Does Orange juice really help with a cold? We asked an expert

Remedy Go-to Home of your mother might not be as far as you think!

Child, my mother gave me a 100% orange juice to the first sign of the sniffings and it is a habit that I continued today. My mother fed from orange juice for vitamin C which she supplies, but as an approved dietitian / nutritionist, I know OJ has a lot to offer. But does it really help heal your cold?

It's time to investigate and discover the truth, once and for all.

What is orange juice that we thought to help fight a cold?

First of all,It has a lot of this classic vitamin C, as orange juice is an excellent source of it. An 8 ounce glass provides 124 milligrams, or 165% of suggested daily consumption of vitamin C for women and about 140% for men. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that protects cells, especiallyWhite blood cells (WBC). WBC are on the front line defending the body and vitamin C they are able to wbc shields while they are fighting with cold viruses and other germs.

There is no doubt that vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining aStrong immune system. Yet it is difficult to know if the consumption of orange juice actually turbocharged body defenses, largely because most of the evidence on vitamin C come from studies carried out with supplements.

A review On the research revealed that the taking of supplements continuously (at least 200 milligrams a day) reduced the length of colds by 8% in adults and 14% in children. However, when people took vitamin C pills at the first sign of a cold, they did not shorten the cold weather or reduce the severity of the symptoms.

Although it is impossible to compare vitamin C in orange juice with pills taken, we know that no single nutrient produces an anti-ball immune system. Orange juice offers several nutrients that can help you fight colds.

In addition to vitamin C, what else in orange juice explains how it helps fight a cold?

A glass of OJ is also wrappedpotassium. The potassium is found in cells, including those who combat infection. Your body does not make potassium, so you must consume it every day. Eight ounces of orange juice provides nearly 20% of suggested daily consumption for women and 15% for men. Potassium also plays a central role in fluid balance, which is important because you lose the fluid by blowing you 100 times a day when you are under the weather, with perspiration if you also have a low quality fever.

In addition to vitamins,Orange juice is a fluid. The water, as you know, helps maintain body temperature and transport nutrients throughout the body. Orange juice is mainly water and counts towards the recommended daily intake of nine fluid cups for women and 13 cups for men.A study Even found that in relation to sports drinks, water and other drinks, orange juice has favored a better fluid balance and has helped the body to remember more potassium.

Orange juice contains certaincarotenoids-The plants' compounds also called phytonutrients - that the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A protects the tissues that match your nose and throat that act like germ barriers. So the carotenoids of OJ also have antioxidant properties andhelp reduce inflammation, which makes you feel better.Hesperidin Another plant compound in orange juice and preliminary search suggests that Hesperidin into orange juice supports the immune system.

RELATED:Your guide on the anti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.

If you are looking for ways to get the most out of any fresh hair removal joist, here are some suggestions for how you can eat juice better when you fight a cold, or every time you need a vitamin Cost.

  • Mix with equal amounts of hot or black green tea. Hot drinks and steam cooked relieve congestion and fluid soothes your throat and nose. Add honey, if you wish.
  • Freeze as pops. Pour orange juice into pop molds for a fresh and refreshing treat.
  • Make a spritzer. Mix equal amounts of cold orange juice and seltze water or lemon in a large glass.
  • Whip a smoothie: combine 2 ice cubes, 1 medium ice banana (sliced), 1/2 plain cupGreek yogurt, 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract and 1/2 cup of orange juice in a culinary robot or a mixer. Mix at high speed until gently, about 1 minute.

Essentially, my mother was right about Jo being a healthy drink, but she probably did not know that when it comes to orange and cold juice, all the food is superior to the sum of its parts. Although 100% orange juice does not contain any added sugar, it is often grouped with sweet drinks without nutritional value, but it's not right. Overall, orange juice is a dignified drink when you are under the weather, and even when you are not. It might not cure like magic your cold But it has properties that can help you feel better.

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