The owner was looking for his dog lost everywhere and finally found it in a field doing something really strange!
Way is an ordinary stray dog with an extraordinary life story. She was born as a wandering but was adopted by a man, thanks to his kindness. Soon she became the word

Way is an ordinary stray dog with an extraordinary life story. She was born as a wandering but was adopted by a man, thanks to his kindness. Soon, she became the mother of a litter of puppies and devoted her life to heal her puppies. She clogged around the region at noon looking for food and returned to her in order to feed them. But one day she did not come back. His owner triggers the house to find it, but she was not found. Then someone suggested him to look for her in a neighboring field. He went there with a heavy heart and what he found that there was beyond his imagination!
Dog is the best friend of man
Alejandra Griffa, a local resident was at home when she heard a muffled cry coming from the outside. Initially, she ignored but quickly realized that something was not fair that the cry did not stop for a second. She gathered that the cry came from a field in front of her building as she watched through the window. She went to the place. There was something that happens on the ground and what he saw rendered his jaw.
Live in misery
Dogs have always been the best friend of man. They are faithful, cute and real companions of humans. But the same thing can not be said about humans. Many of those who come home are forced to cope with the brutality of their owner and those who do not get to face the inclusion of nature. The path is a stray dog that spent most of his life in the slum. The adult dog was well familiar with the difficulties that life get on someone.
This story is about the right way with its owner in a private city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. All they have in the name of the house is a bunch of wooden cabins and metal craps. The passages are made to the ground that also makes the separation of houses that look like huts.
Not secured
Inappropriate construction and poverty make people and their homes vulnerable to crimes. The region is cramped with homes that allow them to cross the region. Therefore, the region has no protection at all.
Four-legged protection
Lifeful cities of this type are quite unpredictable. There is no demarcation. As the poverty rate is so high in the region that most families have one or two criminals among them. And these families who do not have criminals among them are the one who lives in the threat all the time. The cops do not like to enter these areas because they are not only congested, but are extremely malgienic.
Hub of crimes
No need to say that the crime rate increased here by jumps and limits, because it remained long ignored by the authorities for a long time. The crime rate has increased so quickly in the region that the authorities have had to implement a 24-hour police system. Unfortunately, the deplorable condition of the residents remained the same. People were still fighting for food. Of all these bad things, a person who had won the heart of each individual.
Way was his name! The dog was born of a slum. She had originated with a litter of brothers and sisters. The life of slum had taught him a lot. She would do everything you need for food to be boring, begging and flying. She knew that the food was needed to survive. Fortunately, the dog never had a lot of struggle for food while his kindness would win the hearts of people.
New family
In this way, a day, Pooch met his new owner. It was a perfect match. He would take care of her, nourish her and loved her. In no time, she has become a family to his owner. It does not matter where it remains all day, it would come back to its owner every night. Although she had a loving family, happiness was far from her.
Too many streaks
You may know that birth rates and diseases are higher in slum areas and these data only concern humans than in animals. Although some of the dogs find a shelter in someone's house, they are hardly sterilized or sterilized. Which means that they stay pregnant most of their lives. In some areas, the rescuers find them in puppy farms that close immediately.
Health problems
The probability of catching diseases and dog infections is higher in these areas. And their puppies inherit these diseases. As a result, dogs in this city do not live long. They all have a shorter life. So, was going to meet the same end?
A mother in difficulty
As a stray dog, Way had undergone many pregnancies. Therefore, she knew everything about areas and safer places for her and her puppies. His experience had taught him to recognize the people who would give him food. One thing about it was that every time she would go, she would always come home.
When she fell pregnant
The owner of Way did not have to do a lot of time to understand the pregnancy of the way. During pregnancy, a way used to do certain things that would give his pregnancy. For example, the girl would disappear all day and would come back only in the night to have food. It was his routine. But one day she did not come back. The owner waited all night but there was no trace of her. The man suspected that something was wrong.
Took some time
Dawn broke and always, there was no trace of way. She had never been far from home for so long. Not to mention, the owner worried and decided to look for it. He went from his friends to the neighbors to see if they knew anything about him, but unfortunately, none of them knew nothing about his point of view.
Nobody knew
Way asked everyone about it. He looked at it inside the labyrinth of alleys and crossed all the hiding place he knew. He continued to shout his name by seeking her but she did not respond. The man had food in his hand. Maybe the dog has nothing to eat and was unable to walk. Unfortunately, she could not locate her but the other dogs followed him for food.
Cold days
The temperature had come down to three degrees Celsius. It was cold gelarant outside. There was no way that a human can survive at that time, not to mention a dog. Where could she go? In addition, his puppies also went somewhere. The owner started to imagine the worst.
What exactly what happened?
Maybe the way has fallen a prey of the brutality of someone. There are some people who are pleased to beat animals without voice. Perhaps had become a victim of one of them. He had begun to give up hope when someone suggested him to look for it in a near field. The man ran on the ground only to see a surprising show.
The slums are quite famous for crimes. Daniel Salcedo, Chief of Police and his officers tend to get strange calls, most of whom were wrong. That's why he advised his juniors to be careful while answering this type of call. But this time, Salcedo had no idea how to answer when he received a call from a woman named Alejandrie Griffin. The woman said something incredible.
Had to go
The news was not credible at all. But ignore a call would be like ignoring his duty. Thus, the officers entered the car and led to the field that was in the middle of the slum. They were quite sure that the call was nothing but a joke until their eyes caught the sound of cries.
Six puppies and a baby
There were six puppies hugging each other. It seemed like the puppies were glued to each other. Maybe they fought the cold. But as the officers have come closer, they realized that puppies did not fight cold but hid something amazing.
Small baby
Way was right there. His puppies moved toward her as the officers approached them. While puppies scattered, a tiny little baby appeared on the stage. He was elongated just under them. The baby was naked and hungry. He cried continually and that's perhaps why a way to get closer to him and placed his head. Salcedo could not believe his eyes. He was quite stunned. The baby was alone.
Abandoned at birth
Salcedo took the baby to the hospital. As the baby was born, there was a good chance to get sick. Miraculously, the baby was in good condition, leaving aside the rare wounds and weighed about 2.3 kilos while the infant was premature. The authorities finally managed to find the baby mother of 33 years old. What does she have to say? Why did she abandon the baby?
They asked him why she abandoned her son. The woman responded by saying that she did for a reason. She said she already has eight bouches to feed and others have only added to her problem. Surprisingly, where she had left her baby different from where she was found. So does it mean that the baby has reached pile of waste or dirt by crawling?
Way rushed to the baby's location when she heard the cry. Most likely, it's still pick up and took him to bed that she had prepared for her children. It had to be 50 meters from where it was found at. The dog had taken responsibility for taking care of the infant until the authorities of the time find.
Become popular
The road has become the star of the eyes many people once the news of its compassionate nature has made headlines throughout the country. The media started calling it "The Miracle Baby Santino". People would call him a saint. But Salcedo who had seen the incident of his own eyes was yet to come on this subject. He described, "She took it like a puppy and saved her" "doctors told us if she had not done so, he would be dead."
Old Roman myth
Dr. Egidio Melta who is associated with the Melchor Romero Hospital said about the baby's state when it was introduced. He said the baby was only a few hours at the age of 11:30 to 19:30. Does this story ring a bell? Well, there is a former Romain myth of Romulus and Remus who follows the same track.
A myth
The parents of Romulus and Remus abandoned only a few hours after birth. A wolf female finds them on the side of a river and saves them. Not only that, the wolf protected them until a group of shepherds discovered the twins. This story could be a myth but there have been many real stories about animals protecting human babies.
Canine denominator
Dogs have remained with animals for centuries. They have always proved their loyalty to their human companion. They are very friendly and has a condition for newborns. As each other was a mother and then when she saw a human infant lying on the floor alone, she decided to help her. Way knew what she did. She tried to keep it warm by covering it with a cloth.
Safe and sound
The baby is in safe hands now and is watched around the clock. The authorities care for it until an appropriate family adopts it. As far as his biological mother is concerned, she was arrested to leave him. However, the story did not have a happy ending.
Heartbreaking reality
The authorities have not ignored the current state of passage and puppies. They decided to give them to a shelter. But for this way, it was necessary to be removed from its owner. It was a sad moment for all, but it was supposed to be done for the good of the dog and the man who could not provide him enough food.
In another way
We have heard many stories about human life animals but rarely meet a story about a human savvy. This story restores our faith in humanity and the fact that animals also have a compassion and feelings.

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