Popular foods that make you look more like, says science

The result of eating these common foods may not be very attractive.

Believe it or not, when it comes toMaintain a young appearanceWhat you eat can have a significant impact. Nutrients, after all, influence our entire system and our skin is the largest organ of our body.

In other words, what you chowezliterally presents itself on your face. Dermatologist based in New YorkGary Goldenberg, MD RecountBydie That the biggest offenders trigger inflammation, which can compose existing skin problems. In addition, foods containing antibiotics can spoil your microbiome (is there something that is not connected tointestinal health?), Who can affect your skin.

BecauseThe juvenile appearance is characterized by a clearingA healthy skin tense and flexible, it is a question of reasoning to reason that everything that is the larger, acne, rosacea and loss of elasticity you are visually aging.

If you are looking to preserve a young appearance, head with these foods that make you look older. Then make sure to check our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


White bread

white bread

If you know it or not, mostbought store bread Contains refined sugar. It's true, making a sandwich with bread containingadded sugar (The worst kind) is like slapping part of Turkey in slices between two cake pies.

And sugar is a well-known enemy when it comes to preserving a young look. In the programThree sugar three, a plan to eliminate added sugar to lose weight and improve health, dermatologistWhitney Bowe. MARYLAND.reveals that when you have too much glucose and fructose in your diet, your skin becomes less elastic and seems to age faster. Nickname not so cute for this purpose: "Sugar Sag".




One of the worst delinquents for healthy skin? Cheese. Dairy products increase oil production in your skin, which can end up blocking your pores - sometimes evenleading to adult acne! This can be in part because dairy cows receive artificial hormones, which are found in their milk and, in turn, the dairy products we consume. AndAccording to researchThese artificial hormones can ruin your delicate hormonal balance when you consume dairy products.

This does not mean that you have to cut cheese completely - simply skip cheese products like a pizza or a mac and cheese. And when you buy cheese, opt for the one that is made fromOrganic and gaseous dairy products.

You do not have any difficulty navigating a Lingo nutrition label? We too - but readthis will help.


Ice cream

ice cream

This summertime starry packs a one-two punch: it contains both sugar and dairy products, so you get two potential inflammatory ingredients in each spoonful. If you can not participate in frozen treats, consider at least going to a dairy version. here is20 frozen desserts without dairy products to try.


Lactose protein

whey protein powder

Lactoseum protein is a staple inprotein bars and powders, but it may be time to exchange it for avegan alternative, given its negative relationship to your skin. The whey protein increases the production of IGF-1 hormone (insulin-like growth factor 1), which causes the skin to produce more sebum.

Whey protein toodisrupts the blood glucose of your body, create inflammation in the body that can end up appearing as skin problems,Explains Dr. Bowe.

RELATED:The worst eating habits for inflammation, says science


Artificial sweeteners

artificial sweeteners

Okay, artificial sweeteners are not food, but you sprinkle them on food and drinks - and that can cause all kinds of skin problems. Dr. Bowe explains how artificial sweeteners spoil with your microbiome, which, in turn, spoils with your skin in thisVideo packaged info.

The summary of Mr. Bowe: "Artificial sweeteners have the power to disturb so much microbial inhabitants of the intestine that they negatively affect the metabolism and the balance of blood sugar ... These dietary foods and drinks increase not only not only The risk of resistance to insulin and diabetes, but also skin disorders such as acne and rosacea through the domino effects of increased inflammation. High insulin levels are a leading cause of hormonal imbalances and Skin disorders ... Artificial sweeteners throw your blood sugar levels, they are also able to trigger skin problems. "

RELATED: Confirmed: artificial sweeteners make you fat


Processed meats

deli meats

Transformed meat bacon, hot dogs, meat charcuterie - are full of nitrates that can "damage by causing inflammation and wrinkles, "Dr. Howard Sobel, founder ofSobel and attend the dermatologist and the dermatological surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, saidEat this, not that!. They are also often high in sodium, which can "weaken the production of collagen", not a good thing, givenCollagen is essential for healthy skin, hair, nails and bones.

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