What happens to your body when you eat too much salt
This addition of salt in your meals can have deep effects on your health of head at feet.

Whether you sprighten some on your salad or add some pinch to your home sauce at home, adding salt to food is a regular part of the culinary routines many people. However, while the 2020-2025Dietary guidelines for Americans recommend that adults do not consume more than 2,300 milligrams ofsodium Per day, most people in the United States become much more than that every day.
According to a 2018 study published inJamaThe average American adult consumes about 3,608 milligrams of sodium per day and that the high level of dietetic salt can have serious consequences. Read it to discover the effects eating too much salt can have on your health. And for simpler ways to improve your eating habits, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.
You can develop kidney problems.

If you want to keep your kidneys in good health in the long run, there is no time as the present to start reducing your salt consumption. According to a 2018study conducted in JapanHigh consumption of dietetic salt was associated with an increased risk of 29% of renal function altered in the 126 adults studied.
In addition, a 2018 observation study published in the journalInternational kidney found that among those with hypertension, high sodium consumption increased the risk of developing chronic renal disease.
If you want to keep these vital organs healthier, avoid thesePopular diets that can damage your kidneys, according to science.
You can have persistent headaches.

PusherPainful headaches Maybe easier than you think: simply start to reduce the amount of salt you eat.
A 2014 study published inBMJ Open found that among a group of 390 topics of study, those who consumed the most sodium declared to have the most headaches, while those who adopted a low sodium regime have significantly reduced their risk of evil head.
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You can gain weight.

If you are looking forward toreset, Reducing your sodium consumption can be a good place to start.
A 2015 study published in the journalObesity Discovered that sodium intake was associated with increased weight and that every 1,000 milligrams increase daily in sodium was associated with a weight increase of 6 pounds.
You can feel bloated.

Do your skinny jeans feel a little too bodily lately? You may want to reconsider the amount of sodium you consume.
"Sodium in salt pulls water with it. If there is extra salt in the digestive tract, it will draw water in the digestive tract, which will make youbloat, said Holly Klamer, MS, RDN,My Crohn and Colitis team.
Your blood pressure can increase.

If you are looking to get yourarterial pressure In a healthier range, reducing your sodium intake is an ideal place to start.
"The water follows the salt, then when you consume a lot of salt in one session, you keep a lot of water. This brings up your blood pressure, damaging your arteries over time," explains Megan Byrd, Rd ofThe dietitian of Oregon, who notes that this can lead to hypertension,cardiopathyand even long-term heart failure.
For more times on how to decrease your numbers, here is the20 healthiest foods that lower blood pressure