The worst way to lose weight, says doctor

Do not fall for these unhealthy weight loss tactics.

Your body is precious - but the world wants you to believe otherwise.Toxic diet culture You want you to believe that your body is not thin or strong enough, and in order to get the "body that you have always dreamed", you have to pay a very restrictive 30-day meal plan, or 14 days. Juice cleans. While the photos before and after announced by these companies look attractive, the truth of the question is,Diets de ADF,distoxesand other "fast fixes" do not work forLong-term weight loss. There is no conclusive evidence that shows how restrictive feeding can actually help you lose long-term weight. And yet, the weight loss industry is flooded with customers in the hope that this particular purchase of this particular program will finally change them for good. But all he does is tell you to seriously restrict what you eat, making it the worst possible way tolosing weight.

But ... the photos before and after are real, right? Do not be so easily fooled.Even doctors say that long-term lasting weight loss can not be achieved with the ADF schemesAnd most of the time, these people on the photos will almost always recover their weight.

Adrienne YOUDIM, MD, FACPP, a internist specialized in the loss of medical weight andnutritionand author ofHungry for more, focuses specifically on how dietetic cultivation and weight loss industry continue to mentor yourself to what it means to be healthy.

"Unfortunately, a common approach is to take into account the messaging to fear and false promises of ADF regimes and fast fixes and we are moving away from what we know intuitively to be true - we have what we have need in us, "says Youdim. "Often these approaches are too restrictive and unsustainable. They have defined unrealistic expectations that promote sabotage and catastrophic weight gain or find themselves that results only judgment and shame."

Forget the focus program on you.

His advice? Concentrate on yourself and no one else. Forget the false messaging that the toxic culture tries to cross, and ratherConcentrate on how you can improve your relationship with food outside a crazy and restrictive weight loss program.

"Look in yourself and explore your relationship with food," says Youdim. "What is your hunger? Perhaps you feel isolated or distressed, maybe you are anxious or bored. Maybe you do not define the necessary limits to take care of yourself Even. Use this information to feed you with what you need emotionally. "

Youdim says that the best way to define healthy borders while feeding yourself properly is to create a "success environment". You can do it by creating "new routines around healthy meals and daily movements".

Here are some of the YOUDIM recommendations on how you can startAdjusting healthier routines at home This will help you lose weight in the long run, instead of counting on FAD regimes and fast fixes. Then make sure to check our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Store your refrigerator and your pantry.

stocked fridge

"Create the environment to succeed with healthy options stored in your fridge and your pantry," says Youdim.

When your refrigerator and your pantry are supplied with good health objects, it is much easier to follow a nutritious diet without thinking too much about it. HookEssentials of healthy grocery store, fill your freezer with theseHealthy frozen foodsand get your ready-to-do pantry with theseStaples of healthy pantry.


Take the time to pack your lunches and cook healthy meals.

packed lunch

"Remember that you do not need to spend the whole day in the kitchen to prepare a healthy meal," says Youdim.

Eating healthy does not mean spending hours in the kitchen! In fact, many prepared foods allow you to easily switch to work for a healthy diet. You can prepare your meal these21 easy lunch ideas made with 3 or less ingredientsTo facilitate work days and prepare these100 recipes the easiest you can do When it's time to prepare a meal. Or why not keep that simple and store on some of these25 best frozen dinners When you do not want to cook?


Get an adequate sleep.


"Studies show that sleep deprivation reveals hunger hormones," says Youdim.

It may not seem like that, but it's true. A study published by theJournal of Sleep Search Shows that even a single night of sleep deprivation can increase Ghèline levels, hormone that your body produced that makes you hunger. TheDisease Control Center (CDC) Says that the average adult should have at least 7 hours of sleep every night for optimal health, so be sure to catch these ZZZ to avoid indistinct snacks of the next day.


Be nice with yourself.


"And I finally remember being nice," said Youdim. "It's a process but with self-compassion and dedication, you'll get there!"

Positive affirmations can really go very far. According toPsychology today, the statements can be used as tactics to obtain your unconscious mind to change your prospects on particular subjects-weight andThe body image included.

We know that the ADF diet, quick fixes, detox and any other restrictive food activity does not work for long-term lasting weight loss. These types of activities have always promised a one-way ticket for a "thinner you", as long as you do not get screw up and get off the track.

But if you do if you do? And if you eat this extra cookie or decide on a bowl of pasta instead of a salad? Is it so wrong?

Of course not. As Youdim suggests, be nice with yourself. Eating a healthy diet means finding healthy ways to include all the foods you like in a nutrient diet, because the food restriction does not work clearly. With a small co-compassion, you will find not only physically happy with your new way of eating, butmentally happy in your body also.

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