These meat processing plants will only do the claim of the CEO

Preventive measures implemented in major plants will help prevent a second wave of stopping.

At the beginning of the pandemic, several greatFood processing plants had several workersPositive test for coronavirus, which led to immediate judgments. Many factories that had to end operations about two weeks on own clean and allow employees to recover were meat processing plants. However, a great executive of the industry believesthat future closures due to Covid-19 are unlikely to reproduce Thanks to new protocols in the industry, set up.

Andre Nogueira, CEO of the great beef and pork producer JBS USA, says producers of meat processing plants have taken protective measures to avoid another major closure, according toWall Street newspaper. These steps include taking the temperature of the workers and provide them with sufficient appropriate safety equipment. (In touch:This is the only way to contract Covid-19 to the grocery store)

"With all the protocol put in place ... In early March and continued to evolve, I think we are in good shape," said NogueiraWall Street newspaperWorld Food Forum. "We do not control the disease outside the plant, but I am instead confident that we will not have the size of the disturbance we saw in April and May."

The first wave of stopping major meat producers, such as Tyson Foods, Inc., Hormel Foods Corp. and Cargill, is largely what caused thescarcity of meat The nation faced in the spring. Most companies have given employees a time outfit during closures, but the industry as a whole has yet suffered.

Another JBS precaution, which provides meat with popular brands such as Smithfield Foods and National Beef, is in application of its processing plants involves conducting "monitoring tests" among workers. These tests help monitor the signs that would indicate infections could be disseminated between employees. Clearly, these preventive measures have been successful so far.

"The number of positives over the last two or three months in the plants has been quite low," Nogueira said. However, if cases were mainly in the community of JBS's respective factories, the company would close the site accordingly.

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