7 healthiest foods to eat right now

Some foods are so healthy that they earn the title of "Super Foods".

They are fighting over the fight against disease, improving immune function, mood support and weight loss. No, we are not talking about supplements orWeight loss pillsWe are talking about whole plants and fresh plants - with superpowers. It's good - to be superfails, you do not have to be elusive berries that you need to look for in special food stores. Foods that can make a considerable impact on your health can be found in your local grocery store.

Here is our list of healthiest products you should eat right now and the tips you need to optimize the benefits. Read them, eat them and harvest the benefits. Read on, and for more things about how to eat healthy, you will not want to miss these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Olive oil

pouring extra virgin olive oil on a veggie salad

The first World Olympians around 776 AV. J.-C. rewarded olive oil jugs for their athletic exploits. And today's health experts are considering regular consumption of "liquid gold" as valuable. The regular intake of virgin olive oil - a monounsaturated fat characteristic of the Mediterranean diet - is associated with low cancer implications, heart disease and other obesity problems and a lower risk cerebral accident. A recent study in the newspaperPlos a has shown that firefighters, a group known to have a strong prevalence of obesity, adhered to a mediterranean style diet rich in olive oil showing a reduced risk of 35% metabolic syndrome, as well as a risk of lower weight gain of 43%. Research suggests that oleic acid in olive oil can even understand belly fat! (For more:What happens to your body when you eat olive oil.) Health benefits have a genetic basis. Studies show that phenols in virgin olive oil can effectively "deactivate" the genes associated with inflammation observed in metabolic syndrome.

Get the advantages: "Extra Virgin" refers to olive oil that coldly cold olives cold and is considered the most successful and fruitful. In addition, looking for a black box or a bottle, a succession name, the USDA's organic seal and a date (do not get any pressed more than 2 years ago). Then water and dress (and do not be afraid to cook) with your Evoo; The researchers found that it was more stable for the high heat pan than corn, soy and sunflower oils.

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puy lentils

The lenses are like the Taylors of Chuck from the old nutritional school of all stars, a little pedestrian in the style, but a lot popular in the world. The pulse is part of the human diet for about 13,000 years. They are an inexpensive form ofVegetarian protein and fibers taken by health experts for its ability to reduce inflammation, reduce cholesterol, foster fat metabolism and hinder appetites. (From where why they areThe food n ° 1 to keep in your pantry to lose weight.)

The lenses are a resistant starch, a functional type of slow digestion fiber. As it goes into the digestive tract, the resistant starch triggers the liberation of acetate: a molecule in the intestine that tells the brain when stopping eating. In fact, a systematicreview Clinical trials on dietary impulses revealed that people who ate a daily portion of lentils (about 3/4 Cup) felt an average of 31% more comprehensive compared to a control regime. A second study revealed a diet rich in sugar in the blood stabilizing food such as lenses that can reduce inflammation related to diseases of 22%!

Get the advantages:The replacement of the meat with lenses can increase the recipe fiber content while reducing saturated greases. Exchange four ounces of chopped beef (280 calories) for a cup of cooked lentils (230 calories) in your Chile, and you will stimulate the fiber of 16 grams alleging 22 grams of fat from your meal.




The name of the kind of nuts comes from the Roman phraseJupiter Glans, or "Jupiter's Acorn", which shows you how much the Romans thought that the nuts were. And still today, the fleshy walnut is very considered for its nutritional genirality. In fact, a new scientistto study Suggests a walnut handle contains almost twice as much antioxidants against the disease as an equivalent quantity of any other nut! As one of the best dietary sources of omega-3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids, the nuts proved to be particularly good for the heart. AJournal of the American Cardiology College The study revealed that consumption nuts one or more times a week was associated with a risk of total cardiovascular disease of 19% and 23% risk of coronary disease.

Get the advantages:High temperatures can destroy the volatile oils of Walnuts, while the prolonged exposure to the air can lead to nuts from becoming Rance. Buy raw walnuts and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator (or freezer) for a healthy heart snack that loves you. See:10 foods that you did not know that you could freeze, but you need totally.



Instant oatmeal

The adults want, the children will eat it, even the horses love him. What are the healthy whole grains of seventy-five percent of American households in their pantry? You guessed: oatmeal. The aircraft are rich in a type of soluble fiber called Beta-Glucan and the anti-inflammatory compound avenuehramide - which together help prevent health problems related to obesity, including heart disease and diabetes. A 10-year study in theAmerican Journal of Public Health I found that eating a portion of oats (1 cup cooked) two to four times a week resulted in a 16% reduction in the risk of type 2. Daily bowl showed an even greater risk reduction of 39%. And a secondto study showed that three servings of whole grain a day, including oats, was as effective as drugs in reducing blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of cardiac disease of 15% in just 12 weeks. Need one more reason to exchange your wheat? A University Study of Colorado State has shown that oats add "bad" LDL cholesterol levels more efficiently than wheat. And research in theAmerican College of Nutrition Journal Suggests that oatmeal can be the most popular breakfast in the cereal coast - causing feelings of more durable and longer satiety than ready-to-eat breakfast cereals. For more, do not miss7 Extraordinary Benefits of Eating Oatmeal.

Get the advantages: Cut steel or laminated aircraft are the least processed and will give you the most Bennies for your money; Nutritional statistics are almost identical, with steel-cut avoises sitting just lower on the glycemic index. And think beyond the breakfast bowl: use rolled oats like breadcrumpet exchange or pulse in the flour for bakery products!



watercress salad

Superfood recently crowned Crowned UNO, Crowress can be king of the alley of products like a nutritional plant. A study report published by theDisease control centers This ranked 47 fruits and vegetables with quantities of 17 nutrients against disease-based diseases. Kale did not even do the top 10! Gram for Gam, this slight tasting and flowery green contains four times more beta-carotene than an apple and a 238% amount of your daily vitamin K dose for 100 grams-two compounds that maintain skin skin and youth. Beauty food is also the richest food source of PEITC (phenylethyl isothiocyanate), which research suggests can fight cancer. Results of a test published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Suggest a daily dose of 85 grams of raw watercress (ie about two cups) could reduce 17% damage to cancer-related DNA.

Get the advantages:A cup of cress supplies 4 calories. Yes, four. So go ahead and eat the whole bag. The heat exposure can inactivate the CEITC, it is therefore best to enjoy the raw cress in salads, cold pressed fruit juices and sandwiches.


Apples with skin on

fresh red apple slices

An apple a day is moving the doctor - make sure to keep the coat. While traditional advice to save the skin were based mainly on itsThe fiber content (A medium apple provides 4.5 grams), healthpeel Do not stop there. There is a growing body of research to suggest its polyphenols in reality in undigestible coat compounds capable of doing everything fromPromote the growth of friendly bacteria in the GUT which helps weight loss tomince-It is responsible for the defense Doctor of Apple. In fact, ato study Shot 75 grams of apple (the equivalent of two medium-sized apples) reduces by 23% of the "bad" cholesterol levels with respect to an equivalent portion of non-fiber-rich prunes.

Get the advantages: Slug your potato to eat along peanut butter or cheese for a light snack, check it to add to your morning oats or catch a whole to follow a workout.



making tomato sauce

Of all non-starchy "vegetables", Americans eat more tomatoes and tomato products than others. And it's good news, researchers say, because tomatoes are particularly rich in lycopene, an antioxidant which, unlike most nutrients in fresh produce,increases After cooking and treatment. Dozens of studies suggest a relationship between the regular intake of high lycopene tomatoes and aLower risk of cardiovascular disease, skin damage and certain cancers. Recently published to study showed men who eat more than 10 portions a week of tomatoes have a 18% risk of prostate cancer. And a second to study He has shown a diet rich in tomatoes can help protect menopausal women from breast cancer by increasing the levels of adiponectin - a hormone involved in the regulation of blood glucose and fat levels.

Get the advantages: In addition to cooking your tomatoes, plan to flex on organic products. Research suggests that organic tomatoes can have higher levels of polyphenols and vitamin C of disease control than varieties grown conventionally.

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