What you can (and can not) eat on the dash regime

This healthy cardiac diet is one of the first regimes recommended by experts. Find out what food should be on (and left of your shopping list.

Food approaches to stop the hypertension orDiet, is mainly associated with the promotion of cardiac health, although it can also be used for weight loss and general health. To be a diet that isproven to treat serious health conditionsThe list of dash foods is quite flexible and non-restrictive. That's probably what you think when you imagine a well-balanced diet.

Unlike other popular diets, there is no long list of rules you need to follow on the stem regime. However, there is a list of advanced food you should have on site during each of your purchase trips. While you will find that many of your favorite foods are allowed on the diet, there are some popular foods that will have to be left to the left of your grocery list.

Continue reading to find out which foods are allowed and restricted on a list of advanced food.

What is the dash regime?

The adjustment of the main diet is to help people reduce their blood pressure. To do this, the guidelines help people reduce their sodium consumption and to avoid high, sweet and fatty fatty foods that can increase blood pressure because these foods are closely related to heart disease, a stroke and cerebra. at a high cholesterol level. Experts have created this plan after several studies have shown that when people have followed a plant-based plan, they had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure.

At the same time, you will also increase your micronutrient consumption: the diet Dash suggests eating more fruits and vegetables. Following whole grains, the products are the most consumed food group on the diet.

"There is a solid science that tells us that eating a high diet in fruits and vegetables, poor and moderate meats in whole grains, fish and nuts can help reduce blood pressure," said the expert nutritionBeth Auguste, Rd.

What are the benefits?

The dash regime is not only popularized by the general public, but it is also strongly supported by science. Originally, the regime started as aAlternative to pharmacotherapy for people with hypertension. Now, it is recognized as a diet that promotes overall health and the prevention of key conditions of health, includingcardiopathy,Hypertension, andCancer.

Who is this diet?

In brief: almost everyone. As she promotes general health and presents preventive properties, almost everyone can benefit from the dash regime.

"The dash regime is good for almost everyone. It contains the proper nutrient balance to help prevent chronic diseases and also provides an appropriate amount of protein, grease and carbohydrates," says Augustus. "The only person who should not follow the dashboard diet is a person who deals with a disease such as kidney disease and has been told by their doctor that they need to closely monitor one element of their diet. "She adds.

What are the guidelines for serving Dash foods?

Before entering specific foods, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions for serving advanced foods.

The dictates dictates anumber of daily servings of food groups. For example, in a 2,000 calorie system, a person would include:

  • Whole grains: 6-8 servings per day
  • Vegetables: 4-5 servings a day
  • Fruits: 4-5 servings per day
  • Milk and dairy products without fat or low in bold: 2-3 servings per day
  • Skinny meat, poultry and fish: 6 ounces or less per day
  • Nuts, seeds and legumes: 4-5 servings per week
  • Greases and oils: 2-3 servings per day
  • Sweets and sugars added: 5 servings or less per week
  • Maximum sodium limit: 2,300 milligrams a day or 1,500 milligrams a day

Before entering exactly in which foods are included in these food groups, we will discuss which foods that the Dash regime recommends that you cut off your diet.

What foods to avoid on the dashboard.

The stem regime limits foods that will have a negative impact on your blood pressure and cardiac health. The following foods should be avoided when you follow the food plan.

High sodium foods

Fast food double cheeseburger

Studies Have shown that considerable reduction over dietary salt is associated with a decreased risk of hypertension, heart disease and stroke. Not sprinkling salt on your meals is one of the main challenges of the adepts of the dash regime face. However,salt reduction is an integral part of the plan, then opt for herbs and spices instead.

  • Table salt
  • fast food
  • Pre-packaged foods
  • Processed meats

Red meats

bacon strips on grill

On a1999 studyThe stem regime focuses on fish and chicken on red meat. Although it is not strictly forbidden, red meat consumption should be limited because it is high in saturated grease and cholesterol.

  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Calf

Saturated fat

Slice new york pizza unhealthy guilty pleasure foods

There are contradictory reports if saturated grease isrelated to heart disease. The Dash diet plays its safety and recommends reducing your food consumption in saturated fats.

  • Cheese
  • Fat sections of meat
  • Poultry
  • Lard
  • Cream
  • Butter
  • Whole milk

Added sugar

praline cookies on wax paper

If you follow the dash regime, you will want to get used to reading ingredient labels on packaged foods and ignore the addition of cubes of sugar to your tea. Although sugar and hypertension research is limited, some evidence argues that sugar can increase blood pressure. There may not be a link concluding between the two, but it's always a good idea toReduce the added sugar; The sugar is rich in calories and adds without nutritional value.

  • Table sugar
  • Candy
  • Condiments with added sugar
  • Junk food

RELATED: The easy guide toSugar reduction is finally here.

What foods can you eat on the zipping system?

Now that we have what you should cut away, it is now time to teach what diet food in the dashboard you can take with happiness more.

Whole grains

whole grains pasta cereal bread

Portion: 6-8 per day

With a recommendation from 6 to 8 servings per day, whole grains are the basis of the dash regime for their ability toReduce the risk of hypertension. Although it can look like a lot, it's as easy as having whole grain cereal cereals or oatmeal for breakfast and quinoa, brown rice or wheat pasta with the Lunch and dinner.

  • Whole wheat bread
  • Full wheat paste
  • groats
  • Brown rice
  • Non-salty pretzels
  • Pop corn


High protein shake strawberry banana mango smoothie

Portion: 4 to 5 servings per day

All fruits are compatible on the stem regime. In fact, the diet encourages eating them. Let go your fear that natural sugar in the fruits is bad for you. Enjoy 4 to 5 servings a day in the form of snacks, smoothies, trim and desserts. Limit service sizes to 1/2 cup of fresh fruit and 1/4 cup for dried fruits.

  • Apples
  • Banana
  • Appointment
  • Grapes
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Raisins
  • Strawberries


paleo vegetable variety

Portion: 5 to 6 servings a day

The favorite restoration group of each: vegetables. As you get older, vegetables become less frightening. On this diet, you will want to pack in 5 to 6 portions daily. Try to make soups, salads and accompanying dishes with old favorites like peas and carrots and are not afraid to try new vegetables like Spaghetti Shash.

  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Necklaces
  • Green peas
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach

Migrant proteins

Plant and animal protein sources - chicken cheese beans nuts eggs beef shrimp peas

Portion: 6 ounces a day

The dash regime was inspired by the vegetarian lifestyle, but this regime is not entirely based on the plants. You can eat a maximum of 6 ounces of lean meat or eggs a day. It does not seem much like a lot, butLess meat can be better For patients with hypertension and heart risk to health. Paste with poultry and fish and avoid frying. Vegetarians and vegetarians can opt for Tofu and Tempeh.

  • Grilled meat, grilled or poached
  • Skinless chicken
  • Eggs
  • Fish

Low fat dairy

Dairy products like pitcher milk container yogurt cheese on tablecloth

Portion: 2-3 per day

The regime recommends avoiding high levels of saturated fats. So you can exchange integer dairy products to fries and bold. You can always enjoy 2 to 3 portions of dairy products a day as long as they are low in bold and sodium.

  • Skimmed milk
  • Low fat cheese
  • Yogurt without fat or low in bold

Nuts, seeds and legumes

Walnuts sunflower flax sesame pumpkin seeds

Portion: 4-5 per week

TheDash regime recommends Consume this food group 4 to 5 times a week. Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats while legumes, such as beans and lentils, are good sources of vegetable protein and rich fiber. The stem regime focuses onIncreased fiber, and thesehigh fiber foods will help you do that. These are all sources of many vitamins and vital minerals. Portions are fewer than other food groups, however, which is that these foods tend to be higher in calories.

  • Almonds
  • Nuts
  • Sun-flower seeds
  • Peanut Butter
  • Bean
  • Lentils
  • Split peas

Healthy hearts

paleo oils and fats

Portion: 2 to 3 servings a day

Aspects of the dash regime are inspired by the Mediterranean regime, which is rich in healthy fat. Healthy healthy fats are also an important part of the dash regime, which is why subscribers consume 2 to 3 servings per day of monounaturated fats. Your oil will probably be olive oil.

  • Olive oil
  • Canola oil
  • Carthame oil
  • Low fat mayonnaise

Low fat candies

PB and J

Portion: 5 or less per week

You are better sugar without sugar, even if the creators of the dash regime understand that you will want to offer you from time to time. In this case, they recommended some approved sugars that you can deliver at 5 times or less a week.

The candies approved by the diet are all low in bold and include:

  • Fruit flavored gelatin
  • Jelly
  • Maple syrup
  • Sorbet and ice cream

Getting started on the dash regime.

There is not much to undertake when it comes to the principles of the dash regime, but if you go from the standard American diet, it may seem a lot.

Start by crossing your pantry and donating non-compliant foods. You should also consider identifying your alcohol and your coffee hides if you suggest your goal. Studies Show that the reduction of the two drinks is linked to a better control of blood pressure.

Find recipes that look like some of your favorite foods can also help make the transition less drastically. Although the diet plays an important role in your overall health, So doing the exercise . So, cook and move.

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