This woman has adopted a small dog, she could not have known what she would grow up to be!

Dogs can be the light of someone's life. These annoying animals are perfectly capable of lifting your mood and mess around. They can be your guarding a

Dogs can be the light of someone's life. These annoying animals are perfectly capable of lifting your mood and mess around. They can be your guards and best friends at the same time. Sometimes they are just the company you need when you are weak or you want to confide to someone, they listen carefully to your secrets and do not even betray your confidence in the discounts! A friend who is there if you want to go out, spend a fun moment, talk to someone or just snuggle into bed. We must all prepare these ideal companions to have a healthier and happier life.

That's what this young woman has kept in mind when she had planned to bring a dog to be her partner in the crime. She is a believer in 'do not buy, adopt "and that's what she has lived. But the thing about adoption is that you can never be sure what or how the animal turns out Being and that's exactly what happened in this case.

The girl playing the SidekickYumna Saloojee - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

In this case, the girl we're going to start talking is not the subject or the center of attraction, but what happened with her when she took, what was supposed to be just a small decision. Yumna Saloojee is from South Africa and lives in Johannesburg. She loves animals and a few years ago, she decided she wanted to make a little bill to her house. She decided to have a dog. She knew she wanted a breed that would grow up a little bigger as a German shepherd, and not like a Chihuahua. She could not have known how her decision would be revealed to be.

Which dog gethttp://

Races like Shih Tzu, Carlins, Chihuahua and poodles are in the small dog breed. They do not grow too big and are really friendly. Most dogs are. But there are also races of hyper dog and it can really be a handle to handle and take care of them. They can destroy your home, tear all your sweet toys and really claim more bed for their sleep and roll you. But their kindness and loyalty compensate everything, is not it? Fluffy grown dogs are the best cudal partners for sure. Anyway, Yumumna had decided she wanted a dog that would grow a little bigger.

Adopt because ... why not?

Yumumna loves animals and she believes that each of them deserves a loving house. It therefore decided that it would adopt one instead of buying. Now the potential problem with the adoption of a puppy is that one never knows how it could prove to be. This could have had a traumatic experience before that could affect his behavior in the future. Or there could be another question. It's a bet of a kind that Yyumna has decided to play.

Give up and getYumna and Tydus the Dog - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

The purpose of adopting a pet was simple. It's a fact that it costs a lot of money to buy dogs of a specific breed. What Yumumna Saloojee wanted to do was a furring companion in his house and provide her with a loving shelter and family. Keep this in mind, she went away from animals and in a few minutes became her mind as to who she wanted to adopt. She could not have known how it would be all.

Malamuted mate

Yumna and Tydus the Dog - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

Not a few minutes in the shelter, Yumumna fell on her would be the best friend and surprise. She took this chick in her arms and that was what she wanted. It was a malaminated Alaska who kept her looking at her with her puppy eyes and Yumumna knew at that moment that she was delighted and the little guy was going to be "the one" for her. His life would obviously change but in a way she could not expect.

The one and onlyhttp://

It was going to be his first pet and so it was special. His wish to have a new friend has come true. This cute little Alaska Malamute had him under his fate and his heart simply melted after looking at him. She said in an interview: "I fell in love with the second that I held it." Well, we do not really blame it. Just look at the little guy! But she had no idea what she had engaged in and what this malamous would grow to be.

Some things you should knowhttp://

There are some points to know about a malaminated Alaska so that we can understand the extent of the situation, Yumna would soon face. Malamute is considered a wolf and a crossed dog because of the way the look, but there is some restraint on that. What is certainly safe is that they are really powerful and enormously constructed. They have paid a lot because they have a double layer and their bones are heavier than most dogs.

Largest arctic doghttp://

Alaska Malamute is the largest arctic dogs. Their ears are erected on their heads that really increase their adorability quotient. It is important to note that malamutes are not really obedient and can be really malicious. They are known for their aggressive behavior, but they are not too violent. And they need to exercise all the time or they can become really destructive. But there is one more very interesting thing about this dog.


It is somehow funny as the largest Arctic dogs are born withChondrodysplasiawhich is a form of nainism. Yumna was probably aware of all these facts or maybe not. Maramutes can be a handle. However, nanfism was not a Yumumna problem had to deal with what took place not only the attention of the media, but a massive amount of disbelief from the scientific community too.

Back home

Yumumna had met this little package of joy when he had only 2 weeks. She had to wait for weeks to bring it home. Meanwhile, she stuffed her home with toys this new member would play later with. He finally arrived at his new home and was friendly at first. Yumumna knew that the malaminate grows a little bigger while growing up, she did not seek a small dog breed. But it would happen, she can not have known. This is one of the first recorded videos when it was just new.

TydusTydus the Dog - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

Yumumna appointed his new Tydus friend. The Urban Dictionary described the meaning of Tydus as "Giant Great Warrior". "Strong, beautiful, protector of his people. Good friend. Reliable. Sincere." Some would think that could well describe the nature of most dogs. Tydus grew up to be a handsome boy but Alaska Malamute, as a rule, are not able to be guards, being too protective is not in their nature. But this name forever held an idea of ​​what was happening next.

All "normal 'Tydus the Dog - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

Tydus was a friendly boy who did not take a lot of time to settle. Soon, he had his own set of toys, utensils and his own territory of the house. Living until the name of its Tydus breed was an active puppy who liked to stay in the open. And his new home has provided him with a large green space. It's him at 8 weeks. Everything seemed normal until that moment. He was comfortable with his new family and they adored him. It was only after a few months that Yumumna imagined that things were not all "normal".

Part of the packTydus the Dog - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

Looking at these images, it's hard to believe that Alaska Malamute is not a dog and a wolf crossed. And the previous video in which he screaming screaming, he could easily pass for a baby wolf. This wolf cum dog began to become part of the Saloojee clan. He had become friendly with Yyumna, his boyfriend and other friends and he grew up faster when he became older. How much things would go, nobody from the clan could not have guess.

Growth…Tydus the Dog - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

Just like all the other dogs of his breed, Tydus grew in a beautiful dog and first, Yumumna did not doubt anything. It was in any way expecting it to be a relatively large dog that is not unusual for the Alaska Malamute breed. However, it was only the beginning and Yummena underestimate many things on his new guest and she did not know or could not even have guessed what she was even for.


When you have a puppy so cute, you can not prevent you from documenting all the moments of life of theirs. That's exactly what Yumumna really did. Tydus was like his subject now and the cynosure of his eyes. All he did was recorded and here is a visual of his stretching regime! But what this little puppy would start growing, that's what Yumumna did not see coming; She could have stopped this habit of her if she had an idea of ​​what was going to happen.


It's Tydus at 4 months. When he came to the house of Yyumna, he could go in both palms but he could now climb to the height of a tennis table and even the swing at home. This rapid growth was unusual but Yumumna thought it would stop stopping. Most dogs grow at their maximum height until the age of 8 months or 1 year, but Tydus was exceptional and Yumumla for a wild tour.

Transformed into a cat?

Well, looking back Tydus looks like a giant cat. He has 6 months on the picture and it already seemed a giant. Photos to come Show how it looked like part of a cat family. Yumumna was completely struck by her non-such-small companion and for a while she did not really hold her growth. He was manageable and Yumna thought he would stop developing soon. It could not have been more false.

Came as a ruin ... Floofhttp://

Tydus was an active and happy puppy and he had enough space to play. Yumanna and her boyfriend kept him engaged and their friends and even the neighborhood people came to play with Tydus. Unlike other malamutes of Alaska who are selective in those they socialize with Tydus went well with everyone and was a happy puppy. Until the age of 4 months, he grew up like a normal dog of his race. Something happened after that!

Wash the dishes nowhttp://

Well, Tydus has grown enough to look for remains in the sink and make the life of Yyumn more difficult. He could have helped him clean up these dishes he spoiled, but he chose to break them. Tydus had begun to become harmful, in the sense that he was at an age when he has little and broke everything he survived. Given its growth, it was now the size of almost a complete adult dog, but he always thought of himself as a puppy.

Still think he's a puppyhttp://

Well, there were days when Tydus could easily enter and get out of the house through these openings in the wall. Maybe he did not realize how much he had grown up and how upset his body was. Just like the old days, he tried to sneak in the house through the opening and we can all see the consequence. He could not even have the head of his head rather than getting stuck. Well, he called rather screamed at his mother who found it in this state. It was not even the beginning of the problems of Yella!

"I can always integrate with you mom"

This image clearly shows that Tydus itself had no idea of ​​its size, he always thought of himself like this little puppy who could easily go anywhere with his mother. Yumna does not clearly want to hurt his feelings and you can see her adjust to the corner so that Tydus can integrate. In this image, Tydus has 8 months and has still not shown any sign of stopping its growth. It was not greater than many dogs of his race already and it was not the end.

Meanwhile, meet Trezhttp://

Yumumna is an animal lover and there is a bird that too, it's a kind of his pet. His name is Trez, it often falls and is supported by Yyumna. It's like the Tydus Game Player but they still have not exceeded a relationship of knowledge. Tydus growth can even be measured with that of this bird. Trez is much older than Tydus, 7 to be exact. Anyway, Yumumna loves both and it sometimes makes Tydus jealous. A growing child likes all right attention?

He does not really protect but certainly ATTAChttp://

It can sometimes become possessive about Yyumna and he regularly attacks dad to remind him who is really the boss. In addition, he really likes to bite hands, even the Yella. He would just want to keep his hand in his mouth and sit does not let her move. He knows the power he performs in and on the house. At 8 months, it looked like a dog that could not be controlled. It was heavy for a malaminated Alaska and exceeded a lot of dogs from her race and there was still no sign of stop.

Hello? Can you hear me?

Now that it is more than a complete cultivated dog, Tydus does not have to patcher the legs of his hooid family when he wants food, or a particular attention or a hug or want to fight. He comes back simply and asks for his food to the window. It's like being used to take away. He gets his food on the plate like a boss. You have to see the next slide to understand how this dog grew up!


It's Tydus at 3 months, 6 months and 9 months respectively. He was growing up so obviously and so fast! At 9 months, Yumna started becoming managing. He was always by hand at 6 months but literally coming out of the hands at 9 months and technically, he was still a puppy. Imagine if the Tydus puppy looked like this, how was fully looked like Tydus cultured! He did not give any sign of stop to grow for now and that Yumumna could only wait to see how much the plush ball was growing up.

Happy birthdayhttp://

It was a year now and that's how much Tydus had grown up! Nobody could have seen that he was one because his silhouette was that of a complete adult dog. But that did not stop here. It was now greater than all its neighborhood dogs and children and adults came tributary this beautiful giant dog / wolf / cat / lion. He was friendly with them and loved the attention he had because of his beauty and size, but there was still no sign of growth of his growth.

Live up to his namehttp://

When the little packet of joy came home, Yumna named it Tydus which means a great giant warrior, little knew that Tydus would work right in that. At Tydus aged one year, was 54 kg (120 lbs) which is a lot for a Malamute Alaska puppy. A malaminary of normal alaska fully grown weighs about 35 kg (85 lbs) and can withstand the shoulder, a height of 25 inches. Tydus went well the normal weight and soon went through the waist, so it seemed.

Lion King

Instead of becoming one with Saloojee's clan, Tydus made them part of his race. It's Yyumna's boyfriend who helps him take care of Tydus. When she is not around, he's the one who gives Tydus but here it seems that Tydus turned it into a wolf. But it's just one of Tydus animals looks and he still had not stopped growing. How much would he grow up! With its thick fur and humungeous silhouette and this side view, Tydus can easily deceive anyone to believe that Yumumna was hosting a lion. Tydus No doubt has the majesty of one but it is really friendly, the fact that he did not tear Yumumna outside the member to the member can get out of all the doubts of him being a lion. Nevertheless, the resemblance is strange, the following slides show how similar it is to the family of cats.


Can you spot the difference? Of course, you can but do not seem to have mixed with the Lion family perfectly! It can actually be a crossbreed between different species. And it's only a year. His growth did not stop and did not he have any idea of ​​the size of this "dog" that would grow up before stopping. Even taking care of a giant like this is not easy, swimming, combing and malamina Alaskan has achieved a lot!

Take (the) advantagehttp://

Tydus is a smart dog. He knows he is beautiful and fluffy and he draws a complete advantage by moving around the neighborhood and displaying his puff. Therefore, he has a lot of fans in the neighborhood, many of whom are girls who like to caress him. So, he visits them especially to get his daily dose of cuddling, attention and caressing. It is not too difficult anyway to collect fans when you look like a little toy bear that came alive.

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