Secret Signal You can have a new Alzheimer's study
The disease appears to cause modifications to specific cells in the brain.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in the United States, with more than five million people affected. At the same time, it is disproportionately mysterious. Although scientists have become safer causes of Alzheimer's disease, including an accumulation of toxic plates in the brain called amyloids - a lot about the disorder is still poorly understood, including how the brain reacts as The disease progresses (and so how it could be slowed down. Or stopped).
CornA new studyProvided a potential understanding of this process. Researchers at the ASU-Banner Neurégenerative Research Center (NDRC) and the MIT / KOCH Institute has developed a new model of Alzheimer's progress. In their research, they found an association between the accumulation of these plates, the degeneration of the brain and the cells (called glial cells) which generally protect the brain.
More specifically, scientists have connected neurodegeneration to two types of glial cells: oligodendrocytes and microglia. Changes in these cells can help researchers understand how Alzheimer has degraded the brain.
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GLIA cells can keep the key
"Our results show that there is a plethora of cellular signaling paths activated at all stages of the disease. We may be able to repose the available therapies to target the Kinase proteins that govern these cellular signaling events," saidWhite Forest of the MIT Biological Engineering Department. "Clinicians are studying today study therapeutic effects on amyloid and TAU as mandated disease, but our results suggest that GLIA cells are involved at every step of the process. A better understanding of GLIA cells and their roles in progressive neurodegeneration can offer new possibilities for treating this disease. "
Scientists have called for more studies and collaboration. NotedDiego Mastroeni of the NDRC: "Individual person can not tackle this disease; he will take a group effort to fight against this devastating disease."
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What is Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer's disease, a type of dementia, is a disorderThis can lead to changes to memory, reflection and personality, inhibiting a person's ability to work. It is a progressive disease; At present, there is no cure. About 50 million people live with various types of dementia in the world and that the number should triple by 2050, as the populationage And people live longer.
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Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease
The memory problems are a first current sign of Alzheimer's disease. Someone with Alzheimer can forget recent or important events, or names and places. Other symptoms include:
- Misguided articles and be unable to trace steps to find them
- Visual and spatial problems, such as getting lost by driving
- Difficulty in solving problems and completing mental tasks, organize or plan
- General confusion
- Coordination issues
- Unexplained personality changes, such as depression, anxiety or mood swings
Talk to your doctor if you feel one of these and to cross the healthiest life, do not miss theseFirst signs you have a serious illness.