Why you should drink gold milk

This new trendy milk would be an amazing treatment. Here's all you need to know before you sip ...

TurmericThe latest spices to support the sanitary food scene are found in countless food products ranging from bone broth to honey. But there is no doubt that gold milk, the last incarnation of the spice, gets the most buzz. The trendy drink is made with a mixture of curcuma and milk and generally includes other tasty spices such as ginger and black pepper. Together, these powerful spices have quite amazing health benefits, such as reducing the effects of depression and improving digestion. In fact, the drink is such a superstar that it has been appreciated for centuries by various cultures. And in case you were curious, it's not called gold milk because it's a good deserving golden drink; He draws his name from his golden hue. (Its main ingredient, turmeric, contains the curcumine composed, responsible for the bright yellow color of the spice.)

Want to harvest the benefits? Give our Go-To Recipe Try!


2 cups of organic milk milk milk or coconut milk
1 teaspoon dried curcuma
1 teaspoon of dried ginger
Pinch of black pepper (one of40 superfoods best weight loss)
Honey and cayenne pepper to taste


  1. Heat the milk in a small saucepan
  2. Add spices and mix
  3. Bring to a slow to simmer; Turn off the heat, cover and let stand for about 10 minutes
  4. Pour into a cup and enjoy

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