What happens to your body when you drink coffee

Your morning brasserie can cause more than jitters.

It does not come like a surprise that 64% of American adultsreport drink at least onecup of coffee a day, with 11 percent of a decrease of four or more! In addition, your average Joe drinks up to three Joe cups a day. With so many inflating peopleCoffeeWe decided to dive into the list more nuanced and more surprising things that coffee can do for and for the human body.


This could make you live longer.


Search published in the newspaperTraffic Suggests that coffee consumption could accommodate the mower. Come to this discovery,School Harvard of Public Health Researchers Survey more than 250,000 Americans over 28 years old and asked them about their diet and coffee consumption. After analyzing their disease and death rates over the last twenty years, they found that among non-smokers, those who drank between three and five cups of Java daily were less than 15% less likely to die of Some cause causes only those who were not as friendly with their neighborhood barista.


This can give you a better vision.

Caffeine caffeine will have your adrenal glands pumping adrenaline. Within 20 minutes, your students will dilate as a result of this natural excitement. The result? You could temporarily enjoy the more accurate vision.


Attention, men! The coffee warns you.

Man drinking coffee

Men who consumed between 85 and 170 milligrams of caffeine a day - the equivalent of two to three cups of coffee - were 42% less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction (Ed), according to a recent study published in the journal.Plos A. The researchers attribute the benefits to the relaxing effect of caffeine on the arteries, which improves the blood flow to the penis.


The coffee can exacerbate stomach burns.

Woman experiencing heart burn and acid reflux from gastroesophageal disease

When you drink coffee, you raise the level of acidity in yourstomach. It is often a good thing as an increased level of acid contributes to thedigestion of food. Problems can occur when you drink too much coffee on an empty stomach. Gastrie juices too acidic can irritate the intestine lining and cause stomach burns.


Too much coffee could prevent you from storing more fat.

According to a 2005 study published inPsychosomatic medicine,caffeine Can increase cortisol levels, stress hormone, in stressed people. Chronly high levels can trigger excess fat storage, which can result in obesity.

The French presses could increase their bad cholesterol. A2007 Baylor College of Medicine Study Demonstrated that the ingestion of structurally similar molecules Caesterol and Kahweol (which are not both found in coffee beans) can result in a significant increase in LDL levels in humans. This does not necessarily be concerned if you drink your Java via a method that uses a paper filter because it can link CafeSestol and Kahweol during brewing. This means that only a tiny fraction of these cholesterol-happing molecules never makes it at your morning cup and in you. If you have a high cholesterol and use a French press, you may want to think about your brewing method.


The coffee can straighten anxiety.


It is often associated with the jitters so that the idea that your habit of coffee could be a salvo to your daily worries and that concerns may seem counter-intuitive. However, coffee actually stimulates the release of dopamine. This good chemical feeling arouses feelings of contentment. Is it amazing that this kind of thing is free in most offices?


A small coffee can slow down your heart rate.

Drink coffee and your blood pressure can increase a little. Your heart reacts to this pressure drop by slowing slightly. However, if you continue to drink beyond a cup or the heart is likely to accelerate.


Coffee consumption can exacerbate stomach ulcers.


Stomach ulcers can be painful excessively. The coffee can make a number on the mucosa of your gastrointestinal tract, giving rise to ulcers and other forms of gastric irritation and damage. If you have an ulcer, you may be the best of coffee while the situation has improved. Do you think you are too young to worry about ulcers and all that other things? So you'd better read thefoods never eat after 30 years and then readAge.


Coffee can make you hear things.


If you have finished spending the night in a haunted house, you may want to bring a drink other than coffee. A study conducted atDurham UniversityIn 2009 revealed that people who consumed at least 315 milligrams of caffeine (about three cups of coffee per day) were three times more likely to hallucinate than those who drank less than that amount. Seeing things, hearing voices, and detecting the presence of ghosts were among the experiences reported by the test participants. Sinister.


Coffee stimulates you.


Only 20 minutes after drinking a cup of coffee, you will start feeling stimulating effects is everything. You can expect to experience a degree of more vigilance and be able to better focus on tasks.


The coffee is good for your heart.

Harvard researchers discovered that coffee drinkers decreased by 10 percent the risk of death by heart disease. But a common Java add-in can counter the effects stimulating the health of the drink: cremier. The traditional varieties are packaged with trans fat, often hiding under the cover of its less known name: hydrogenated oil, which increases the cholesterol levels and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Ouch! Do not let your cup create up to harvest healthy fruits for the heart.


Coffee makes you shit.


According to a study published in the newspaperIntestine, "The speed at which the response [peristaltism, rippling muscle contractions in your gastrointestinal tract] occurs suggests an indirect action on the colon because it seems unlikely that the coffee would reach the colon at this time either by the intestinal light or the Blood circulation. We suspect that coffee can induce a "gastrocolic response" by acting on epithelial receptors in the stomach or small intestine. Such a mechanism could be mediated by neuronal mechanisms or gastrointestinal hormones. The coffee was shown to promote the release of gastrin, which can increase peak and engine colic activity ".


The coffee can smooth the dimply parts.

As a general rule, Marc of coffee thus thrown away without hand; but some say that taking them in the shower with you as they canMinimize the appearance of cellulite. Work scrub and massage together to help stimulate blood circulation and tighten the skin.


Coffee is the energetic drink of three hours of origin.


The coffee is known for its ability to give drinkers some get up and go, but after three hours that the energy borrowed has got and disappeared. To keep the buzz, you will need to drink more coffee. This tactic could possibly be a problem because drinking coffee too late in the day can disrupt the production of melatonin, the primary body's sleep hormone.


Coffee can help reduce pain.

Young African designer looking through window thinking about the future

Even if you are not a regular coffee drinker, caffeine can help accelerate pain relief. According to WebMD, not only can caffeine can make 40% more efficient analgesics in the treatment of headaches, but it also accelerates the body's reaction to medicines. That being the case, it should not be surprising that many out-of-sale medications of headaches also contain caffeine.


The coffee is not good for birth babies.


A study published in 2008 in theAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, And found that the risk of miscarriage betweenpregnant women is more than double in women who consume more than 200 mg or more caffeine a day. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also recommends an upper limit of 200 milligrams a day.


He will feel positive.


The researchers found that the participants in the study (the two smokers and non-smokers) who drank at least one cup of coffee per day had up to a lower rate of 36 percent of suicide and it was not the First group of researchers to make this discovery. Several other studies have suggested a reverse association too. Even though it's still clear if there is something in the drink to thank or if coffee drinkers just occur to share common lifestyle factors (such as higher employment rates) that are often associated with lower suicide risk. A theory is that caffeine could be a contributing factor, which makes a lot of sense. Caffeine has been shown to reduce dopamine loss (AKA hormone happiness), according to the report.


It's good for your brain.


Good news continues to come! The coffee drinkers were also found to be between 9 and 37 percent less likely to die of neurological diseases such as Parkinson's dementia and disease. Although the reason is not yet fully understood, a theory is that caffeine coffee could be a contributing factor.


The coffee helps you burn calories faster.


Coffee is one of the best drinks for weight loss because it stimulates your metabolism.

The average metabolic rate of people who drank caffeinated coffee was 16% higher than those who drank decaf, according to a study published in the newspaperPhysiology and behavior. A cup of black coffee is a good choice for a pre-training drink. Researchers have discovered that cyclists who took a caffeineextra charge could ride about a mile further than those who took a placebo. Make your ventrance and jump the sweeteners.

But do not do it too much. Have a few cups of coffee for aBOOST metabolismBut if you're never seen without a cup at your lips, it could work against you, said Nutritionist Amy Shapiro. Caffeine is a natural appetite poster cutter. If you consume constantly, you can not eat a lot - or realize how hungry you are, until you get home for dinner. "Do not eat enough throughout the day can make your metabolism slow," she says. "By the time you dine, instead of immediate use of this food for energy, your body stores it aggressively in the form of grease, in case it is private again."

RELATED: Learn toDeposit your metabolism and lose weight in the intelligent way.


You can drink a lot of germs.

Microbiologists from the University of Valencia in Spain took samples of drops of drops of nine Nespresso machines. They found that between 35 and 67 general of different bacteria hanging out in the remains of trays. A CBS survey a cup of a cup had staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Bacillus cereus and E. coli. The bad news is that it is difficult to avoid these mini threats, even if you do not use a cup manufacturer. Coffee cups are often contaminated. "In our studies, half had fecal bacteria in them," said Microbiologist Dr. Charles Gerba told Fox News in 2013. EW.


Just feel the coffee could change your brain.

Of course, we all know that coffee can notify you when you drink it, but according to search, just blows with grilled beans can have a deep and measurable effect on how the brain works. Studies carried out on the brain of stressed and non-stressed rats showed that stressed rats had different levels of activity in 17 brain genes. In addition, levels of certain brain proteins have changed in a way that could have a calming effect on stress or have an antioxidant function.


You can feel a withdrawal.


"Regular consumption of caffeine leads to a physical dependence to caffeine, which manifests itself as symptoms of withdrawal when a caffeine user stops abruptly with the help ofcaffeine"Said Laura M. Juliano, Director of Behavioral Pharmacology and Health Promotion at the American University, Washington, DC." A diffuse-throbbing headache is a mastery feature of the withdrawal of caffeine. The reason is that one of the pharmacological effects of caffeine is a constriction of blood vessels in the brain. "


A cup can help prevent headaches.

"There are certain headaches, called hypicmic headaches, which can be prevented from caffeine," says Dr. Kathleen Digre, a member of the American Academy of Neurology and Director of the Headache and the Headache Division. Neuro-ophthalmology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake. "Hypicnic headaches are a rare headache in the elderly who start after their sleeping sleep. Dining a little coffee before going to bed can prevent hypocical headaches. Caffeine is also used in headaches post-lumbar (which can happen after a person. undergoes a verbal robin]. "To have more dreams and see a slim success with these20 ways of losing weight in your sleep!


The coffee can smooth your feet.

A mixture of coconut oil and humidity rich in antioxidants facilitates the perfect combination of natural ingredients to eliminate and repair rough skin, says Carolyn Doe, spa director at Umstead Hotel and Spa. Its recipe includes a cup of virgin coconut oil, a half-cup of coffee on the floor of your choice and one with two teaspoons of vanilla extract mixed together.


He can repel liver cancer if you drink drinks.

A new study of the Global London International Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) suggests that regular coffee consumption could reduce the risk of liver cancer in people who alcohol to excess on the REG.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / Drinks
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