His much expected holidays become a nightmare when a woman receives a neighbor's call

Crystal Taylor, a woman who works decided to go on vacation. She likes to travel and visited many places. This time she went to Cabo. Everything was al

Crystal Taylor, a woman who works decided to go on vacation. She likes to travel and visited many places. This time she went to Cabo. Everything was all planned. And finally came the day she took her flight to Cabo. However, the much expected holidays turned into a nightmare when she received a neighbor's call from her neighbor. While she was absent in Cabo taking advantage of her holidays, her house had become a star plate of strange activities. The neighbors had started hearing strange sounds from his house. When Crystal returned to investigate, she could not believe her eyes.

Avid traveler

Crystal was finally going to the trip she was waiting for so long. She had booked her ticket and waited for the day to arrive. The woman had a beautiful house but her passion for traveling would not let her stay there for a long time. Once again, she headed for exploring the unexplored. She went to Cabo.


Cabo San Lucas Famous Like Just Cabo is a city from the southern station of the Baja California Peninsula in Baja California on, a Mexican state. The city holds a place in the first 5 tourist destinations in Mexico. The beaches of Cabo, marine life and the location of scuba diving attract a large number of tourists every month.

The destination

Finally, the day came. She helped her neighbors and made room for her destination. She would not have imagined in her wildest dream she was about to get caught in a big problem. Before leaving for the holidays, she had made renovations inside the house. The whole house has been repainted. Not only that, she had even made a remodeling in her house.

The House

The woman lived alone in her big house in Oklahoma, because of the work, she did not have a lot of time to pass with her neighbors either. However, she had good terms with her neighbors. So, leaving home, she asked her neighbors to keep an eye on her house and that's how she left her home.


As mentioned earlier, she had a sumptuous house with the broken arrow. She had come into the house just a few years ago. Even if the woman was alone, she then bought the house as he arrived at an affordable rate. The house had a big backyard and a swimming pool.

Different vibrations

His house was very different from all the houses around him. It was not only relatively big but he also gave inexplicable vibrations. The house is distinguished from the rest in terms of beauty, space and strangeness. The house would soon change his life upside down.


Not only that, but it also boasts of a spacious garage. She had launched many pool parties at home. However, all that, while little knew that she knew that her beautiful house was going to be the very big reason for her life.

Unique holidays

It was summer 2016 and she was flying to Cabo to enjoy the heat of summer. She was going to spend a holiday after a very long time. And that's why his holidays stretched up to 2 weeks. However, little knew it would not be able to enjoy his vacation.


Crystal agitated goodbye to all his neighbors and stole from Cabo with his friends. She had just started enjoying her holidays when she received a neighbor's call. Well, it was strange because his neighbor had never called him before. There must be something very important otherwise, if not that will waste money to make an international call.

A bad new

Or maybe there was bad news. No need to say that she was also surprised. Had his neighbor had composed his number accidentally? She picked up the call only for the worst news of her life. His neighbor had something to talk to him about his house. All was not right there.

To recover

A few days only in the holidays, the woman had to go home. She took the first flight available to return to her place. Obviously, the woman was devastated after receiving the news of her neighbors. His heart was the race and little knew that the question was only getting worse from this point.

Meet the neighbor

The woman has reached her home in a matter of a few hours. The first person she met after returning was her neighbor. She wanted to talk to her about what she told her on the phone. If it were true that it was pretty serious and disturbing. She needed to go to the bottom of that.

Strange activities

His neighbor informed him of some strange activities that occurred at home. Yes! That's exactly what his neighbor tells him. No need to say, Crystal, was confused and frightened. Was there anyone already at home. But how could it be possible, she had twice checked the locks before leaving for Cabo nor she had given the keys to anyone. The keys were with its safe and secure security.

The water had changed

In addition, when she reached her house, she saw that the water inside his pool had become a toxic green color. The condition of the pool was sufficient to say in the state of the house. If someone had broken in his house? And if the person is dangerous. Lost in his thoughts, she reached the main door.

Unlocking the door

He was at the moment to unlock the door she regretted not to appress anyone. She really had to report to someone. Maybe some antisocial elements had borrowed in his house. But now there was no reversal now. She had never hoped something like that.

Was unopened

Surprisingly, the door was locked. There was no trace of a forced entry. In fact, by appearance, it seemed that the lock was not open for once. If not the main door, so how did the intruder entered the house?

Changes abound

Erasar, when the woman entered her house, she realized that she had completely changed. The house looked dirty and destroyed. It seemed like it had come to the house of a stranger. The woman broke into tears as soon as she put her eyes on the floors. His beautiful cherry hardwood floors had been brutally ruined with scratches and scratches.

Completely ruined

The high-level carpet had spots of an unknown liquid. There was a lot of big talkative on them. It did not look like his house. Not only that, but the whole house was filled with unbearable odor. It seemed like the house had been used as a short-term caressing zoo. What went wrong with his house in this area a few days?

enough is enough

The woman did not have courage to take another step fearing again what would she be blowing from her mind. She covered her nose with her hand and moved after gathered all the courage she had. She could not hold her tears after what she saw then.

What else

After discovering spots, scratches and suffocating perfumes, the woman found another terrible detail. She stumbled on cigarette butts scattered on floors. His house had been mistreated in the worst possible way. Anger took part in her when she looked at the walls of her living room.


Crystal electronics were no longer on the walls. They were not only unplugged but had also been torn apart from the walls. She thought it's the worst until she opened her refrigerator. It was indeed a nightmare. The woman shouted with fear when she saw what was inside the fridge.


She saw mold spots on shelves and walls as if a plague had broken inside her refrigerator. The cockroaches ran in and out of the electronics. "I never imagined a house resembling this," says Crystal later. "It's sad."

In 10 days

How did all this come there? It was unfathomable that his house cleaned and renovated only a few days ago had only dirt and infested from bug-infested than in a 10-day case. Why would someone do that? Had she gave a spare key to someone? Well, to the extent that she could remember, she had no alternative key, not talking to someone else.


Crystal draws from his neighbor that they had spotted some people heading to his house at 3 o'clock in the morning. But instead of taking the entrance, the group won the garage. They yielded a foot of the garage and went to the harm.

A lot of luggage

The group had between 6 and 10 people. They entered the house through the broken garage door with their luggage. They had brought a lot of luggage with them. Clearly, they had no intention of leaving the place at any time soon. What's more, they quickly discharged their mattresses after taking a quick trip around the house. The group had also brought five cats and a dog.

Who were they

This seems that if the group came with the intention of staying at home for a very long time. Strangely, once the group entered the house, they rarely came out. In addition, they did not speak to neighbors.

Just as homeless shelter

Well, when Crystal saw them, she could not hold her anger. She remembered: "It looked like I was in a homeless shelter with mattresses everywhere." This group of foreigners had transformed his home into a homeless shelter. It was dreadful!


Crystal could not believe his eyes. They behaved as if the house was itself. When Crystal asked them who are they and how did they understand, they did not answer but called his intruder. It was strange. The woman was called intruder in her own house.

It is complicated

The group behaved as if the Crystal House was theirs. They immediately made at home. But what did they do there? And why did they come inside the house in the absence of the owner of the house? And above all, if it is not crystal as the one who gave them permission to put in his house. The case was only going more complicated.

A party too

Squatters do not just settle comfortably inside the house but also launched a household party. And it was because of the party that the pool turned into a toxic nuance of green. Squatters even fisshed thousands of dollars for damages.

Not easy

Crystal had no idea what was going on behind her house. The woman after learning that the strange events of her home informed the authorities about it. Well, it may seem an easy case but it was not the truth. It was much more complicated than it looked. The broken arrow PD has reached the place soon after receiving the call but it did not help.

They had it

The authorities had no problem finding the identity of unauthorized owners. One of them was Cherie Chewning. Cherie seemed to have as surprised as the crystal was. At first, Cherie refused to believe crystal, but when the authorities were involved in the subject, she had to listen to Crystal. The incident was disturbed.


Cherie said, "I'm innocent in that. I did not do anyone anyone." Was she speaking the truth? But the situation was directed towards her. At first, the authorities themselves did not expect to prolong this case. Now, they needed to know what Cherie said true or not?

Not a legal business

Cherie and his crew had the impression of renting the room legally. They had found the house on Craigslist where it was shown as an available rental property. This information was another shot on Crystal as she had never mounted her house on a property sales site. Then dear dropped another bomb.

A deal

Cherie had also signed a rental agreement and received keys in the House. A point to note here is that the keys supplied did not work when they tried to enter the house through the main door. Did they not have any action at that time?

The document

The authorities have asked dear to show them papers. Perhaps the documents would lead them to the culprit or maybe Cherie made all that kind of things. They knew they, the documents would only complicate the case.

Crystal not mentioned

Crystal and the authorities examined closer when they got the document. As expected, the Crystal name was not mentioned anywhere on the document. The family name of the person who had rented the house was "Parker" not Taylor. The crook has even planned to collect a deposit on this house.

Mystery key

The authorities still had doubts about Cherie. During his request, they already doubted the house in which they lived, Cherie replied, "It was the second or third day, we noticed that our keys did not turn," she said. "I'm sorry to have had nothing to do with that."

Lost work

Cherie told the authorities that she was working in the local dairy region but lost her job a few months ago. And from that moment, she lived from her car. The woman did not have a house but a car in which she stored most of her business.

What they say

Dale Mankins, another unauthorized resident said, "I know it requires." "It has unfortunate to us, but with the lease, we had puree. [Crystal] is kind enough to let us get our business. We will move to another place." Even after discovering unauthorized owners, the case was not finished.

Always angry

Crystal has always been studied at the audacity of people who remedied his place. She asked the authorities to give a serious punishment to the culprits. "It should break and enter," she noticed. "They broke at home, they crawled under the garage, they vandalized my house."


By cleaning his house, Crystal found something extra-ordinary in his garage. She found a box of papers that was not there before. It did not take it long to understand that this paper bundle had something to do with the scam she had recently became a victim.

Discovered a clue?

A few days after the incident, Crystal claimed that she had discovered a box in the garage filled with false leases. The paper was like it was as if it were the signature of the Cherie crew. So, is it possible that they are not escaped the scam that to stay a few nights in a vacant house?

Not right

And then there was, who suspected Crystal's intention. One of his neighbors commented: "[Crystal's house] is in my neighborhood and has been empty for months." WHEREAS the woman said she was missing for only 10 days.

Lie web

So, had she planned everything? Was the crystal responsible for damages at home? According to his neighbors, she lied over her vacation days so that it could also say that she could hide more details from the authorities.

Sad for the crystal

The authorities were also helpless. Not knowing what to do, they issued an intrusion warning to residents. While all Crystal has been a bill for massive repair and a home full of mess. The woman had repainted the house only one month ago.

Dirty act

Crystal explained: "Everything is dirty." "It feels just dirty." This is the last thing you want to see after reaching a long trip. You want to relax at home but everything Crystal has been a dirty and damaged house.

Who is responsible?

So, what do you think who is the real culprit? Is this crystal or the group of renters not guests staying at home? Or maybe there is a larger dimension to this scam that we do not know. Maybe the whole scam was made by a stranger. The truth is still under the wraps.

Not good

Many cases related to home scams have arrived in recent years. Erasar, instead of going down, the number of scams has only multiple multiple. We really hope that the authorities manage to find the person responsible for the scam.


Did you like this story? What did you think of the beginning that could he be? A ghost or maybe a thief? People want a relaxing and peaceful environment at home after having a vacation home, but the crystal was exactly in front of that. The culprit is still not found but we hope that this case will surely be resolved one day.

Categories: / Mystery / Travel
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