This Taco Bell food caused permanent paralysis, customers claim in a new trial

A contaminated dish would have left a paralyzed woman with a rare disorder.

The truth is told, the majority of articles onFast food menus are not great for yourhealth. But even if you admire in an occasional guilty pleasure, you probably would not be careful that the Drive-Thru stoppage can encourage a potentially modifying disease. A woman claims to have experienced the worst nightmare of each fan of fast food after ordering a contaminated dish atTaco Bell, who would have left his paralyzed with a rare disorder.

LAW360 Reports that Wanda Shadix and her husband, Shererel, filed a legal complaint in Georgia State short on a series of events that would have stopped after stopping during a localization of Taco Bell in Calhoun on June 10, 2020. Depending on the complaint, Wanda Shadiix ordered aNachos Bellgrande With Pico de Gallo and no sour cream after the church that night, while her husband ordered a supreme burrito with a dew Baja Blast Mountain. (RELATED:More Saddes restaurant closures in your state)

The complaint transmits what allegedly contemplated:

By taking the first bite of his nachos Bellgrande, the applicant Wanda Shadix noted that the meal looked different from those she had eaten in the past and tasted dried. "

For this reason, Shadiix "did not finish his nachos, eating only half of the meal."

In about four beds of bed, Shadix would have awakened chills, diarrhea and severe stomach pain. His husband "felt nausea and had stomach ache", according toLAW360.

Five days later, Shadiix would have started experiencing problems using his hands and then lost control of all members. Depending on the complaint, Shadiix was admitted to an intensive care unit of the hospital nearby for a month. She then transferred to the Medical Center from the University of Vanderbilt for three weeks before undergoing three months of hospital physiotherapy and various medical interventions.


Shadiix would have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disturbance known as Guillaine-Barre Syndrome. TheMAYO Clinic Described Guillaine-Bar as "a rare disorder in which the immune system of your body attacks your nerves". The complaint also affirms that it is now quadriplegic:

The Wanda Shadix applicant is now a quadriplegic. Thanks to a treatment, Wanda has made improvements and can now breathe and talk to itself as well as play minormovements with his hands. However, at that time, it is unclear to what extent its paralysis will be permanent.

As a result, Shadixes are looking for damages related to seven counts, including negligence and strict liability. They call Taco Bell and his parent company, MIAM! The brands, as a defendants, with five other anonymous parties (which are considered employees and suppliers of Calhoun Taco Bell Store).

Taco Bell did not immediately respond to a request for comments fromEat this, not that!

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