Popular foods with more protein than beef

Surprise! These plant-based foods pack more power of satisfaction than meat.

It's not a secret thatprotein is all rage these days and with good reason: it makes you feel full, it helps to develop muscles andstudies I even showed that eating more information can increase your metabolism and finally help with weight loss. And while the meat can be the first thing you think about the sources of high protein food, you can be surprised to know what many other foods have a higher concentration of this macronutrient.

According to the USDAThere are 17.1 grams of protein in a portion of 100 grams of 80/20 chopped beef with254 calories. There are 4 calories per gram of proteins, which translates into 68.8 calories of the protein, or27% protein per calorie. It may seem a lot, but it turns out thatMany legumes, vegetables and other sources of vegetarian proteins have even more protein per calorie-Who is an excellent news, considering that a 2020 study inJAMA internal medicine I noticed that eating two portions of red meat a week increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke from 3% to 7%.

We decided to double on theMain sources of protein by calorie(reaching more than 27% of calorie proteins found in the chopped beef) So we know that good foods to store, especially if you are looking forcut on red meat. Then make sure to check allPopular foods with more fiber than oats.



lentil soup

100 grams of lentils = 9 grams, 31% protein per calorie

Considering that a portion of 100 gram lentils has only116 Calories TotalThis means that it is composed of a 31% protein, which is considerably more than the chopped beef. How is it impressive? Not only that, but they are much higher in the respectful fiber of the intrigue, with 7.9 grams per serving. The lenses contain 19.6% of women's protein GDRs and 16.1% GDR for men.

The lenses make an excellent addition to soups, salads and grain bowls - but you can also try to substitute for meat in the hospitals and homemade burgers.




100 grams of tempeh = 20.3 grams, 42.3% of protein by calories

Made from fermented cooked soy,tempeh is a super popular source of protein in vegetarians and vegetarians - and it's easy to see why. He has more fiber than tofu and 42.3% protein calories that go beyond beef. Tempeh can bePan-fried, collapsed in burritos and even molded in the sausage. When slicing thin and seasoned with smoke, it is also an excellent substitution of the bacon. A portion of Tempeh contains 44.1% RDA for women and 36.3% of GDR for men.

Seitan, from gluten, contains 19 grams of protein for 100 grams, making another good option if you try to avoid soy products, as long as you do not have any celiac disease or allergy Gluten, course.




100 grams of broccoli = 2.8 grams, 33% protein by calorie

You probably already know thatbroccoli will overflow important vitamins and minerals, as well as a good dose of fiber. But did you know that it is also one of the best sources of vegetable protein? Since this cruciferous vegetable is so low in calories, it contains a 33% jaw protein. If it's not enough motivation to launch broccoli crowns on your next pasta dish, pizza or fries, we do not know what is.




100 grams of edamame = 11.9 grams, 39.3% protein per calorie

Edamame is low in fat, high fiber, rich in antioxidants and can actually helpCollate your cholesterol, making a phenomenal choice, that you were trying to lose weight or globally improve your health. But what you may not be able to understand is that Edamame is also composed of 39.3% protein.

Edimme steam cooked with a sprinkling of sea salt makes it possible to fill a filling afternoon snack, but you can also remove the beans from the cloves and add them to salads, grain bowls and rice crockery.

Edamame contains 25.9% of RDA for women and 21.2% of men's GDR.




100 grams of Kale = 2.9 grams, 33.4% of protein by calories

kaleis super low in calories but high in many essential vitamins, making it one of the densest foods in nutrients around. It also happens from 33.4% protein. Try to use as a base for a Caesar salad, throwing in the air-fryer to make crisp cabbage chips or blow up with garlic for a delicious dish.




100 grams of spinach = 2.9 grams, 50% protein per calorie

It seems that Popeye could have been on something - becausespinachIs not it just an excellent source of iron, calcium and vitamins A, C and K, but it also brings a surprising amount of protein. In fact, because spinach are so low in calories, it has a 50% omniping protein. Although it is a warning for salads and accompanying dishes, it also works well in smoothies, pizzas, dipped soils and layers in baked pasta.




100 grams of fungi = 3.1 grams, 56% protein per calorie

Do not underestimate the power of these nutrient mushrooms - with only 22 calories in a portion of 100 grams,mushrooms are 56% protein. It's almost double the percentage of protein in chopped beef! And as mushrooms have a fleshy texture, they actually serve as a perfect beef substitute for hamburgers and tacos.

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