, but to stop eating food that destroy it. This includes reducing the contribution of:

(1) Junky, inflammatory foods such as fried foods, refined flours, hormonal products and antibiotic-charged products, synthetic sweeteners, artificial food additives and gastric irritants such as alcohol and caffeine.

(2) Sugar! All these processed foods are generally high sugar, which is fuel for pathogenic bacteria, fungi and yeast that can conquer and kill your beneficial bacteria. It's not going for whole foods like fruits, who havenatural sugars.

(3) Gluten of highly transformed breads. Recent studies have found that gluten can negatively affect intestinal bacteria, even in people who are not sensitive to gluten.

(4) Meat cooked at high temperatures. When cooking meat at high temperatures, chemicals called heterocyclic amines (HCA) are produced. According to a study inNutrition logThe increased consumption of HCA causes changes to our intestinal microbiota that increases the risk of colorectal cancer.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Good health
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