20 vegetables that you never knew are high in protein

So, what makes you vegetarian better than others? Well, to start, vegetarians tend to weigh less and show less risks of cardiovascular disease and dia

So, what makes you vegetarian better than others? Well, to start, vegetarians tend to weigh less and to show less risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes than those who consume a lot of meat. Simply reduce parts of your meat intake also helps to improve your health. But again, the meat is full of protein whose body needs at the end of the day. Do not be afraid we have for you, 20 protein vegetables, legumes and alternatives of transformed minimal meat:


Protein: 18 g per 1 cup of portion (cooked)

This aperitif could probably be the softening snack. Even a cup of edamame or maybe cooked soy have a very large amount of protein in them. Where can you get these? Well, they would be available anywhere in a biological variety, but like most soy in the United States, they are genetically modified with pesticides.


Protein: 16 g by 3 oz serving

Yes, we know, it looks like meat. In fact, Tempeh is fermented baked soy, converted into a thick cake that can be sliced ​​or even pan-fried like tofu. It is Nutty, Fluffy and contains more protein and fiber. Due to the fact that it is fermented, Tempeh is also very easy to ingest and digest.


Protein: 8 to 15 g per 3 oz portion

The tofu can honestly be said as the classic vegetarian vegetarian slate that is made of soymilk lit. It's delicious when pan-fried and can even be fried or scrambled. It has fewer protein than Tempeh but the taste is said better. You must remember to choose organic varieties to move from Tofu that has pesticides. Tofu is really a versatile vegetarian snack.


Protein: 9 g per ½ cup of serving

Low, high fiber and high protein. These can be the most accurate description of lentils. The lenses can also be transformed into a dense nutrient support dish, a veggie burger or even whipped to become a dip as hummus. In addition, lenses are known to decrease cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Black beans

black beans
Protein: 7.6 g per ½ cup of service (cooked)

There is another vegetable that can come to the rescue when you want to have a snack charged with protein, but that you want to be strictly vegetarian: black beans. Black beans are also a healthy cardiac fiber, rich in potassium, folate, vitamin B6 and several phytonutrients. So yes, if you want to maintain a nutritious meal or good health, black beans are the answer.

Lima beans

lima beans
Protein: 7.3 g per ½ cup of service (cooked)

If you have been forced to eat lima beans since you were young, well, we have good news for you. These beans are known to be good in the filling protein in your body, Lima and they also contain amino acid leucines. This basically means that you will have a healthy muscular synthesis for adults who regularly eat lima beans.

Peanuts or peanut butter

Peanut butter
Protein: 7 g by ¼-cup of service (or 2 tbsp. Peanut butter)

We are all well aware that peanut butter is the comfortable food we all like as children. You can even eat them with a pizza. If you have them during breakfast, they can help you eat less during lunch called the second meal effect. The natural butter of Smucker's peanut is a brand that does not add sugar. It is therefore always healthy.

Wild rice

wild rice
Protein: 6.5 g per serving of 1 cup (cooked)

Quinoa is not the only food that can be good for your health. Wild rice is a high protein grain that you should definitely take more and more consume more and more. It has a hazelnut taste and a slightly mellow texture that essentially means that it would be more satisfactory. It is a versatile grain that you can experiment.


Protein: 6 g per ½ cup serving

Chickpeas have a combination of proteins and fibers that obviously result in healthy dip. You can make a sandwich with it, replacing the mayo or serve them with vegetable slices. You can also use chickpeas to cook blurred banana mixer muffins if you ever want to eat a sweet cake.


Protein: 6 g per ¼-cup to serve

Almonds are not only high in protein, but also contains a high dose of vitamin E, which helps you have healthy skin and hair. Almonds also represent 61% of the recommended daily consumption of magnesium that can help you with your sugar desires, cramps related to the PMS, thus improving your bone health and reduce muscle pain and spasms.

Chia seeds

chia seeds
Protein: 6 g for 2 c.

The chia seeds contain protein loads even if they come in orbs of the size of a pint. They also contain many alpha-linolenic acids (ALA) which is an omega-3 fatty acid based on herbal. In addition, omega-3s that the chia seeds contain can increase the stimulation of satiety hormone laptine, which ends up burning fat instead of simply storing them.

Steel cut
steel cut oats

Protein: 5 g in ¼-cup of service (sec)

Steel oats are not just the solid source of protein. They also have many other advantages. They can help further reduce the glycemic index than rolled oats. This would result in the maintenance of blood glucose to a hosting quantity. In the end, your cravings will be controlled and you will feel more satisfied after consumption.

Categories: / Nutrition
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