10 ways to watch 10 years younger, say experts

Look and feel younger by doing a few simple things.

There is no way to stop the hands of time and prevent theaging process to actually occur. However, there are a number of ways to help improve longevity and even watch younger than you.Eat this, not that! Asked for a variety of experts the question that everyone wants to answer the answer: what can I do to watch 10 years younger? Read to find out what they had to say - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Hold a good posture

Woman sitting at desk upright good posture

The good posture makes you look bigger, thinner and younger,Gbolahan okubadejo, ®, Rachidian and orthopedic surgeon of New York, maintains. "Unless a conscious effort is made to maintain a good posture, we spend a lot of time in hunchis in front of our phones and offices, and we form our body in Slid," he saysEat this, not that! "Improving your posture as you get older not only gives you looking younger, but you have multiple health benefits." A good posture is also linked to increased self-confidence and confidence projects a positive and young appearance.


Do not forget to wear solar screen on your hands

happy woman relaxing in the garden smiling as she applies sunscreen or skin cream

Unprotected UV exposure speeds up age changes such as wrinkles, skin size and age spots, revealAnnie Gonzalez, MDCertified dermatologist from the board of Miami de Dermatology de la Rivière. "Wearing a sunscreen protects against aging skin and decreases age spots, wrinkles and other premature skin of the skin," she explains. While most of us do not forget to wear it on our face, we often neglect our hands. "Even if our face looks young, old hands will reveal our chronological age," she says.


Eating anti-aging foods

pomegranate, tea, pomegranate juice

Debra Jaliman, MD, Certified Dermatologist of the Board of Directors, Assistant Professor of Dermatology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and author of the book "Skin Rules: Trade Secrets of a Best Dermatologist in New York, "(Saint-Martin's Press), explains that eating specific types of foods can have anti-aging powers." Eating food with antioxidants will shine your skin, "she says, suggest grenades, blueberries, goji berries, black Berrys and cranberries. In addition, avoid packaged foods also called processed foods and sugar." It is important to have a healthy diet and limit the amount of sugar you eat. The converted sugar glycit the collagen that stiffens and age, "she says.


Mouse more

Woman holding a cup of coffee standing near window.

According toSANAM HAFEEZ, MDNYC Neuropsychologist and Faculty member Columbia University, Smiling can instantly make you appear a younger decade. "People who smile more are often perceived as younger than their real age and a real smile gives you a young appearance," she says. "When you are happy, your face shines, as opposed to an angry face, which can make you look grumpy and older. Smiling also stimulates overall health and makes you feel happier."



Female athlete with protective face mask doing plank exercise with hand weights in a gym.

How are you marches said along your age, explainsJessica MazzuccoNew York Certified Fitness Coach. "Staying in shape and doing exercise daily can help you avoid changes related to the age of the approach and puts some PEP to your step. Focus on kernel-related exercises will also improve your posture and Will not leave you in an obstacle body position that will look older. "

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Have a good night

woman smiling while sleeping

Sleep is one of the best anti-aging treatments, explainsNiker Sonpal, MD, Internist in NYC and gastroenterologist. "The skin is getting older and does not pose environmental stressors such as sun exposure as well when you have a poor sleep. Poor sleep can also cause wrinkles and thin lines, eyes swollen and a skin more Pale, all the features that make you look like, "Notes. "Beauty sleep is not a myth, your body repairs while you sleep and a good sleep leads to a long list of benefits that will make you look younger."


Take care of your skin

Woman looking at her reflection in a mirror.

Stacy Chimento, MDCertified dermatologist of the Dermatology Board of Riverchase in Miami suggests memorizing the anti-aging ABC. "" Use daily antioxidants to prevent aging signs, "B" uses a daily solar screen to create a barrier from the UVA / B rays damageable from the sun and "C" uses a vitamin C serum to reinforce the Skin and repair the damage of the sun, "says.


Eat a lot of vegetables

Woman eating carrot in the kitchen.

Dr. Chiment, also suggests improving skin health via a diet. "The increase in sound consumption and healthy vegetables and a balanced diet will provide nutrition to skin health," she said. "Having a diet rich in antioxidants helps promote a healthy collagen, to fight free radicals, sun damage and improves inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis, acne and rosacea."

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Mature woman with sore throat, standing in living room at home.

No more cancer sticks, says Dr. Chimento - not only can they cause cancer but a premature aging. They "contain harmful chemicals, including carbon monoxide that displaces oxygen into the skin," she says. "The nicotine component reduces the healthy blood flow creating a dry and dull appearance of the skin. It can interfere with vitamin C which is an important antioxidant in reducing the formation of free radicals."

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Keep yourself and your skin hydrated

drinking water

A way to immediately refresh your face is to hydrate, according to Dr. Chimento. "The skin should always be in a good pH equilibrium. The dehydrated skin is more prone to inflammatory conditions such as acne, rosacea, rashes, etc.", "she explains. In addition to drinking enough water, look for a moisturizing treatment. "Many of my patients with acne are afraid to use moisturizers because they fear that they" are drawing "or make them kneaded. If the skin is too dry, it will do more oil as an answer", says- she. "I love products containing hyaluronic acid and ceramids while they improve the texture and restore the lipid barrier of the skin. A great way to moisturize your skin is to obtain a hydrafacial treatment. Although the Face either the most common area for hydrafacia, this can also be used on the neck and neck areas. "And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss theseFirst signs you have a serious illness.

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