Check this hormone can help reduce blood glucose, study of the study

New research suggests a connection between sustained cortisol levels and high blood glucose levels.

New research indicates that there is a clear connection between thestress hormone Cortisol and high blood sugar levels in people living withType 2 diabetes.

A recently published study in the journalPsychonuroendocrinology found that those who exposed Cortisol Flatte profiles had higher levels of blood glucose (sugar). Cortisol levels that seem to be flat throughout the day are often the result of high stress levels and even depression. According to the conclusions,Having sustained cortisol levels can make the regulation of blood sugar levels more difficult and finally managing diabetes. (In touch:21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time)

"In healthy people, cortisol fluctuates naturally throughout the day, crying in the morning and falling at night," Dr. Joshua Jose Joseph, an endocrinologist and researcher at the center of research of diabetes and metabolism of the Ohio State Wexner State Wexner, who directed the study, mentioned. "But in participants with type 2 diabetes, cortisol profiles that were flattered throughout the day had higher levels of glucose."

Joseph said there are four pillars ofDiabetes management: diet, physical activity,to sleepand stress. Stress is a factor often forgotten and understood, which encourages it to study its relationship with blood glucose levels. All participants in the study had diabetes and those who have constantly experienced stress or depression had hadLevels of sustained cortisol.However, the pace of cortisol levels seems to be very important in multiple health outcomes, according to Joseph.

Researchers also believe thatCortisol can play a role not only in diabetes management, but also prevention. However, more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis. Until then, Joseph tells his patients with type 2 diabetes of managing the stress and depressive symptoms by periodically taking the time to relax and make an activity that makes them happy.

"We started anew try Examine whether full perception practices can reduce blood glucose in those of type 2 diabetes, "Joseph says. But this is not the only effective form of stress relief. It's important to find something you enjoy and do some of your daily routine. "

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