Secret side effects of curcuma, says science
Curcuma has potential health risks you may not expect

Lattes of gold milk are popular for good reason. Curcuma is not only delicious, but it has also been known to have extremely powerful healing properties. As part of the same family as ginger, eatTurmeric has been known to reduce inflammation, reduce allergy symptoms and give us aImmunity boost.
With all the benefits of possible health from turmeric, there are negative risks to consume it? Although they are rare, we have found potential side effects of turmeric that may be helpful to know. And for healthier food tips, be sure to readThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.
You can consume unwanted additives

The turmeric powder is an excellent addition to many spicy dishes, as well as a fun way to make a golden latte when you try to jump the coffee. Unfortunately, when we consume turmeric powder, we may also consume unexpected additives such ascarry on Whereflour like rye, cassava or wheat.
It's because of a common process calledfalsificationwhere powder spices are mixed with other spices, cheaper flours and sometimes ingredients like lead, to make the production process cheaper. Unfortunately, as consumers, this puts us at the risk of ingesting unwanted ingredients.
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You can feel balloons or other digestive problems

Curcuma is composed of many different active ingredients, including the main and most beneficial for our health: curcumin. Curcumin can be extracted and sold as a separate turmoil of turmeric, and for the most part, it is harmless.
However, a study ofResearch on cancer prevention Shroud curcumin causes diarrhea, bloating or other digestive problems in a small number of people. This side effect is rare, but always possible if you regularly consume larger quantities of turmeric.
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You can feel headaches or nausea

Curcumin is aPowerful antioxidantThat's why many people like to take it as a supplement or eating turmeric. Even if curcumin is beneficial in different ways of our health, some different studies have revealed its potential light side effects.
A study ofBMC Medicine and complementary therapies Underlined the fact that curcumin can potentially lead to headaches or nausea, although it is always a secondary effect decently rare and only occurs in a small number of people. If you consume a lot of curcuma and experience of headaches or nausea afterwards, it could be something to pay attention to!
You can temporarily defeat your skin, your nails or your counters

The yellow coloring of turmeric is so intense that it is used as anatural dye in many parts of the world. When you cook with turmeric, especially the fresh curcuma, you probably lift some parts of your hands, nails and maybe even your counters. Fortunately, coloring is temporary and will wash your skin shortly after.
This could affect your gallbladder

In larger quantities, it is known that turmeric has been subjected to biliary bladder problems in a small number of people, especially those who have already had pre-existing problems of the gallbladder. In a study of theAsia Pacific Journal of NutritionIt has been shown that large quantities of curcuma can possibly cause the biliary bladder contract, which can cause blockages and inappropriate function.
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