How to cut a grenade

There is an art to get all the red ruby ​​seeds of their healthy shells and sources.

Grenada is a brilliant, acidulous fruit that grows in the Mediterranean climates and consists of juicy red rubies arranged in the cells and wrapped in a thick skin. It is a superality that hands down belongs in the middle of the healthiest ingredients of the planet thanks to its manyHealth benefits, Like anti-inflammatory properties, high antioxidant content, and even its potential for the fight against cancer.

However, cutting, opening and grenade ginning can sometimes feel like you resolve a rubik cube. Cut too deeply, and you empty the juicy seeds and create a gore disorder. But mark the right grenade, and you will be able to empty all his cells, without damaging the seeds. Follow our steps to find out exactly how to cut a grenade in the right direction.


Cut around the top

cutting the top off a pomegranate
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Roll your grenade on the cutting board for a few seconds to loosen the seeds. Cut around the fruit to detach the upper quarter of its skin. Make sure the knife is not going too deeply, and you cut into the skin only, without touching the seeds.


Pull up

removing the top of a pomegranate
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

You should be able to slowly pull on the top of the grenade, revealing the rich clusters of seeds.


Look for the membranes

finding membranes on a pomegranate
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

You will be able to identify the individual cells, the seeds are arranged by looking at the membranes. You want to make sure that you cut along the membranes to pull your grenade separately.


Note Grenada

cutting the side of a pomegranate
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Make four incisions of deep skin along the membranes all the way until the last quarter of the fruit. Make sure you keep intact the lower quarter so that the grenade does not disintegrate.


Pry open

pulling apart the pomegranate
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

With your fingers, pull the grenade separate and open it like a flower. Remove all loose membranes that stand out easily. Be careful not to break it.


Hit with a wooden spoon

deseeding pomegranate with a wooden spoon
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Turn the pomegranate on and gently hit each quarter with a wooden spoon, using as much strength as necessary to delete everything or most of its seeds. This part can be a little messy, if you do it on a deep bowl that will prevent juices from spraying your work surface.


Get all seeds

empty pomegranate skin with seeds in a bowl
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Keep hitting your pomegranate until all or most seeds have detached.


Use or store seeds

pomegranate seeds in a bowl
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Once you cleaned the grenade, use the seedssalads, smoothies, or as a garnish for vegetable or rice dishes. In the opposite case, storing them in a waterproof container or a bowl covered in the refrigerator up to 7 days.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.

Categories: Groceries
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