Dangerous side effects of having high blood pressure

An MD shares five key signs and even provides tips on how to handle levels through lifestyle changes.

Nearly half of the adults in the United States have hypertension, orHypertension, that the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association define as a blood pressure or greater than 130/80 mm Hg. Some of the side effects of high blood pressure levels can put you at risk forheart disease As well as various heart events, both can be fatal.

According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC),almosthalf a million dead In the United States, hypertension included as a primary or contributory cause In 2018. However, hypertension is mainly treated with drugs, there are several lifestyle changes that you can do the right to manage levels.

"By changing some aspects of our way of life, it may be possible to reduce blood pressure without using drugs," saysCedrina Calder, MD. "However, it may not be possible for everyone so that drugs are also needed."

Below you will see five side effects of having high blood pressure as well as simple ways that you can get your control levels. Then make sure to readThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now For additional advice on how you can make your diet healthier.


Heart problems

woman who is suffering from a chest pain and touching her heart area

The number one sign indicating that yourarterial pressure is too high is cardiac pain.

"Too much pressure can damage the blood vessels that provide blood with heart and cause a heart attack," says Calder. "An increase in pressure can also operate the stronger core to pump and lead to heart failure."

One way, you can actively activate to reduce your blood pressure level consists of incorporating healthier and herbal foods into your diet. Calder recommends exploring theDash (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) which has been created specifically for those who need help to manage their levels of blood pressure.

"This diet plan promotes eating territories, vegetables, whole grains, meat, nuts and seeds while limiting processed foods, sodium and fatty foods," she says.

For more, be sure to checkThe ultimate guide for exactly what foods you can and can not eat on the dash regime.


Kidney problems

Woman with pain in kidneys at home on couch

Over time, supported high blood pressure levels can lead to various complications with kidneys.

"High blood pressure can damage renal arteries that prevent kidneys from working properly," says Calder, noting that this can eventually lead to renal failure.

Another way you can reduce your blood pressure naturally? Exercise. Calder recommends aiming for a total of 150 minutes ofmoderate physical activity Every week, which includeswalking and jogging.

For more advice, be sure to check8 ways to support a healthy immune system, according to Harvard.


Cerebral accident

female neurologist is showing a male patient something on a synthetic brain

This side effect goes hand in hand with cardiac problems.

"Arterial hypertension can damage the blood vessels that provide brain and cause blood clots or tears in vessels causing a stroke," says Calder.

Keep a healthy weight is the key for managing blood pressure levels. PredominatePlant-based diet And get regular exercises can help you achieve this goal, says Calder.

"The preferential foods with high blood pressure include 100% whole grains, lean protein such as chicken, turkey or fish, color-rich vegetables and low fat dairy products," she says. "People should avoid red meat, processed foods, sweets, foods with a lot of added sugar and sweet sweet drinks."


Vision problems


If you notice that you suddenly have problems with your vision, it's possible yourBlood pressure levels are too high.

"High blood pressure can cause temporary blurred vision or even a loss of permanent vision," says Calder.

With regard to the management of blood pressure levels, it is also important to manage your stress levels. As Calder points out, "Management of your healthy stress through personal care practices can help reduce your blood pressure".

Consider incorporating 20 minutes from light yoga into your routine, whether just before going to bed or when you wake up in the morning. Meditation and breathing exercises are also effective ways to practice full consciousness daily.

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Sexual dysfunction

worried senior man in tension at bed.

This is probably the least obvious side effect to have high blood pressure.

"High blood pressure can result in sexual dysfunction in men and women," says Calder. "Men who have arterial hypertension may develop erectile dysfunction."

Conversely, women who have high blood pressure can have a loss of libido. If you eat healthy foods and doing exercise often, but regularly drinking alcohol or smoke, this could cause your blood pressure level to increase. Reducing the portions of the alcohol you drink weekly can help you reduce these levels. Calder also advises taking action to quit.

"Speak with your health care provider on the medications you can take and the resources you can use to help you stop smoking," she says.

For more, be sure to check 13 worst foods for high blood pressure .

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