Secret side effects of food soda to drink, experts say

Sweet sodas are not the only threat of health, say that experts from dependence on taking the population of the population.

What kind ofsoda without sugars drinker are you: the genre that loves the occasional sip of Fizz and flavor, or the one thatTo To have it every day? Because it iscalorie-Free, you might think of your favorite diet, drink not aligned as a preference ... However, after a journalist shared the struggle of his 40 yearsCoke Light habit,addiction The experts sound an alarm of yourhealth As we suggest a doctor, we should all be "very concerned".

That weekNew York Times Published an article in which a writer, Abby Ellin, revealed that she had been "helpless" on her daily regime coke for decades. "At different times, I tried to stop me, but I could never deprive me more than a week," writes Ellin. She could only leave the diet when he is persistentabdominal pain Mandatory A solution of medical diagnostic procedures, such as a colonoscopy, an ultrasound and a CT scanner ... which are all inconclusive income.

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With no other explanation, the writer has left the diet, cold turkey. Then she spoke with specialized clinical experts on the subjects of public health, psychology and nutrition to find out what's really going on when you can not live without your favorite food drink. Continue reading to learn the secret side effects of food soda to drink. Also, do not missEating habits to avoid if you sit all day, say dietitians.

Science says that dietary soda can lead to such a serious dependence or even worse than cocaine.

diet soda

Ellin explains that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association of Mental Disorders did not count the dietary soda among its list of addictive substances.

However, research suggests that the addition of it should be a consideration. Ellin quotes a2007 study In which laboratory rats were forced to choose between saccharin and cocaine, the latter that the researchers described as "a very addictive and harmful substance".

Between the two, a remarkable 94% of the rates chose saccharin on cocaine, even if they had already represented signs of cocaine dependence.

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False sweetness leads envy.

Human brain on a dark blue background

The diet coke is flavored with aspartame, not saccharin, but the two artificial sweeteners can have a similar effect, says a doctor. Ellin spoke with Pamela Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP, FACSM. Peeke, which counts nutrition and public health among its specialties, explains that aspartame that Solderens Diet Soda is largely to blame for the reason you may want more: artificial sweeteners do not deliver a solution.

As Ellin writes: "Artificial sweeteners activate thebrainThe reward system of the reward, but only about half as regular sugar, Dr. Peeke said. False Sugar does not bring the same Wallop as real stuff, so that prevents you from wanting more and more. "

RELATED:What happens to your body when you eat artificial sweeteners

Caffeine is also to blame.

Ellin says it's sweeteners, combined withcaffeine (Another addictive substance), which makes diet soda a powerful punch to two to many who love it.

And, the author explains, a 12 ounce can of Coke Diet has about 33% of caffeine over 12 ounces of Coca-Cola Classic (45 milligrams against 34 milligrams, respectively). This can be used to make diet cocomula all the more addictive, compared to drinks not set to food.

Some experts believe that it is time to treat dietary sodas like other drugs.

drinking soda

Ashley Gearhardt, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan and the School Food and Addiction Sciences Director.

Via Ellin's Report, Gearhardt said that if the diet coke, or any diet, a new pharmaceutical product has been put in place thanks to a test protocol appropriate for its addictive effects, it would be likely to generate a more examination. deepened. As Gearhardt says, "we would be very worried."

Here's how to know if you have to get back on the diet.

drinking soda

In addition to the abdominal pain, she lived who prompted him to leave the diet coca for good, Ellin said that for her, the drink was starting to taste "as I guess a tidal podle."

In addition to the physical symptoms that might indicate that your dependence on dietary soda became too far, Gearhardt described the following symptoms as signs of recognizable dependency:

  • When you lose control over a desire.
  • When you consume it, even if you know you should not.
  • By removing, it sends you by the withdrawal.

You may want to know more about soft drinks.

Woman with Soda Glass in a Restaurant

Research has shown that gaseous drinks can affect yourliver, GUT Health, insulin levels, your weight and more. Read Surprising side effects of not drinking diet soda, say dietitians .

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