12 year old girl fights the chances of saving the life of her 7 year old sister when a stranger tries to plagotate them

Never encountered a situation so frightening that all your senses will literally numb. You are unable to think and act. You are confused on the strange chaos

Never encountered a situation so frightening that all your senses will literally numb. You are unable to think and act. You are confused on the strange chaos and life seems to approach a dead end. This is the moment when your blood flows cold and you can not think what to do next.

Something similar happens when Brandie - the mother of two girls, headed for the car to help people injured by a car accident. And what she then sees, he is a strange horrible man to force in his car in which his two girls aged 12 and 7 were sitting. He locks into the car and did not seem to have good intentions. While the mother could not do anything to save her daughters, her eldest daughter took the situation in her hands and unthinkable.

Acting instantly

She saw the man come to his car. But she did not plan that he will unlock the doors and would sit down in it. She was frightened. His mother was at a distance and her and her younger sister were just in the car. And now they have been locked with a stranger and a man of appearance strangely scary. What was the man until?


Maddie and Mollie were perplexed. They could not understand why the man left his car pass. Brandie rushed to the car to examine the material, but the man has already paved his way into the car. Maddie After being disconcerted for a few minutes acts on the situation to save his youngest sister and herself of the inconvenience.

Family day

It was a holiday that day and a nice climate made it the ideal day to spend a picnic. The sisters asked their mother to take them to the amusement park at Easter weekend, so there was. Maddie and Mollie with Brandie are dressed in t-shirts reading the family day and were all placed to leave.

Loan ready

Brandie took the drive of the driveway and Maddie and Mollie jumped enthusiastically. They were very enthusiastic about this trip. All they talked about on their way was what was moving first. Brandie was delighted to see her daughters this happy. Little knew that their happiness was time that day. They led to uncertain.


The trio of mom and girls led to the amusement park, Williamsburg, Virginia. Mollie being the youngest could not control his excitement. And all she asked Brandie in time was "Mom, how long are you going to get there"? Unfortunately, even the mother did not know they would never be able to do it at the amusement park.

A car accident

They went through J. Taylor Highway when Brandie saw a car managed to hit the greens. Being a vacation, the highway was empty and nobody was there to help people who had to be injured in the accident. Brandie could not go through that and she decided to lend a careful hand to the poor passengers. A careful hand that costs on the life of his daughter.


Brandie found a man who had a minor head injury. She rushes immediately to him with a first aid box she wore from her car. To reach the man for help, Brandie Dials 911 calls for additional help. As she returns to the bleeding man, she was shocked. The man started running to his car. Wait What? Did I see it well?


The Brandie was taken to the vanishing man's view assumed towards his car. An interrupted column crossed his body when she saw it running. She was so disconcerted that instead of running behind him, she just prayed that he was not hurting his young girls. She started shouting "Maddie Beware, Maddie Beware! '

Locking the car

Hear his mother screaming and find a strange man running to his car, Maddie close the windows immediately and locks his car from the inside. The 12-year-old was frightened. She asks Mollie to sit down and wait seriously that her mother will come soon.

Unhappy day

The day was an unfortunate. The man broke the locks of the car and the car was unlocked in a second. Brandie started running too, but before she could succeed in reaching her daughters, the stranger was already sitting on the driver's seat and mumbled the scary.


The man's eyes were sufficient to leave petrified girls. Maddie recalls that the man was strongly constructed and looked shabby. He had an invaded beard. By the time he sat down in the car, he began to mumble "he said all these things like", let's go "and" I need to arrive at this place ",

Crazy intention

Maddie knew that this man did not have good intentions. It was very clear from the way he broke in their car. Brandie could not reach the car and the girls were alone in this car locked up with a stranger, a stranger who did not seem just. What has been written in their destiny that day?


Mollie held the hand of Maddie. The little girl was afraid of becoming. She started sobering fear. She looked at Maddie and Marmonna, "Mom". Maddie was also scared. The man had his hands on the wheel. Maddie knew she needs to do something to save her younger sister and herself from the unknown.

Keep calm

Seeing Mollie Panishing this evil, Maddie knew she had to maintain her calm in order to stay strong for her sister. She took a great breath and helps Mollie's hand narrowly. Just, the old duet recalled what they have learned to do in crisis like that.

Bravery in the veins

Mollie and Maddie belonged to the family of brave men. They were raised by police and firefighters. The members of their family had seen all these obstacles in life and even taught their daughters how courageuses. The bravery ran through their veins. And just then she knew what needs to be done.

Distract and win

One thing Maddie knew how she needed distracting the stranger to hunt the car. She immediately started biting man on her arm and she went through her attention to divert her steering wheel. The light even mollie followed her.

Give him a punch

When girls understood that it did not help them much, Maddie cancels his seatbelt and began to hit him. But unfortunately, the man was so immutable that the effort of the little girl went to vain. However, the little Mollie continued to irritate the stranger and in the interval of the brain of Maddie resumed.

The security function

Maddie recalled that there is a special security feature in their vehicle. If the car was contracted in the driving speed, it would not even leave the engine start. She was sure that the odd mind did not have any clues and she did a lot of need. However, she had never been expected that was happening next.

Adjustment in the equipment

Even in his craziest imagination, Maddie did not think she should take the risk of measuring with cars without the supervision of her mother. It was a risk she was about to take. She without being caught abroad closed hardware in training mode. And then what happened was amazing.


Next Momet, Maddie starts again to tell the man. She even dug nails from ger in the arm of man. And shout, ed "mollie run!" Mollie immediately unlocks the car and opens the door and ran to his mother. But Maddie was fighting again.

Absolutely helpless

At that time, Maddie was so lost to beat and bite the man she did not realize when her sister unlocked the door and managed to escape. She continued to irritate the man. However, how will she be able to get out of the problem she had landed.

Go out

The moment Brandie saw Mollie coming to run to her, she was happy. But immediately understood that his eldest daughter was always their fight. The horrified mother shouted for Maddie. She shouted, "Maddie Sveille".

Men in service

While Maddie was fighting with the man, the police finally arrived at the scene. Fortunately, Brandie called 911 in time, and she could save the life of her eldest daughter. Brandie was amazed by the courage that Maddie had shown that day.

Accepted his defeat

Finding the police officers, the man had no choice but to accept his defeat. He knew that the girls had managed to escape and he was caught red hands. And the police have easily recognized this man.

Paul Salsman

The Starnger and a strange appearance man was Paul Salsman, who was a 21-year-old guy. He had already tried to steal cars in this area and did not bother to do it during his last three attempts. Whenever he lied to escape, but this time he was caught.


The officers called Maddie to know how she managed to deceive a man so strong, the little girl said, "All I knew is that he is a pyschopath and he needs to get out of the car". She remembers that she was totally helpless first but also knew that she had to get out the man.


Paul was guilty for his actions. It has been sold under slamity, a case of striking and running and driving under the influence of drugs. The authorities also appreciated the little Maddie for his immense courage and bravery. Although the girl introduced a brave side she was suffering from wounds in the course.

Broken bone

Maddie while attacking Paul, unconsciously broke a growth plate in his bone. The bone is sensitive and needs time to heal. Despite the pain, the girl's courage was not hurt and she managed to save the life of her sister.

A question

A question that ran across everyone, it's how a girl that twelve I have managed to take the hand of a man who was big enough. And when she was asked the same thing from her, Maddie had the simplest but very logical reason. A reason that had roots at his hobbies.


Maddie was a horse rider. She had always liked to roll them. She says that when she could control her walk when she is on an animal weighing 1,500 pounds, SH knew Salsman was nothing in front of it. Bravo Girl!

Popularized History

This tale of the bravery of Maddie was shared online. And people were completely blown with the courage of the little girl. His instinct to act on foot to save the life of his sister and herself stole many hearts. She was rented everywhere for her courage.


When Brandie was invited to comment on the incident, even she could not stop renting her daughter. Brandie said she proud of Maddie. As she was shocked and empty in this situation, she did not know how to act, her daughter did the incredible.


When asked during an interview that was not Maddie herself was afraid of this situation, the girl had the most honest answer. She said, "Yes, I was afraid, but I knew that Mollie was more scred. If I lost calm, it would be more panicked. " Yet it was not all she had to say.

Smart Council

When asked, what advice would give Maddie to other girls, G0D banned to find themselves in a similar situation, the courage of the girl spoke. She said that everything should do is "fight them, do not remember. Just fight ".


Since that day, Maddie has been rented and recalled for his bravery. People have started quoted as an example when it came to show courage and courage. Without a doubt, for a girl who is also young young as her younger sister, to do something like it was too brave. Kuddos in Maddie.

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