A major side effect of eating cauliflower, says science
This is probably why you avoid eating veggie.

Cauliflower Maybe not the most exciting vegetable among the group because it does not go a lot of taste. At the same time, it is also one of the most versatile vegetables.Chou-flower rice,cauliflower crust... What can not you do with a cauliflower head? However, there is a major side effect to eat cauliflower: it can cause a lot of gastrointestinal discomfort.
Similar tobroccoli, cabbage and germs of Brussels, cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable, which are all large sources of folate,vitamin kand fiber.Unfortunately, they can be difficult to digest, especially when they are eaten raw, which can cause bloating and gases. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)
Cruciferous vegetables contain something calledtaper, which is an oligosaccharide - a type of carbohydrates that isnaturally occurring in plants. Curiously,The human body is not equipped with the appropriate enzyme to help break the raffinosis, which means it travels from the small intestine to the undigested hail intestine. Essentially, once this undigested part of the cauliflower entered the great intestine, the bacteria from there will begin to ferment it. In turn, this can cause bloating and gas.
Not to mention, cauliflower also contains what is called glucosinolates, which are chemicals containing sulfur. As these chemicals break down into the intestines, they form other compounds such as hydrogen sulfide-aka, the culprit behind the sulfur smell gas that you can pass after eating cauliflower.
Most people can handle cruciferous vegetables of moderate doses, however, those with IM problems, including irritable intestine syndrome, can live even more digestive distress. Next to aLow Fodmap (An acronym for the oligo, di-, monosaccharides and fermentable polyols) can help eliminate these fibrous foods hard to digest.
If you are sensitive to cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, consider preparing them instead of eating Crus.Kitchen foods can help Kickstart to this process to break them so that your digestive tract is not working as hard,Especially these12 surprising vegetables that become healthier when they are cooked.
More stories of cauliflower to eat this, not that!
- What happens to your body when you eat cauliflower
- 5 ways to transform the gnocchi from the trader's cabbage joe into dinner
- 15 large cabbage products that will improve your diet
- How to make mashed cauliflower, the lane with low carbohydrates to enjoy comforting food
- 20 Cabbage rice recipes for carbon cutters

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