The best dairy milk to buy (and the worst)

While recently wicked, dairy milk contains many important nutrients and can still be part of a healthy diet if you choose the right brands.

We are ready to bet that the majority of American households have a gallon of cream milk and cold sitting in the refrigerator as we speak. Whether paid on breakfast cereals, added to the recipes or simply torn by vitreous milk, milk is one of the most versatile basic elements of our kitchens.

Although cow's milk has had bad rap in recent years thanks to the growing popularity ofalternative milkThere is still a lot to love on Good Ol 'Fashioned Favorites.

"Milk contains many important nutrients, including vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium and vitamin A," says Dietaïne Sarah Rueven, founder ofWell-being rooted. "Most dairy milks are also fortified withVitamin D, a vitamin that is not widely found in our food supply but is important for immune function, bone health and mood regulation, among others. "

And let's not forgetprotein: Rueven says that a mug of milk contains eight grams of protein, making it a great source of the same things thatSupports immune function, constructed and repairs the tissues and produces amino acids and necessary hormones. (Most herbal milks, on the other hand, contain less than one gram of proteins, which means that they are not a nutritional exchange of 1: 1).

How to choose a brand of healthy milk

You can buy milk from almost all stores that sells consumables, supermarkets and box stores to your local corner service station. But that does not mean that all these treaties are created equal; There are some things to look for if you try to buy the healthiest milk.

  • Search for biological and gas options. "The cows that have been fed mainly of the grass produce milk that has more omega-3 fatty acids [which] are beneficial for the health of heart and brain," says Rueven. Fyi, beingClassified as a biological, cows must have been nourished at least 30% of their grass diet.
  • Choose A2 on A1. You may never have heard of these labels before, but you should know what they mean if you are a regular milk drinker.Nicole Magryta, RDN and author ofNourish your tribe, says A1 and A2 refers to the subtypes of the beta-caseine protein found in the dairy: "A2 cow's milk, which comes from certain breeds of cattle such as Jersey or Guernsey races, is less inflammatory than the milk of Cow A1, [what constitutes] the vast majority of what is available on in-store shelves. "
  • Do your research on the RBGH.Recombinant bovine growth hormone, or RBGH, has been given to dairy cattle for decades despite the health problems that it often causes animals (and the fact that it can pass to man by drinking milk from cows treated with RBGH). It is wise to avoid it, but a label without the RBGG does not mean that your milk is responsible, either. "Labels that read" RBGH FREE "Make sure the dairy product does not come from cows treated with the RBGH, but that does not mean that they have not received antibiotics, GMO grains or are not No features during pregnancy, "says Magryta.
  • Stick with whole milk. For a long time, consumers have been warned to avoid the fat content of whole milk, but it is no longer the best recommendation. "Food recommendations to prevent dairy consumption from full fat is not supported by the literature," said Magryta. "New studies have no association between complete dairy and a risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity." In addition, not only is fat milk, Rueven says that the high fat content makes it more satisfied and can potentially prevent too much eating.

The 9 brands of the healthiest milk you can buy

This list of dairy milks will put in place your weekly buying list easier and healthier than ever before.

1. Best grass:Maple Organic Hill 100% Grass Cow

Maple hill organic grass fed whole milk

"This milk is made from cows that have not received antibiotics or growth hormones and have been nourished with grass for the entire life," says Rueven, who adds that he is important to choose a grass-based milk with a label that says "100% the grass to feed, because otherwise the cows may have spent most of their lives eating a cereal diet and do not By feeding the grass for a short time.

2. Best Organic:Stonyfield organic milk

Stonyfield organic milk reduced fat

According to Rueven, the health benefits of organic milk are found in its lack of hormones and antibiotics as well as its omega-3 fatty acid ratio to omega-6. "A diet containing too many omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3 has been linked to heart disease, as well as cancer, inflammation and autoimmune diseases," she explains. Stonyfield's organic milk checks all the necessary boxes, making it a solid choice.

3. Best ultra-filtered:Ultra-filtered organic milk of the organic valley

Organic valley ultra filtered milk

The ultra-filtered milk is like organic milk on steroids, except that you know, not - because it is basically the cleanest milk around, free of GMOs, antibiotics or pesticides. It's also technically healthier and easier to digest. "The ultra-filtered milk of the Organic Valley Valley offers more protein and calcium, less sugar and no lactose compared to fully organic milk regular," said Magryta.

4. Best no lactose:Organic valley Organic milk without lactose

Organic valley lactose free milk

To love the taste of milk but hates the symptoms of gi that come with the intoolerant lactose?Lactose-free milk Contains an enzyme called lactase, which Rueven says helps to break down the sugar found in the milk (a.k.a. lactose). As a bonus, Magryta says that the milk brand of the Organic Valley Valley comes from cows raised by non-powered pastures with GMO grains.

5. Best A2:The Milk Company A2 Vitamin D Ultra-Pasteurized Milk

If you havemilk digestion problemIt might not be due to lactose. Rueven says that this milk is produced from cows that do not produce the A1 protein, which means that some people with slight dairy intolerances can find easier to digest. The milk produced by the milk company A2 also received a certification ofValidusA company that conducts agricultural animal protection audits to ensure ethical treatment.

6. Best fortified:Clover Sonoma Organic Whole Milk DHA Omega-3 + Choline

Clover sonoma organic omega 3 choline milk

Macryta says the addition ofomega-3s and choline in this milk can support the health of the brain and that cows clover areAmerican Humane Certified and raised on local family farms that follow sustainable agricultural practices. The brand of Sonoma clover milk is only available on the west coast, but it is a healthy and ecological choice for people living in the Pacific time zone.

7. Best pasteurized at low temperatures:Life of the biological farm of the farm

Lifeline farm low temperature pasteurized whole milk
Courtesy of the farm of life

The farm of life isBiodynamic certified and grow 80% of the diet for their dairy cows internally, by Magryta. Their milk is alsoPasteurized VATWhich means he is heated in small batches at a lower temperature than traditionally pasteurized milk at high temperatures in large quantities. This means that it is safer to consume that raw milk, because it always kills bacteria - but can further preserve the beneficial nutrients found in milk milk.

8. Best goat's milk:Meyenberg Whole Goat Milk

Meyenberg goat milk

Rueven says that goat's milk is easier for some people to digest, especially if they are sensitive to cow's milk. She loves the meyenberg milk mark because she added vitamin D, so you will get an extra boost of nutrients that facilitate immune and bone health.

9. Best not pasteurized:Sidehill Farm Certified Organic Crui Milk

Sidehill farm raw milk

Plan a trip to Massachusetts or lucky enough to live there? You may want to participate in raw milk of Sidehill Farm, which Magryta says is a safe option sold on the farm. Raw milk has advantages, likeHigher levels of probiotics and nutrientsBut you need to be very careful. Because raw milk is not pasteurized, theDisease control centers(CDC) says it can also be contaminated with dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella and Listeria.

The 3 worst milk brands you can buy

It is not because the dairy milk can be a good source of protein and vitamin D, you can use a gallon of any old brand (not if you are trying to make healthy choices, anyway) . According to dietitians, non-organic milk is a great non-no, just like irresponsible milk. Pass these 3 milk the next time you shop.

1. Any store brand milk in a conventional way

Conventional dairy milk brands

"Non-organic milk is made from cows eating a diet mainly composed of GMO soy and corn products," says Rueven. "This diet decreases the amount of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants found in the milk." Magryta takes an extra step, recommending that consumers avoid bladed marks produced by chain stores such as Publix or Kroger, because they are not likely to sell quality (that is, biological, fed. 'grass).

2. Organic milk Horizon

Horizon organic milk

Think that the word "organic" means that a dairy product is worth buying? Still think. "This mark is known or suspected of practicing organic rules and regulations outside the intention, and [May] have a doubtful ethical treatment of animals", Magryta, pointing a history of marketing practices than someConsumer monitoring groups The complaint is misleading. Horizon has also been the subject of aContinuation of the 2018 class For including non-biological DHA in its biological dairy products.


fairlife ultra filtered milk

While Fairlife does not necessarily make one of the worst milks you can buy, they can always be qualified as one of the worst brands of milk. If you are concerned about the ethical treatment of dairy cows, Magryta Warns Fairlife might not be for you. Fairy Oaks Farm, a Fairlife supplier, was accused of having participated in Practices of abusive animals In June 2019 after hearing workers documented cases of animal cruelty. The survey is underway, but several class action have been filed.

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