A major effect of eating flax seeds, says science

The tiny seed could have major benefits for your longevity.

You may already know thatlinen are an easy way to addMore fibers to your diet. Proves, there are more of these seeds filled with nutrients thatHelp you feel full andSmooth your digestion-They could even help you live longer. The seed lines contain a plethora of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help combat dangerous diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers.

"Many people are surprised to learn that flax linen are rich in a beneficial form of omega-3 fatty acids. The fish has two forms of omega 3S-EPA and DHA. Linen seeds have another form, called ALA "Samantha Cassety, MS, RD, expert on nutrition and well-being, and co-author ofSugar, RecountEat this, not that!. "Ala is a nutrient essential since we can not do it alone. Two tablespoons of flax seeds on the ground ... 2.8 grams of omega 3s."

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Compare that to the1.5 gram of omega-3s in a portion of 3 ounce wild salmon. Casetty noted that when your body does not receive omega 3, it needs, it "can promote low-grade chronic inflammation, which is linked to many health problems, including self-immune inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease and mood disorders ".

Victoria Goodman, DSC, RDN, LDN, CLT Added that the anti-inflammatory effects of the seed can also help fight "certain cancers ... and diabetes".

To maximize the benefits of seed health and for the most enjoyable food experience, you will probably wish to add it to your diet as a linen linen flour because our body has a hard time digesting the seeds whole.

"The seeds are so difficult that the seeds can be passed through the intact system. This provides an insoluble fiber, which is nice, but ... the flax meal on the ground contains the soluble fiber, which is beneficial to reduce cholesterol , "saysSarah Krieger, MPH, RDN.

If you do not know how to work the flax meal on the ground in your diet, start with thesePancakes with flaxbeins whereWhole grain oat level. In addition, for more information on how omega-3 fatty acids could help you live your longer life, check howHaving low levels of this nutrient can shorten your life, a new study says. do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest news from the restaurant delivered directly to your inbox.

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