The family crossing a difficult terrain finds a comfort in 2 bulldogs that change their lives for good

The Tapane family lived a happy life until a misfortune entered his life. The four family suffered a big loss when Korey encountered an accident and a GAV

The Tapane family lived a happy life until a misfortune entered his life. The four family suffered a big loss when Korey met an accident and gave his life on the spot leaving behind his young woman and two little children. Now Emily had to take care of her two children alone. No need to say that all hell had broken on them. Hazel and June shortly lacked their father. Emily did his best to encourage them but nothing worked. He was then thought Emily to bring a dog house and the table started to turn .........

Tragic accident

No loss is no longer than the loss of loved ones. Emily Tapouse life broke into pieces when she heard the news of the disappearance of her husband. She can never forget the brutality that the month of November was unleashed on her and her family in 2016. Korey became a victim of a case of success and courage and died on the spot.

Broken Heart

The man was gone leaving his wife Emily and his two little girls behind. Emily who herself was a broken heart, could not understand how to break this news to his daughters who were waiting for their father. The woman had a lifetime before her and that too without her life partner.


The little angel of Papa and June had only 4 years and 2 years when they lost their father to death. No doubt they were too young to understand the severity of the situation. Among these two, Hazel was very attached to his father. He was his hero and now his hero had been kidnapped from her. Emily wondered how would she react to the news.


After taking a handle on herself, Emily decided to say both the sisters on this subject. But how was she going to put it? How does she tell them that now they will never see their father? Sometimes life becomes so unfair. Emily explained, "telling him that his father died and also that she could not see it, was almost worse than the accident himself."

New start

No doubt their life had been seriously affected by the accident. Everything in the house reminded him of his gone husband. It was time for her and her children move. And that's why she made a difficult decision. She decided to leave her past. She decided to move to a new place. Somewhere far from the current house.

New house

The woman sold her house and bought a new home near the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. At the same time, she also welcomed a new member to the House so that children can overcome the loss quickly. Hazel had withdrew from all activities. She even ceased to talk to others.

Do not help

But sometimes fleeing is not a solution. Although the family moved into a different house, the memories were still lingering. They have always found it difficult to pass over the past. All of this bothered Emily when she knew that if the Hollowers managed to persist in her child's heart, he would destroy their evolving person. To go away did not do the trick maybe get closer to someone.

New family member

The family that was taken with the pain needed someone who could go out. That's when Emily decided to bring a new dog home. It was a nice brown and white bulldog puppy. And with it came the breeze of freshness and happiness in the house. Emily for the first time seen his smiling girls. They named the new member of the fergere.

A puppy

June and Hazel were on a ninth cloud when they discovered that they would welcome a new member at home. June jumped into the excitement when she saw her new copy. The pretty puppy flew his heart away. The two girls smiled with an eye in the ear and kissed fern.

A patch

Emily maintained: "It's like I could feel a patch being placed on my heart." "I looked at my daughters shouted and played and loved on her. She changed everything." She continued. The woman also became attached to the Pooch. She would take him to watch tablets that would give the ferns a chance to socialize with other dogs. And it was the same thing, the woman noticed something really strange.


Fern would she appreciate a lot by playing, but her happiness would disappear when she came home. Emily had noticed that. This is true that Chopoch would get love loads in the house but something always lacked for her. The dog needed someone to play with. Emily had found the problem and she now needed to solve it.

New dog

It launched his career to find a new Pooch. But this research would be quite difficult for her. This time, she had prerequisites. Emily said, "It seemed that every dog ​​we find in the shelters and that adoption groups were not good with little children, neither tiny nor too old to follow our 1 year putker."

Facebook Post

Despite all his efforts, she could not find a suitable. But it seemed like luck too wanted to have a new dog. A friend labeled Emily to a post on a dog called Juno, who is also a bulldog with a difficult past. Emily said, "She thought I could help find [Juno] a house, since I always try to help find houses for the animals that need it. I watched it and I said and said : 'Yeah. Me !!!' I just knew. "

Love at first sight

Emily also said, "His host family, Victoria told me that she had been abused and neglected. I was expecting it to be shy, aggressive or frightened. Instead, we sat on the floor to meet her and she fasily put it 74 pounds directly on my 4th year of 4 years. "She also explained how she feels like seeing her. For her, it was like", love at first sight ".


Emily described, "She had already been touched when she tried to get on the furniture." She realized, "I had it at home and we talked it to continue on the couch. She seemed to have found a piece of sky. "Now, the house had two pooks extremely cute and adorable. In addition, both understood that it became difficult for the world to distinguish them.

A family

The five-year-old bulldog soon became the line of life of all at home. The dog has been described as "the happiest tail we have ever met", it is so different from its traumatic past. Juno loved his new family.

Happiest tail

Emily describes the new addition, "we added a new buddy to our brood! It's Juno. She is 5 years old and the happiest tail we have ever met. She was mistreated the last 4.5 years of her life, but all of this remains confident and loving. All she wants is a turn to snuggle and someone to hold her paw. Fern is madly in love with her. We love it so much and I can not wait to make a life a person she loves. "

Best friends

But what everyone has surprised most was the amazing link that formed between Juno and June. They became the partner of the other at all. They play together, eats together and come out a walk together. Little June takes care of all the needs of Juno. Emily explains: "June cares about her as she is a little pupa. She asks her if she is fine, if she can get it anything. She puts blankets on her."

Affection for animals

Emily United States, "June has always loved animals, but had never formed a real link with one. Until Juno. They are inseparable. They watch television together, play together and touch at any time possible." Sometimes I think they communicate in their way we do not understand. It's the most beautiful and comforting thing, "adds the mother of June.

Things in common

June and Juno have a lot of things in common. They both like to watch T.V and cuddle with each other. The fur friend of June is as friendly as June itself is. Both like to listen to music too. They never burn each other.

Heart to Heart

The best thing to do is that Juno always becomes when the month of June feels down. It may be because of the strong link they have between them. The dog would do his best to cheer her up. She snuggled with her and rubbed her cheeks in June.

Different personalities

Juno and Fern are both an integral part of the family. While the two are beautiful, they both own different personalities. Fern is playful and animated by nature. You can spot most of the time jumping or rolling in the garden. On the other hand, Juno is of a reserved nature and cuddly. She likes to stay around June and snuggle with her. "She's the sweetest baby," Emily said, describing Juno. "She literally likes anyone and anything. My characters even snuggle to her, »


Fern and Juno brought only happiness to the family. The family who was drowned in the grief now lived a happy life with these two pooks. The fergere enlightened the environment with its playful and fun attitude and Juno shifted to girls with a lot of love and care. Not to mention these two wondered in this house of drowning.

Building strength

The family could have stayed in distress had Emily, not brought dogs at home. For Emily to see his kids laugh and play was enough to push through the solitary days and lives. Emily is very grateful to these dogs who helped them come back to the light of the black.


Emily explained: "There was a moment when I was not sure to go survive that. I was not sure I wanted. Therapy, medicines, all this simply did not seem enough to get through that. I can say with 100% honesty that the combination of these dogs and hazelnuts and June did more for me than any health professional. "


For Emily, these voiceless dogs are nothing less than healers. Knowingly or unconsciously, they brought help to their fresh wound. She explains: "They are light and healing in the sweetest packets." No doubt the woman had made the right decision.


Someone commented on the comforting images of Juno and Fern, "no matter what a dog has crossed that they will always have the love to give. Dogs are so loving and understand how your feeling. As long as They are loved and feel safe and are supported, you will really have a friend of life. "


Another person wrote: "We had a dog after my father died when I was a child, it's like she was an angel sent from the sky to help us." If you have a dog like your best friend, you are the luckiest man in the world. No friend remains as faithful as dogs.

Emily said

Emily writes, "a year ago, we found the fur love of our lives. Things were so different that ... I was in a new exciting relationship. It was the beginning of our adventures in motion . The Chaos of the Lowe Catastrophe of 2017/18 had not started yet and I had no idea what the next year had in store for me. Some of them as well. Part of that if sad. "

The spirit of Korey

She also said: "All the time, this love potato squishy 40 lb found a way to make me laugh and feel love every day. Sometimes I wonder if it is the incarnation of Korey's mind. I do not know. All I know is that we love it and we do not remember what life was like without it. We love you, baby fougere. You do the bad days well and good days even better. "

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