These are the two best cardiac health schemes, according to doctors

Whether you have cardiovascular problems or not, these lifestyle changes can help your Ticker stay strong.

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In a recent study, published in the journalPlum medicine, just over 1,000 people who had had a heart attack were monitored during a year to see if their eating habits made a difference for if they have undergone a second attack. Proves, they did it. Those who followed aMediterranean style to eat - which involves a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, virgin olive oil, legumes, fish and walnutsshowed a much better cardiac function, specifically in the flexibility of the artery and the overall blood flow.

These results come into the line of other studies that have shown the protective effects of the Mediterranean food on the cardiovascular system, indicateRobert Greenfield, MD, Medical Director of Non Invasive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation at Memorialcare Heart & Vascular Institute at the Orange Coast Medical Center. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

"There is a reason that this way of eating has such a longevity in terms of recommendation," he says. "This is not a short-term plan that involves deprivation or reduction of food groups. It's a lifestyle change that is full of healthy health options."

For example, he says that healthy fats coming from choice such as lawyer, olive oil and salmon help toinflammation in the body that keepsarterial pressure regulated. Greenfield adds that these fats also allow you to better absorb some soluble fat vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

While theMediterranean diet seems to be more efficient than a low-fat standard diet (which has been popular among cardiologists for two decades), it's not aunique size Type of approach, according to Francesco Cappuccio, MD, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Epidemiology at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.

Another option, he adds, would be a regime known asHYPHEN- acronym for "Dietary approaches to stop hypertension"-which is very similar to the Mediterranean plane,but also calls for a significant reduction in sodium. Research has supported the use of this diet for cardiac health, especially for people who are trying to reduce blood pressure, says Cappuccio.

"The message to take away from these two schemes is to reduce the amount ofRed meat and dairyAnd load much more on much more fruit and vegetables, "he advises." This will give you fiber, potassium, antioxidants and polyphenols that keep your cardiovascular system strong. "

For more, be sure to read26 Top omega-3 foods to combat inflammation and support cardiac health.

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