Secret side effects of eating granola, says dietitian

This popular breakfast clip may not be as healthy as we think.

There is nothing like a bowl ofgranola With yoghurt and bays in the morning. It's sweet, crunchy and fill. Even if we like to eat Granola, it's sometimes difficult to say if it's actually a healthy way to start the day.

"Granola could be food n ° 1 that you think being super healthy but is actually calorically dense and rich inadded sugar Most of the time, "says Laura Burak, MS, RD, author ofSlimdown with smoothiesand founder ofThe Nutrition of Laura Burak.

So, if Granola is not always so healthy we can think, what are the things we need to search? Here's what you need to know and for healthier food tips, be sure to readThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You can consume a lot of added sugar.

peanut butter garnola
Courtesy of Sarah Schlichter

We could not realize it, but granola is often responsible for sugar.

"As a rule, granolas are sweet by honey, syrups or another form of added sugar and often contain dried fruits that adds to the sugar content," says Burak.

For example, there are 11 grams of sugar added in a 1/2 cup portion ofBear Naked Chocolate Granola and 9 grams of sugar added in a 1/3 gram portion ofGentiles clusters of vanilla.

"Make sure to check the label and pay attention to several forms of added sugar, which can be disguised as healthy healthy words such as coconut sugar and syrups," suggests Burak.

here isWhat to eat sugars added to your body.


You can consume more calories than expected.

muesli breakfast cereal

If you count calories, Granola can be something to pay attention. Burak points out that "the service sizes for Granola are usually small (about 1/4 to 1/2 cup), but the calories are high due to calorily dense ingredients, such as nuts, seeds, dried fruits, Oats, chocolate, oils and oils and sweeteners. "

This is not always a problem, especially if you choose Granola with less added sugar and cereals or walnuts more dense nutritious. But if you look at your calories, Granola can be delicate.

"Granola is a food that I often recommend to customers who want to gain weight because it is an easy way to add calories," says Burak.

Need help choosing your next bag? Browse our list ofThe 10 healthiest granolas in the world.


You can get a good amount of healthy fat.

yogurt granola raspberries

This may require careful search, but some types of granola are made with nuts and healthy seeds, which are very large sources of healthy fats. According toNutrients, nuts have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and bile calculations, which has a lot to do with their makeup of unsaturated fatty acids and many other useful nutrients.

TheNutrients The report also combines nut consumption with lower inflammation, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol. If you are looking for a granola that is heavier in nuts and seeds and lower in treated sugar, try something likeNutrail Keto Granola WherePaleonola granola grain. Or even do ourNuts and granola of coconut!


You can consume additional preservatives.


We sometimes assume that Granola automatically means healthy, clean and natural. However, it is important to note that some brands actually installed in their granola box.

"Depending on the brand, granolas, although mounted as a healthy superfood, can be also transformed as any other food or snacks on the shelf," says Burak.

When something is done to last a grocery shelf, it will probably have additional preservatives.

"The words like" gluten-free "," high-fiber "," natural "and" and "does not always mean that the product is healthy, so seek to take a look at the ingredients, a quantity of added sugar, andportion To get a better idea of ​​the granola you buy, "says Burak.

Love Granola? Make sure you read the label!

Bowl of yogurt granola berries

None of this information means we have to go throw our favorite granola with the trash. We can get a lot of nutrients from some types, and it's good to have a real treat for breakfast from time to time!

The most important thing to remember is thatReading the label is a great way for us to become more aware of what we eat.

"When it comes to adopting a healthier diet, everything you need is sometimes learning to be your own detective, which involves digging a little more deeply with a food label and does not always fall For marketing on the parcel, "says Burak.

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