A major side effect to eat ultra-transformed foods, declares a new study
Your diet could sabotage your digestive system.

While it is well known thatUltra-transformed foods are not ideal for your health, anew study Shows that regular consumption of these types of food and beverages can actually lead to gastrointestinal engraving.
An international group of researchers led by the Institute for Population Health Research and McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences in Canada decided to investigate whether food schemes could play a role in the diagnosis from the ICE, otherwise known as inflammatory diseases, a general term that refers to a group of chronic digestive system disorders, with the two most common disorders being a ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, according to theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)-Suite data link The liaison regime with the appearance of the IBD is "limited and conflicting".
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The team of researchers gathered more than 116,000 adults around the world (21 countries) aged 35 to 70 low, medium and high-income points. Participants were evaluated over a period of 13 years where volunteers were responsible for completing a detailed food and nutrition questionnaire. All new IBD diagnoses have been highlighted, which included a total of 467 cases (90 with Crohn's disease, 377 with ulcerative colitis).

After taking into account the other possible risk factors (such as age, weight, alcohol consumption and the status of smoking), the researchers revealed that the high consumption of ultra-transformed foods was associated with an increased risk of ITB.Ultra-transformed foods understandProcessed meats, sweet breakfast cereals, soft drinks, fruit drinks, refined sweet foods (such as sweets), salty snacks, ice cream and pastries and commercially prepared cookies that these items contain high quantities of sugar, salt and grease, as well as food additives, artificial flavors or colors while missing essential fibers and nutrients.
With regard to statistics, one to four portions of ultra-transformed foods each day was associated with an increased risk of 67% of IBD, while five or more portions per day resulted in an increase of 82%. In addition, the conclusions of this observation study also found that white meat, unprocessed red meat, dairy and starches, as well as fruits, vegetables and legumes, were not associated with an IBD. in development. These results led the authors of the study to believe that the risk of chronic intestinalinflammation is more likely linked to if a food is transformed or not rather than the food itself.
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"Although additional studies are needed to identify what is responsible, it is logical that the combination of low fibers, low antioxidants and high sugar is inflammatory bowel and can cause digestive disorders," saysLisa Young, PhD, RDN, Professor of Assistant Nutrition to the author of Nyu de "Finally full, finally thin. "
In fact, theCrohn's & Colitis Foundation Reports that even though there is no standard regime recommended for people diagnosed with fatty foods, high fat foods, foods made from non-absorbable sugars (such as sweet spirits found in sugar-free gum, Sweets, ice cream) and caffeine-containing drinks all fall under the list of "potential trigger foods".
Since the research team concluded that even a daily portion of ultra-transformed foods could wreak havoc on your intestinal microbiome, Young suggests implementing several smart and simple-simple swaps in your diet. For example, you can replace the sparkling water (fresh lemon or mint) for soda, opt for funny potatoes roasted on French french fries and choose aSmoothie Fruit House instead of ice cream.
Although it is not necessary to permanently prohibit your favorite sweet and savory comfort foods. "Although most of us will want to indulge in this occasional ice cream, for example, keep in mind that the size of the" Young Continuing Party. "Control of the control of the portions by taking advantage of a spoon of ice cream instead of two or three spoons."
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