25 food myths that can cause weight gain

Stop making these mistakes and you will save calories, money and money and quickly make fat.

It's not a secret that here atEat this, not that!, we spend a lot of timeUnmask health impostors. And the truth is that Kale's superpowers, like the dangers of the triangle of Bermuda, have been very exaggerated. Of course, it's good for you, but Kale's ranking that our greatest green is just one of the many myths of word of mouth that lead our nutritional decision, often in the wrong direction. Much of what we believe in food is really just folders, a nutritional phone game transmitted from newspaper science newspapers to your aunt to your mother, then to you, with marketing specialists.

Well, we went from the front and followed the truth. Learn how to separate the facts from fiction and you could finally lose habits that are silentlySaboter your weight loss efforts.

Here are 25 food myths that could do you more harm. And after you discover that, check the15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


Myth: Kale is our healthier green.

bunch of lacinato kale on wooden board
Photography Vezzani / Shutterstock

A 2014 study at William Paterson University Fruits and vegetables classified by their nutritional density, based on their different levels of 17 different nutrients related to an improvement in cardiovascular health. Not surprisingly, the top 16 were all leafy greens, which pack the most nutrition by calorie. (Coming to n ° 17, it was red peppers.) But Kale did not even make the top 10. In fact, simple spinach and even Roman lettuce beat the suspected supergus, as well as the Parsley and chives. Even tips that you normally throw - the GREENS ATOP BETTERAVES-PACK PLUS NUTRITION.


Myth: the high fructose corn syrup is worse than the sugar of the table


The sugar is the master of disguise, according to the search inZero sugar diet. Maltodextrin, brown rice syrup, dextrose, sucrose - he has more alter ego than the Avengers. But it's the best-known costume isFructose-rich corn syrup. If HFCs are worse than Oll Oll Table sugar has long been a contentious problem. Here's what you need to know: In a 2014 review of five studies comparing the effects of sugar and HFC, no differences were found in the variation of blood glucose, lipid levels or appetite between consumption Table sugar and HFCS consumption. In other words, your body can not tell each other - they are only sugar. The true sin of HFCS is that it is super cheap and, therefore, it is added to everything from cereals to Ketchup with salad vinaigrette. Is it a good idea to minimize HFCs in your diet? Absoutely. It is better to cut all unnecessary sugars.


Myth: sea salt is a healthier version of regular salt.


The everyday table salt comes from a mine and contains about 2,300 milligrams of sodium by tea spoon. The sea salt comes from evaporated seawater and also contains about 2,300 milligrams of sodium. This does, well, roughly identical. Lawyers indicate that sea salt also contains other compounds such as magnesium and iron, but in truth, these minerals exist in traces. To obtain a significant dose, you must take extremely high and potentially dangerous sodium levels. In addition, the traditional table salt is regularly enriched with iodine, which plays an important role in the regulation of hormones in your body. Sea salt, on the other hand, gives you virtually zero iodine. The bottom line is: If you have sea salt salt salt, you can even consume an extra granule, you simply do not have stifled everything you hope to receive. In addition, you lost a few dollars.


Myth: The energizing drinks are less harmful than the soda.

Energy drinks

The energizing drinks such as the red bull, the monster and the full accelerator attempt to increase your energy with a B vitamin cache, herbal extracts and amino acids. But what your body will remember most (especially around your size) is the sugar of these concoctions; A 16 ounce can offer as much as 280 pure sugar calories, which corresponds to about 80 calories more than you will find in a cup of pepsi 16 ounces. What's more, aStudy of the University of MarylandFound energizing drinks to be 11% more corrosive to your teeth than regular soda. Here is the secret that energy drink companies do not want you to know: the only important and important energy stimulator comes from caffeine. If you want a boost of energy, save you the tip of the sugar and drink a cup of coffee. (A cup of Black Joe: 5 calories. Make this swap once a day and lose nearly 29 pounds this year!)


Myth: Diet Sodas helps keep you thin.


The obesity research community is increasingly aware that artificial sweeteners used in the lead diet soda for food urges difficult to control later in the day. Try to see yourself with gazing water and lemon aroma, cucumber and fresh herbs.

A study in theAmerican Journal of Public Health Has found that obese adults drink soda diet that healthy adults weight and, among overweight and obese adults studied, those who drank soda ate more calories than those who consumed sweetened / regular soft drinks. The researchers also linked the regular consumption of dietary gaseous drinks with decreased response to artificial sweeteners and a link decreased between sweet taste and energy value, which means their bodies can develop to the gentle dissociate with satiety signals, This makes it easier to overfall and, consequently, the weight of gain.


Myth: yogurt is good for bacteria in your belly.


Of course, some yogurts contain beneficial bacteria that can send reinforcements to your instinct when you need it. Lactobacillus acidophilus is the bacterium you want to search, with yogurts that say "active live cultures. But most yogurts are so rich in sugar they do more to promote unhealthy intestinal bacteria than anything else. (Unhealthy bacteria feeds on sugar in your belly in the same way they do around your teeth.)


Myth: Foods with low fat are better for you.

Female shopper checking food labelling in supermarket

As it applies to food marketing, the term "low fat" is synonymous with "in charge of salt and cheap carbohydrates. For example, watch smucker reduces peanut butter grease. To replace the grease, he skimmed in, Smucker added a maltodextrin called carbohydrates with rapid digestion. It's not going to help you lose weight. A study conducted in 2008 in theNew England Journal of Medicine have found that over a 2-year period, people on low carbohydrate regimes have lost 62 percent more body weight than those trying to cut grease. (In addition, fat in peanut butter is healthy for the hearts monounsaturated better results of professionals to eat more, no less!)


Myth: "Trans fat" foods are actually without trans fat.


FDA guidelines enable companies to claim 0 grams oftrans fatDiffusion - even on the front of their packages as long as the food in question does not contain more than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving. But here is the case: Due to an inextricable link to heart disease, the World Health Organization advises people to keep the trans fat in as low as possible, capped at about 1 gram by 2,000 calories consumed . If your closet is full of food with nearly half a gram per serving, you can blow past this number each day. TheAmerican Health Promotion Journal Recently published an article exhorting the FDA to review its lax regulations, but until it happens, you should avoid all foods with "partially hydrogenated oil" (meaning, trans fat) on their ingredient statements. Trans fat is tapi in places you could not wait too.


Myth: "natural" labeled foods are healthier.

The FDA makes no serious effort to control the use of the word "natural" on nutrition tags. Example: 7up Flangenades that it is done with "100% natural aromas" when, in fact, the soda is sweetened with a much natural dose of high fructose corn syrup. "Corn" is natural, but "high fructose corn syrup" is obtained using a centrifuge and a series of chemical reactions. And the "natural advantage" post grapes Bran, which bathes its grapes at the same time the syrup of sugar and corn. The worst is, you probably pay a high price for joint junk food.

RELATED: The easy guide to cut the sugar is back finally there.


Myth: egg yolks increase your cholesterol level.


Egg yolks contain food cholesterol; This property is true. But the research has proven that food cholesterol has almost nothing to do with serum cholesterol, the substance in the blood. Wake Forest University Researchers reviewed more than 30 egg studies and found no link between egg consumption and heart disease, and a study in Saint Louis found that egg consumption for breakfast could reduce your contribution Calories for the rest of the day.


Myth: You can eat what you want if you work.


Unfortunately, a half hour trot on the treadmill is not going to help you lose weight if you reward yourself by swallowing some slices of cake and an order of fries. The bottom line: it is almost impossible to expel poor diet, unless you plan to spend half of your day in the gym. You must workand Eating smart to see the results.


Myth: You will burn more fat if you do not eat before a workout.


Without the appropriate fuel, you will not be able to work as long as you need it if you want to see a difference in your body. What is worse, fasting training sessions can cause low blood glucose and lightness, which can be dangerous when you break a sweat. In addition, when you run on fumes, you will be vorvous after your workout. This means that you will be more likely to make bad diet decisions - like an entire pizza - after your return home.


Myth: Go Paleo guarantees weight loss.

paleo meat array

It's not shocking thatPaleo is one of the most pampered regimes in recent years. Bacon and steak for weight loss? Yes please! But the paleo diet is indeed too good to be true. Although protein-rich diets help books flying initially, the consumption of a high carbohydrate diet can actually cause long-term weight gain, tell Spanish researchers. In fact, their findings of the study revealed that those following high protein diets have a 90% risk of more than 10% of their body weight over time as those that are not heavy on meat. To reap the benefits of weight loss of the Paleo regime - without paying for that later, junk food and processed oils as suggested by the diet, but keep the protein in the verification. Take more than the recommended amount and the surplus will probably be stored as a health fat.


Myth: All calories are created equally.

valentines day cupcakes

Eating 300 chicken calories is not the same as eating 300 cake calories. The body uses and stores calories differently depending on the nutrients that each food is included. The corn and beans, for example, contain something called resistant starch, a type of carbon that is really difficult to digest. In turn, the body can not absorb as many calories or as much as glucose - a nutrient that is stored as fat if it is not burned. It is a similar story with sources of lean protein such as Turkey, chicken and fish. In addition to stimulating satiety, the protein also has a high thermogenic effect compared to greases and carbohydrates. In turn, your body burns a fair percentage of meat calories during the 35% post-meal calorie digestion process and peaks! Your favorite cookies can not do the same claim. In fact, since the majority of the calories of sweet treats come from sugar, to do too much of your calories desserts can let you hungry, fat and you have it guessed-frustrated.


Myth: You can not eat at night if you want to lose weight.

Eating too many calories throughout the day, no night nibbling, causes weight gain. In fact, "eating the right type of snack at bedtime stimulates the weight loss of metabolism and AIDS-not opposite! Explaled Cassie Bjork, Rd, LD ofHealthy life. "When you do not eat before you sleep, blood sugar levels are growing so that you do not sleep too. In turn, you want more sugar and carbon food the next day. If This happens quite often, it can cause weight. Gain. On the side rocking, eating the right snack can help keep the blood sugars stable so that the hormonal fatty glucagon burning can do its job. "So, what should you eat? "I suggest pairing a natural carbohydrate with a healthy fat." Slices of apple and almond butter, berries with thick cream and carrots withguacamole All correspond to the invoice.


Myth: You can eat as much as you want as long as it's healthy.


Lawyers, oatmeal, nuts and their creamy and delicious unemployed people are indeed healthy, but few calories, they are not. Of course, you'd better eat 200 calories of oatmeal then 200 calories of sweets made with grain, but it does not give you free to eat as many things as you want. The lower line: nutritious or not, size of the part counts with each food. If you find that you have difficulty sticking to reasonable portion formats for some of the more caloric healthy foods of your diet, look for packaging controlled by a game. Buy mini sizes instead of larger food baths helps control the calories and teach you what a good portion looks like.


Myth: protein shakes and bars help you lose weight.

Although packaged protein products can be part of a healthy diet all around, they are not better than a sitting meal including similar nutrients. However, depending on the bars and shaning you get, you could actually put your health in danger. Many popular products are filled with meteorizing additives causing as carrageenan and lactoseum in addition to caramel dye, which has been shown to cause cancer in humans. A number of pumped foods also use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, which can increase the desires of sweet treats and cause weight gain over time. Our advice: If you want to include bars and shakes in your diet, opt for one of ourBest nutrition bars for weight loss And whipping your own shake proteins at home with fresh fruit, vegetables, milk or water and a low sugar vegan protein powder. Also, make sure you replace your shake or bar for a snack or meal - do not consume them in addition to your usual diet. This can cause weight gain, not a loss.


Myth: Drinking 8 daily water glasses guarantees weight loss.

While spongeing water and running to and from the bathroom, go hand in hand, the pinch of water and weight loss do not do it. "Drinking water does not guarantee weight loss, especially if you are always eating unhealthy calorie diet," says Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., founder of private practice based in Manhattan,NY NUTRITION Group. But that does not mean you should stop running in the water cooler. "Staying hydrated throughout the day is a great habit of maintaining good health, it's just not the only change you will need to make permanent weight loss," says Moskovitz.


Myth: The nuts are fattering.


"Nuts have a bad reputation for their total fat content, but the science of nutrition suggests that the amount of fat is not the most important for our health," said Jackie Newgent, RDN and author ofThe entirely natural cookbook of diabetes.

"In fact, the FDA has recently announced that they re-evaluated the term" healthy "as it applies to food with good fats for you, such as pistachios," continues Newgent. "In addition, foods like pistachios in the shell can help you deceive you feel full because the remains can provide a visual tail for portions, which potentially contributes to reducing the contribution."


Myth: Drinking beer causes a belly of beer.

While beer consumption does not tend to help you reduce your size, a beer belly is not necessarily caused by beer; It is more likely by consuming too many empty calories.

"Although, if you like devourers six packs on a regular basis, then you need to review your beer habits to drink," warns Newgent.


Myth: The food comfort husks the blues.

A bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich per cold winter day. A big spoonful ofcheese macaronis when you are down on your chance. Comfort food makes you feel better, is not it?

In fact, it does not do it. In a2014 study in the newspaperPsychology of health, just titled "The Myth of Comfort Food", " The researchers showed depressing participants for "inducing a negative effect". Then they gave them comforting food, foods that were not considered comforting food or food. Result: The subjects got their bad moods from the same time, whether they eat either or not. Does feel a good excuse to eat badly? Proves, this is not the case.


Myth: The peanut butter is a health food.

smooth creamy peanut butter in jar

Under his best form,The peanut butter is actually a health food. This is because the peanuts are packed with monounsaturated fats, the healthy fat that helps you lose weight. Here's what the ingredients of a healthy pot ofPeanut Butter Should read:


But most of the peanut butter does not look like that. Most peanut butters are highly transformed and loaded with transclocated sugars and fatty oils, and contain less healthy monounsaturated fat than you really need."Spread peanut butter" is even worse. The word "spread" indicates that it is at least 10% of additives. Look for "natural" peanut butter and do not be fooled by low mounted promises.


Myth: "multi-grain" and "wheat" breads are better than white bread.

sliced bread with milk

Wait a minute-do not "multi-grain" one of the biggest fashionable words in nutrition? And have not we been trained to choose wheat bread on the white at each turn? Yes, but unfortunately, these labels are about as credible as the campaign of your local congress member. The "wheat bread" is usually white bread with caramel or molasses added to make it dark and healthy. "Multi-grain" just means that different types of Junky refined grains have been used. Always search the words "100% of whole wheat" or "100% whole grain" on the package.


Myth: The envelopes are healthier than regular sandwiches.


These little lean envelopes are so fragile, so delicate, so fusion-friendly kitchen. How can they not be better than the average mass of bread? Well, consider the metro film, for one. It packs 310 calories - even before adding the first breath of meat or sauce. The reason is that, so that the tortilla envelops like that, it needs fat, often in the form of soybean oil and hydrogenated oils. (In fact, when orderingMexican foodYou are usually better with a taco hard than a sweet, for the same reason.)


Myth: Potatoes are empty carbohydrates.


Once the pride spud stud of the American dinner plate, the potatoes have been demoted in recent years to an unobserved status since the Irish burn. But unlike the commentators of the news of the cable, the common tatates of your kitchen actually bother to chew. A USDA study on potatoes has found levels of phytochemicals such as flavonoids and kukoamines that compete from the amounts found in the germs of broccoli, spinach and Brussels. Kukoamines? You have not heard of them because they were previously believed only in Chinese medicinal plants, but they have been demonstrated downward from blood pressure by decreasing free radical damage and inflammation.

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