The top 20 peanut butters are classified!

From Skippy and Jif to Justin and Teddie, registered dietitians help us to evaluate the healthiest and most unhealthy butters of all time.

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Peanut Butter is a key to pantry. Garnished with protein, fiber, andmono-unsaturated fatsThis "walnut" butter (peanuts are technically a legume, not a nut) is a source of cheap vegetable protein that is incredibly versatile and nutrient.

"It can be an excellent addition to recipes, sandwiches and fruit if someone tries to add proteins, healthy fats, and vitamins to their diet," says dietitianLauren Manaker MS, RDN, LD, ofNUTRITION NOW COUNSELING.

To enjoy its advantages, peanut health butter should have only two ingredients: peanuts (DUH) and sometimes a pinch of salt. But the manufacturers, even today the "all natural" brands to advertise healthy prepare their additives with bps you do not need simply.

To help you avoid less stellar pots and find the best peanut butter, we have joined registered dieticians to find out which brands are worth buying. Here is our final list of the healthiest peanut butters.

What are the advantages of peanut butter?

There are many advantages of peanut butter beyond being the perfect propagation for the easiest sandwich:Pb & j.

"Peanut butter is a practical and affordable source of monothy health and polyunsaturated fats, vegetable proteins, fibers and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and zinc," said dieticianShe Penner, MPH, Rd, ofmodern minimalism.

"In addition to being satisfied, sugar-free peanut butter is a relatively low carbohydrate food and has no significant impact on blood sugar. Studies show that people who regularly include nuts, including peanut butter, in their diet areless likely to develop heart disease or type 2 diabetes that those who rarely eat walnuts. "

"Peanut butter also provides unique nutrients, such as selenium and choline, and is a great source of biotin: the famous vitamin forSupport beautiful hair and healthy nails"Adds Manaker.

The types of fatty fat in peanut butter can support your health beyond helping you stay full: "Peanut butter is a large source of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids these Gras Acids play several essential roles in the body, including cellular. growth, cell maintenance (especially skin and hair), immune response and reproduction, "saysRachel Fine MS, RD, CSSD, CDN, A dietitian, and owner ofFor the Nutrition Point.

How to choose the best peanut butter

When you are shopping for peanut butter, there are a few things you should look out for when you check the label.

Nutritionists shared the following nutrition criteria they seek when choosing healthy peanut butter brands:

  • The list of short ingredients: "As a dietitian, I choose peanut butters that contain the smallest number of possible ingredients if I can choose a peanut butter that contains only peanuts and a touch of salt, which is the best choice in My book, "says-Manaker.
  • Zero or a low level of added oils"Oils, especially fully or partially hydrogenated oils, should not be in your PB these are often added to prolong the shelf life and prevent separation, but may have.Negative effects on blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase the risk of heart disease, "says Penner.
  • Zero or low added sugar: Peanut butter naturally contains sugar, so you often see 1-2 grams of sugar on the labels, even if it does not appear in the ingredients. It's theplayful The sugar you want to search. "Avoid added sugars like molasses, maltodextrin, corn syrup, etc. Whether they add empty calories, "says Penner. Although it is better to reduce your sugar intake, a bit in your PB is correct, according toMikka Knapp, RDN, CLT, Recorded dietary nutritionist and owner ofBright Bodynutrition: .. "Many brands include added sugar for sweetness it's not a deal-breaker for me, but I do not look for the brand of sugar lower than I keep less than 2 grams of sugar per serving we get More frost sugar. "
  • no emulsifiers:. "Emulsifiers are often added to prevent the separation and giving body butters of nuts and a texture some research suggest emulsifiersMay cause low grade inflammation In the intestine and have a negative impact on themicrobiomeSaid Penner.
  • Pass the low grass content or reduced versions in bold: "Some peanut butter lower versions contain higher amounts of sugar to compensate for the missing flavor when fat is removed. Too much sugar is not the best choice either, and the grease found in the butter Peanut is a healthy addition to his diet. I have not chosen reduced peanut butter, "says Manaker.

The 15 best brands of healthy peanut butter you can buy.

With these criteria in mind, dietitians gave us their personal recommendations for the best peanut butter you can buy.

One thing to note before you go to the grocery store: You should not be afraid of the oil on your peanut butter, it is the natural separation that occurs when brands do not add emulsifiers or d Additional oils to make peanutable peanutable butter. "You can always mix oils when you come home and keep your peanut butter in the refrigerator to prevent natural separation," recommendsShira Susi, MS, Rd, CDN ofNutrition Shira Susiand a dietitian inscribed at the New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

Let's see which brands have passed this test.


Smucker's natural peanut butter

Smuckers Natural creamy peanut butter

By 2 c.: 190 calories, 16 g of grease (3 g saturated), 110 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Peanuts, salt

Smucker's natural butter is the highest when we asked dietitians for the best peanut butter, including the fine and Gregg, especially because it is economic and that it meets the applicants from dietitians. To be made to only two ingredients: peanuts and salt. This is the best traditional brand of peanut butter on the market. Spread them in your toast in the morning and do not miss theseBest breakfast food to lose weight!

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Crazy Richard Creamy Peanut Butter

creamy richards peanut butter

By 2 c.: 180 calories, 16 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 0 mg of sodium, 6 g carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Peanuts

According to Crazy Richard's, they sneak in 540 peanuts in every pot of peanut butter - and nothing else! "My favorite brand with peanut butter has only one ingredient: peanuts," says Dietian registeredLauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, author ofThe packed breakfast club on the protein and owner "Crazy Richard's peanut butter has no added oil, salt or sugar for those looking for the purest product. You can always add a touch of salt if you want, but for limiting people Sodium and sugar due to medical conditions or food preferences, Crazy Richard is a fabulous choice. "


Creamy creamy peanut butter of Maranatha

maranatha Organic Creamy Peanut Butter

By 2 c.: 190 calories, 16 g of grease (2 g saturated), 80 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Grilled peanuts organic dry, sea salt

Although we love this brand because of its low sodium number, we love it more because it has the smaller texture (thanks to a single dual grinding process) without the need for added oils.


Once more creamy biological no salty peanut butter

once again peanut butter

By 2 c.: 190 calories, 14 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 0 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fibers, 2 g of sugar), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Organic peanuts

Do not be induced by the two grams of sugar in this pot - any sugar once more, the peanut butter is natural, nothing has added, why it is one of the favorites of Susse. In fact, there isliterally Nothing added to this pot. Not even salt. It is therefore a good low-sodium peanut butter option for those looking to look at their salt intake or those who love cooking with peanut butter and seasonal dishes themselves. If youto do Like salt, we also make a salty version and a slightly sweet version.


Classic Creamy Peanut Butter of Wild Friends

wild friends peanut butter

By 2 c.: 190 calories, 16 g of grease (2.5 g of saturated grease), 95 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fibers, 2 g of sugar), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Roasted peanuts, sea salt.

Fine recommends wild friends because of its list of simple ingredients and solid fiber and the number of proteins.


Teddie smooth all natural peanut butter

teddie smooth peanut butter

By 2 c.: 190 calories, 16 g of grease (2.5 g of saturated grease), 125 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, sugars of 2 g), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Cacahuètes roasted dry, salt

Penner lists Teddie among his favorite peanut butter lists, alongside the Kirkland brand brand signature Bio peanut butter.


Prosperous organic peanut butter, creamy

thrive market squeeze peanut butter

By 2 c.: 180 calories, 16 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 5 mg of sodium, 5 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar), 8 g of protein

Ingredients: Organic peanuts

Few lists of ingredients are as simple as Thrive Market's peanut butter. This makes this option really stand out is the fact that it has only one ingredient (peanuts), it is organic, and it is $ 3.49 affordable. You can thank the low cost to prosper the market mission to bring healthier foods to more homes at more affordable prices. All you have to do is register for an annual subscription to unlock their updated prices. An additional bonus: this PB is delivered in a practical size pouch - no need to dirty a knife!


Justin's classic peanut butter

justins classic peanut butter

By 2 c.: 210 calories, 18 g of grease (3.5 g of saturated grease), 25 mg of sodium, 6 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 2 g sugar), 7 g protein

Ingredients: Dry roasted peanuts, palm oil

Justin Gold took her pb from farmers markets in Bodegas everywhere, and it's taken for good reason: it's creamy and addictive, but with a super low sodium number.


Nuttzo peanut pro smooth

nuttzo peanut butter

By 2 c.: 190 calories, 16 g of fat (2.5 g saturated greases), 40 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 2 g sugar), 7 g protein

Ingredients: Peanuts, cashew, almonds, brazil nut, linen seeds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, Celtic sea salt

The increase in the diversity of your diet will help provide your body with more nutrients, vitamins and minerals that it should work at its best. One of the easiest ways to be done is to opt for this nut butter of Nuttzo, which includes a mixture of seven nuts and seeds, including selenium-rich Brazil nuts and fiber-rich seed lines.


Creamy creamy peanut butter from Santa Cruz, dark grilled

santa cruz peanut butter

By 2 c.: 180 calories, 16 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 55 mg of sodium, 5 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Biological roasted peanuts, salt

For a brother's flavor, richer and roasted with your peanut butter, opt for a pot of Santa Cruz, which is made from Spanish cacahuets dark roasters.


Noomi peanut butter

noomi peanut butter

By 2 c.: 180 calories, 15 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 65 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 3 g of sugar), 6 g protein

Ingredients:Arab Arab Peanuts Organic Roasters, Bio Grape Core Dates, Grape Seed Oil, Peanut Oil, Atlantic Sea Salt

Yes, there is such a thing that a sweet peanut butter in good health. "I would like Noomi peanut butter," says Manaker. "It is done with the best ingredients: organic peanuts, sea salt, peanut oil, grape oils and dates instead of sugar. No hydrogenated oils or refined sugar!"


Crazy Richard Peanut Butter Powder

Crazy Richards peanut powder

By 2 c.: 50 calories, 1.5 g of grease, 0 mg of sodium, 4 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, <1 g sugar), 6 g protein

Ingredients: Peanut

The new wave of peanut butters powder smashes the calorie materials, making it a favorite of people in the diet, leaving a dry powder that you restore with water. If you are looking for pure purest peanut powder (most brands have sugar), look no further than Crazy Richard's, a favorite of SUSSI's. (In touch:Can the peanut butter really help you lose weight?)


Fogg peanut correction and butter

fix and fogg peanut butter

By 2 c.: 180 calories, 14 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 40 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Hi-oleic peanuts, sea salt

We have tasted the world's "peanut butter in the world", Fix & Fogg, and it is also among the healthiest.


Earth Balance CRE creamy creamy creamy + Spread Flaxed

earth balance creamy peanut butter

By 2 c.: 200 calories, 16 g of fat (3.5 g saturated grease), 115 mg of sodium, 6 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, sugars of 2 g), 8 g protein

Ingredients: Peanuts, sugar, linen flax, palm oil, salt

Yes, this peanut butter has sugar, but it's not a breakSandra Gultry, RDN, LDN, CPT An authorized diet nutritionist, a certified personal trainer and founder ofEverything is question of choice. "This is a natural peanut butter with the added linen bonus that is less than 1 gram of added sugar. This label is always great!"


Natural Jif

jif natural creamy peanut butter

By 2 c.: 190 calories, 16 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease), 80 mg sodium, 8 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 4 g of sugar [2 g added sugar]), 7 g protein

Ingredients: Cacahuets, sugar, palm oil, salt, molasses.

While the JIF brand does not meet the requirements of the best peanut butter, it does not mean that you have to avoid it quite if it is the only option available in your supermarket. Instead, simply make an intelligent swap. "For guests loyal to the classic JIF brand, I recommend you from the original to the natural variety. The taste is identical and you avoid harmful trans fat from hydrogenated oils. Added sugars remain in my 2 grams by service recommendations. In addition, you can not beat the price at $ 2.28 a pot, "says Knapp. If you want to reduce even more sugar,Jif now makes a propagation of creamy sugar peanut butter added!

The 5 worst brands of peanut butter you can buy.

The unhealthy peanut butter pots are high in sugar, unnecessary emulsifiers such as monoglycerides and hydrogenated oils, while being low in protein.


Peanut Butter & Co. Wonderful Chocolate White

creamy peanut butter co white chocolatey wonderful

2 tablespoons: 180 calories, 13 g of fat (3 g saturated grease), 35 mg of sodium, 12 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 7 g of sugar), 6 g protein

There may be many peanut butter & coach peanut butter options, it's not one of them. There are only 6 grams of protein against 7 to 8 grams in the options above. In addition, it has almost four times the sugar of the best cacahuet butter jars on this list, including 6 are "added" sugar, which equates to 12% of your recommended daily nutrient limit.


Skippy reduces creamy peanut butter butter

reduced fat skippy creamy

2 tablespoons: 190 calories, 12 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 170 mg of sodium, 14 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 4 g of sugar), 7 g protein

When you read "Reduced fat", know that it means that it means higher in sugar. Skippy adds solid corn syrup and sugar to this pot.


Original peanut butter of Peter Pan creamy cream

peter pan creamy peanut butter

2 tablespoons: 200 calories, 16 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease), 125 mg of sodium, 7 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, sugar 3 g), 8 g protein

You can thank the addition of hydrogenated vegetable oils to this PB for its celine count above average.


Jif spreading creamy peanut butter

jif reduced fat creamy peanut butter

2 tablespoons: 190 calories, 12 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease), 190 mg of sodium, 15 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 4 g sugar), 7 g protein

This famous peanut butter contains only 60% of peanuts, so what are the 40% more?! These are 14 other ingredients, such as corn syrup solids and fully hydrogenated vegetable oils.


Peter Pan Colubre and Honey Spread, Natural, Roasted Honey, Creamy

peter pan natural honey roast creamy peanut butter

2 tablespoons: 210 calories, 15 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease), 135 mg of sodium, 11 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, sugar 8 g), 7 g protein

If you want your peanut butter to have almost as much sugar as your jelly, you can buy this bathtub. But if you do not want to eat more than 30 grams of sugar in your peanut butter and your jelly sandwich, it is better to pass and opt for the 19 high protein breakfasts that hold you fully instead of.

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