Major effects of eating leafy greens, according to science

Recent research gives us even more reasons to consume dark green vegetables.

Spinach, curly cabbage,COLARD GREENS, cabbage and beet greens - it is only a handful of the most commonly consumed leafy green vegetables. Not only are they rich in essential vitamins and minerals, but they are also very versatile and can be prepared in different different ways.

That you appreciateGreen raw in a salad, mixed in afruit smoothie, or cooked and served as a hearty side, you can incorporate these nutrient-dense vegetables into your diet. Below, learn the latest research revealed on potential health benefits of leafy greens. After, do not missThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now!


Reduce your risk of cardiac disease.

kale salad

There are many reasons why you should eat a bowl filled with fresh green and green vegetables. Now, there is even more incentive to catch a pack of Kale and start cutting. Anew study Led by Edith Cowan University foundwho eats a cup of buttocks or a half-cup leafy green daily reduces the risk of participant heart disease.

The researchers examined data of more than 50,000 residents of Denmark over a period of 23 years. Those who have consumed the richest nitrate leafy greens had lower systolic blood pressure and between 12 and 26% lower risk ofcardiopathy. So who wants to order a salad full of green for lunch today?

here isWhat happens to your body when you eat leafy greens.


Green greens can reduce inflammation in the body.

kale ginger spinach lime banana smoothie

A side effect of eating leafy greens? Bad gas. Yep, arecent study Outside the University of Vienna and the University of Konstanz discovered that a sugar containing sulfur in leafy green vegetables called sulfoquinovose promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. In fact, like microbiologists note, it helpsRectal eubacteriumto grow-One of the most common intestine microbes found in healthy people.

If you consume a normal amount of spinach, sulfoquinovose can have aAnti-inflammatory effect on the body. At the same time, green greens can also cause poor gas in some people sinceRectal eubacteriumProduces a hydrogen sulphide, AKA a gas that feels rotten eggs. It's an excellent reminder to enjoy your green greens - do not do it too much to avoid living this unfavorable result!


They can help improve your muscle strength.

Woman picking out kale and leeks at a farmers market or grocery store

Popeye may have been on something with regard to the consumption of spinach and muscle gains, and all this has to do with the nitrates found in the leafy greens. According to a recent study published inThe Journal of Nutrition,Do not eating only one portion of green hardwoods every day can help improve muscle strength and mobility.

"Basically, we observeUp to 11% strongest leg force when you consume about 1 portion of nitrate-rich vegetables every day compared to individuals with low nitrate consumption, " Marc SIM Senior Researcher, Ph.D. toldEat this, not that! in an interview. "This is important enough, especially in the context of the elderly who are most at risk of falls and injuries, such as fractures."

Pair of leafy greens with a lean protein like chicken or even anotherPlant-based proteins Like black beans to help give your muscles the fuel they need to stay strong.


Reduce your risk of cancer.


When you think about the leafy green vegetables, the micrographes may not be the first thing that comes to mind - they are a little niche! Often used as a garnish onsalads And other dishes packed with vegetables with high-health restaurants, the micrograds are small immature greens made from the seeds that grow at the same time vegetables and herbs.

A2012 study foundMicrogrens can contain up to 40 times more nutrients compared to their adult counterparts. They are also loaded into antioxidants called polyphenols and can reduce the risk of various cancers, by revision in the journal.Nutrients.

For more, be sure to checkWhat happens to your body when you eat leafy greens.

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