Teenager interrupts the judge during a process of adoption and revealed the type of people that his host parents were

When you look at a family photo, it always looks attractive and well framed. Smiles on the people of the framework are clear proof that the family is happy

When you look at a family photo, it always looks attractive and well framed. The smiles on the inhabitants of the framework are clear proof that the family is happy and secure. But do we ever really know if a family is as happy as this one? Looks can really be misleading so we never really know what's going on at home. This couple adopted a boy who went from the front and dropped jaws before the court when he decided to interrupt the judge ...

His only dream

Promoting children can be a difficult task. You never know if the family and the child would have or not. So, on August 13, 2018, Sara Cozad was there before a judge with her husband and two host children next to her. This was done as a final adoption process, in which the foster mother would be legally adopting and being their mother.

All tears

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So, as they sat before the judge, the whole family was waiting for the final decision. The judge would answer if boys could be legally adopted by this woman and her husband. As was happening, the older boy, the Dayshawn, decided to have an announcement during the judicial procedure. He went forward and revealed something that left Cozad flooded with tears.

A big deal

The judicial procedure took a lot of time. This day was very long to come for the 26-year-old woman whose future was about to be clear on boys. When she was young, she knew she wanted one day to become a host mother. It was something she had always sucked up. So, it was a big deal for her.

He is 7 years old

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Since his little girl, this woman had always been interested in taking children and being a host mother. It was something she felt passionate enough. And in fact, seven years before this day before the court, this lady had met him first at her husband, Stuart Shank. Even then, she quickly told her her dream of a day becoming a host mother.

Rolling with her

It would certainly be strange that someone immediately confides in you that she wants to become a host mother the first time you meet. But her husband was the kind of guy who was impressed by that, someone who did not have any problem with that. "I was impressed by how [Shank] rolled with her," Revealed Cozad in an interview she gave in September 2018.

After the honeymoon

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Since that was the case, it was clear that she and the stem was really supposed to be. They were both passionate about many other things too. So, they fell in love and he quickly arrived at the couple to get married in 2014. It was a few years after their first date. They went for their honeymoon soon and when they returned home, the trip to home parents followed.

Younger children

Cozad had always wanted to know what it was like a foster mother. But even after their wedding, she was still young enough. Meanwhile, Cozad was only about 23 years old and had not wrapped his head around the concept of dealing with children who were close to his age. Until then, she had thought only younger children or babies.

Initial stage

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After their mutually agree to become host parents, they start helping and taking children. The children that the couple took were very young. Cozad and her husband favored newborn and toddlers in the short term. They were only comfortable with the manipulation of babies and younger children of that time and so that was exactly what happened initially.

Just a week

So, they had to start promoting children after deciding that they wanted to be host parents. They first took a baby for seven days. Cozad and Shank were then requested to take care of a three-year-old boy called Michael. It was not supposed to take a long time, in fact, newlyweds were invited to get an eye on Michael for a weekend only.

Change of plan

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So when they took Michael, the couple did not intend to keep it long. As they had been invited to take care of the boy for a week, they had no problem. But after his meeting, the initial plan quickly changed. "This weekend turned into a week. And this week in months. And these months in years," she revealed on their website "love what counts".

Someone visits

The couple took care of Michael and made him feel like him. They did not expect to keep it so long. What was supposed to be a weekend had happened in a few months now. Then they had a visit by someone else too. In the first months, Cozad and Shank supervour a visit to anything other than Michael's very own brother, Dayshawn.

A need for unity

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It was such a nice moment when the two brothers finally met. As soon as the big brother saw his brother, he could not hide his host and run it directly, lifting him in a warm embrace. After seeing this, the couple was touched enough and wanted to do something. Cozad instantly realized that these brothers had to be united and never separated from ever.

Against the plan

If they passed with this plan, it was going to be quite change. If they were going to take the day before in their home, it was going to accompany all the plane of Cozad. She and her man both agreed to take only children and toddlers. The foster mother is only 13 years older than the Dayshawn, which meant he was a little old.

He was old

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As they had always wanted to take toddlers and infants, they had no index what it would be if the Dayshawn also had to be favored. They had only been arranged to promote babies, so it would go against their preference and all they had lived. And soon, the 26 years started talking to the teenager who made it a little easier.

The obstacles

As she felt smoothly to handle an older child, Cozad was not willing to take children who were the age of Dayshawn. But at the same time, she saw that he and his brother had to stay together. It was not the only fear that the foster mother had to overcome. Cozad and her husband also took care of some other children so that it could add to their burden.

What was the goal?

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And as they were still looking forward to helping, the young couple always took care of children. And until the date, this couple took 14 children for various amounts of time. They really wanted to help children in need so they had never stopped after their departure initially. There was a goal that this couple had. It was able to help their children get in touch or meet with their parents of birth.

On his age

After fighting with herself trying to decide what she wanted to do, Cozad could then come with a final decision. She wrote how she felt that the time has come to love what counts: "We plead for reunification whenever possible. The best part of the favorite is to see that parents work extremely difficult to recover their children. "The boys meeting felt more important than the age of Dayshawn.

An exception

As they saw the first hand that the two boys were ecstatic at the meeting once again, it would be a sin to separate them once again. When he fell to Michael and the Dayshawn, the couple was ready to make an exception. They only wanted to keep the brothers happy so that they were working to give them both reunification and adoption.

Planifier Change

It was different from any situation they had never treated before. So, the couple had to roll and see that the boys' case plan would go from one goal to another. The couple then planned to prepare for the brothers, Michael and Dayshawn are gathered. Although they did not expect, after almost a year, they decided to adopt a legal adoption.

For a few years

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The couple worked hard and put in time and efforts to make sure they have achieved their goals. And so it took another six months after which they made the decision to try again reunification. It was not a trivial case, so there was no need for a lot of time. They had to be patient and persistent in the way they managed the situation. "This process has been held for years," revealed Cozad later on "the love of what counts".

Silver lining

And as they made the decision to take the two brothers, it was going to be a long and difficult. The adoption of a child is quite difficult, then taking two boys was a walk that Cozad and her husband had not planned to be so difficult. But as we all know, there is always a lining of silver at each cloud, even in this case there was a positive side effect that took place.

Two lessons

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It had taken longer and effort than what the couple had calculated. And even Cozad took to their website "love what counts" to reveal how it affected them both. It taught him the patience and also make the most of every second that she had the pleasure of spending with Michael and Dayshawn. She would have less things to fear what comes to the future.

Long wait

And there was something incredible who waited for the couple at the end of the tunnel. Even if they had been occupied by the adoption procedure, there has been a moment when all their hard work would be rewarded. And before August 13, 2018, the long wait was finally over. Cozad and Shank were officially adoptive parents in Michael and the Dayshawn.

An incident in court

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It was such a Russian mountain tower for all they were so happy that everything is finished. And that day was certainly one day when everyone became emotional. They had been involved in the legal adoption of boys for so long since everyone was happy to see everything in place. However, something in the courtroom made in Cozad losing eyes.

Unexpected speech

And then, what happened in the courtroom? Well, there was an archive session in this adoption procedure. He showed the judge who asked, "You think they all agree that this adoption should move forward?" Cozad and his family were right at the expectation of the judge the end of the proceedings. But then someone talked ...

The boy comes out

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Nobody should hear anyone talk or say anything. But just at that time, Dayshawn gave a surprising answer: "Yeah, they all love." It was unexpected but certainly was something that made everyone present at the court of smile. After saying that, there were bursts of laughter who filled the entire courtroom. But then the teenager still had something else to get off his chest.

What he said

And so what did adolescence had to come out of his chest? Well, the Dayshawn continued with his speech and explained, "We love them. Our entire family is the best thing we have ever had. I'm happy to have these people in my life. I'm happy to be their son. They are the best thing I have ever had. "It was not asked to him, but he talked as he thought he needed his new parents to know.

How did she respond?

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So, how does this small small but powerful speech affect Cozad? Well, after hearing what his boy had to say, she had already lost control of her emotions. She was in tears and had already abandoned the fight to hold them. There was a pure delight in his cry and his emotions showed how much she cared for Michael and Dayshawn. The boy was still not ...

Happy with them

As the couple was adontayd to adopt it and his brother together, it was clear to him that they loved them a lot. He saw the struggle for which they had to face so that everything remains together, so the day before was incredibly grateful and happy to be their son. The teenager continued: "If I could wish something in the world, I would like to be able to love these people for the rest of my life."

A time to celebrate

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It was such a nice time in front of the court who makes so many people who are crying with them. The brothers were now safe and healthy in cozad care and her husband. And so, as they wished, the adoption went well as planned. This called for a celebration and then Cozad and Shank launched a party inviting all their loved ones to join their union.

Turn one's name

And it was now time that everyone celebrates as they were now legally linked. Following the adoption, Michael and Dayshawn took the name of Shank's Shank, where the teenager even had a second name for himself. He chose "Star", that Cozad claims to describe it perfectly. "It defies all the stereotypes of a teenager," she admitted to an interview.

Same but different

And there was nothing that could stop the four of them to become a happy family. After Cozad adopted Michael and QuarkShawn, she claims that their life was the same, changed for the best way. They already lived as a family before the adoption day, and now they were legally a family. But the question about the spirit of some people is whether they will always promote other children.

Keep favor

Well, in September 2018, the couple then took another child. They treated a 14 year old child who was the first child they had taken after the adoption. They were in training to hold a responsibility as a host parents for children who have unfortunately fallen into the hands of sex traffic. Yet Cozad argued that they were not special parents.


Cozad then took to "love what counts" to express the way she felt: "It's tearing that these adolescent demographics sit in social workers' offices or shelters for weeks (or even months ) at the end of the account since so few houses are open to them. " Specialized training is an attempt to make Foster's mother well equipped to manage teenagers in the way she can.

All that ends

And Cozad and Shank were completely happy to live their lives this way. They could not see their lives to conduct another direction other than the one dependent on it now. "No child should feel grateful to have a family loves them," added Cozad, "it should be a given." Even for both brothers, it was a blessing. DAYSHAWN's wish has become reality and now they all live in one roof.

Categories: Family / / inspirational / kids / Mystery / Parenthood
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