Secret side effects of drinking coffee, says science

Your Joe cup can do more than just give you an energy jerk.

For the majoritycoffee drinkers, one daywithout Joe's (or two or three ...) cup is simply unthinkable. Pouring a cup of this morning brewing is a daily ritual that gives coffee drinkers a boost of mental and physical energy to deal with the day. Despite common warnings on the health consequences ofDrink too much coffee Or caffeine, there is resounding evidence that the right amount of coffee can reduce the risk of many chronic conditions and add years to your life.

One of the most widely appreciated drinks in the world, coffee has been studied in depth for decades. Coffee is a complex drink that provides more than 1,000 plant-based bioactive compounds, including antioxidants, polyphenols, fatty acids and caffeine. Together, these compoundsProvide significant health benefits. ACoffee studies review published in theNew England Journal of Medicine I revealed that coffee can improve cardiovascular health, insulin resistance, bile calculations, certain cancers and even mental health.

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant and some 80% caffeine in many of the benefits we are waiting for coffee comes from its caffeine. Caffeine is what helps to wake up, increases energy, improves concentration and helps us exercise longer and more difficult. According to the Dietary Directives of Americans, about 400 milligrams of caffeine per day are considered a healthy quantity of caffeine and equates to about four cups of coffee a day. (Pregnant women should discuss their caffeine consumption with their health care provider.)

But wait, there is more! Read more about the secret side effects of drinking coffee and for more things to eat healthy, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


This can add years to your life.


A dieHistorical studies Published in the newspaperTraffic I found that those who drank 1 to 5 cups of coffee a day had a longer life compared to those who reported having drunk little or no coffee.

In fact, the researchers reported thatDrinking 1 to 3 cups of coffee a day was associated with a 15% reduction in the risk of dying.

There are many reasons why coffee can add years to your life, but researchers believe that antioxidants, caffeine and other bioactive coffee compounds help improve blood sugar and cardiovascular health. While four cups can be ideal, there are studies that suggest that heavy coffee consumption (> 5 cups per day) can be associated with an increased risk of dying.

Read more:The 13 drinks to sip for a longer life, say that doctors


It improves your mood.

iced coffee

There is a reason why you are definitely feeling better after your first cup of coffee. Studies show that caffeine that coffee provides advantages of your mood. Ina study published in theInternal medicine archivesHarvard researchers studied more than 50,000 middle-aged women and reported thatThose who drink the most coffee are less likely to suffer from clinical depression.

In another study, published in theAffective Disorders JournalScientists have studied more than 80,000 materials and concluded that regular and moderate consumption of caffeine probably reduces depression in women. That said, other studies have linked excessive coffee consumption (more than four cups per day) with depression, but researchers believe that other behaviors are probably linked.

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This can help protect against Parkinson's disease.


According toParkinson Foundation,Coffee consumption has been suggested to play a protective role in the development of Parkinson's disease. A significant number of large studies and based on the population dating back to 1968 indicate an inverse and reactive relationship between coffee consumption and the risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

Scientists have recently progressed in determining how coffee helped protect the brain from debilitating disease. Recent studies have suggested that caffeine and fatty acid in coffee work together to help protect neurons in the brain of some of Parkinson's mastery indicators.


It acts as a performance improvement.

black coffee

Like most sports dietitians attest, coffee is one of their own favorite tastesPerformance enhancers. When consumed at normal amounts, it is currently not prohibited by the International Olympic Committee and there is an important agreement that caffeine helps to increase the power, speed and accuracy of sports that last from 60 seconds to many hours. When coffee is appreciated before exercising, it stimulates the central nervous system and the epinephrine to give energy bursting, reduce the receptors of pain and increases fat burning so that the muscles can burn More fat as fuel. In areview several studies on caffeine and performance, researchers concluded thatCaffeine stimulates exercise performance of 11.2% on average.


It can protect against Alzheimer's disease.

friends drinking coffee

Several studies suggest that coffee drinkers may have a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD). In a review study published inNeurological researchThe researchers reported thatCoffee consumption is conversely associated with a risk for Alzheimer's disease. Coffee drinkers experienced a 30% reduction in the risk of advertising an ad relation to those who have not drank coffee.

In an animal model study published in theAlzheimer's Disease JournalThe coffee supplied with rodents with AD helped protect against memory loss, he helped keep the memory and seems to actually help reverse certain effects of advertising in an animal model. Although more research is needed to show these benefits in humans, there seems to have little disadvantage of drinking coffee with moderation for its potential health benefits.

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