The family is in the surprise of his life when their gold stop dog goes into the work
Life is really unpredictable and it can turn the best time in your life in the most difficult time in your life. Give birth is one of the most beautiful

Life is really unpredictable and it can turn the best time in your life in the most difficult time in your life. Giving birth is one of the most beautiful and pure feelings for a mother. It is all about the welcome of a newborn fuck, and it is too adorable if the newborn is a puppy.
But, remember, life is unpredictable. What seems to be the ideal day a moment can prove to be the worst day of your life the next moment. Louise Sutherland has a dog named Rio, a Golden Retriever, who was in the work and what happened while Rio was something Louise had ever imagined she would witness. And since then, he has been one of the few sites never seen.
Louise Sutherland
Louise lives in Golspie in Scottish Highlands and has been an animal lover since childhood. She has many animals she supports and loves unconditionally, but Rio is his favorite and the whole family has a special corner in their hearts for Rio.
When her beloved dog fell pregnant, Louise had been very excited and ready to be alongside Rio at all times. It was not the first time that Rio was going to give birth, but what was going to happen this time it would be something that has never happened before.
the duo
Louise and his daughter both loved taking care of their pets and were in love with live animals. When Rio was pregnant again in 2017, they had thought their lives would change and be more exciting with newborn puppies around them. They did not know how their life was going to take a very surprising turn.
Never seen before
Louise had been surrounded by pets and animals for a very long time and she was aware of all the strange, different ways that animals behave. But when his favorite gold stop dog gave birth to his puppies, Louise saw something ever seen before.
The most expensive of Louise Animal Rio was three years in 2017 and was pregnant for the second time. Everything seemed to be perfectly fine. The veterinarian said that the mother and puppies were in good health. So what could go wrong?
Rio had his first scope of puppies in 2016. She was 2 years at the time, and he had been one of his own kind of experience for Louise and his daughter. They had been above the world during the first pregnancy, but things are not going to be the same this time.
No complication
In 2016, Rio had no complications at all, nor during pregnancy or during delivery. She had given birth to healthy puppies and who's just why Louise had presumed that her second pregnancy would also be very good. But she was going to live something ever seen before.
For her first pregnancy, Mrs. Sutherland said, "Rio had a total of seven boys and a girl, and they are all big and more and more mushrooms. But this time will not be like last time. And no one has been prepared.
first babies
After the most special and beautiful hours of Rio's life, she gave birth to five cute puppies in 2016. They were very pretty, just like their mother, and were put to adoption after a few days of birth .
Ms. Sutherland had decided that they would give puppies to other loving families who take care of puppies and take care of them with a lot of love, giving them all the attention they deserved because it would be impossible for She to do it.
Difficult decision
This was one of the most difficult things to see the puppies start at the time. Although Louise and his family knew he was the best, they could not get strong enough to see the newborn puppies go away from them.
Prepared this time
Louise and the family have been prepared this time they should give puppies away after birth, because it was virtually impossible to take care of so many pets at some point. But they did not know the future situation was going to be and how it would all their plans go to vain.
The Sutherland family had thought that the process of pregnancy would be the same this time, just like the last time. Rio would give birth to healthy puppies and they welcome them in their brood before they get old enough to be sold.
Rio's time to go to work was far from being too the family was making the preparations for her. The house was filled with supplies and medications that would be needed for newborns until they are big enough to be separated from their mother.
No idea
All the plans of the family would fail when Rio would give birth to puppies in July 2017. The family would testify to something very unique and strange at the same time, and their lives would turn upside down.
No visible problems
Throughout his pregnancy, Rio had been very healthy and acts very normally. There seemed to be no problem with the children of the uterus either. After all, she was in a very safe environment and received the best facility.
The last day
The day of birth has finally arrived after the family has waited for so long. Louise and her daughter prepared with all the things they could think that would be necessary for Rio and the new puppies that would come into this world.
Opposite direction
Even if the Rio pregnancy period was perfectly brought, it was unfortunately not been said for the birth of puppies. Louise and her Claire daughter thought they would attend a magical moment, but everything was going to go in the opposite direction.
Most of the time
Louise and Claire knew they should give Rio his own time to push the puppies and be comfortable herself. They had decided that they would not intervene in the process but would not be assisting at that time fortunately.
While Rio was his best in the process, Louise and Claire noticed that there had been problems. Rio seemed to be in a kind of difficulty and Louise decided that she had to interrupt between the security of Rio.
Something is wrong
The work certainly did not go as planned or expected by the family. Rio seemed to be very uncomfortable and when Louise tried to look aside, she saw that one of the puppies was stuck. And when she saw the puppy, she was taken abol.
Only the puppy's head was visible as she was hunted and clear could not understand what was going on. But she could see that even Rio was distracted when she saw the puppy and could push further.
No other choice
Louise hoped for a long time so Rio could push but that it did not happen. So, the only option she was left with Louise was to stand out and helping Rio, because she did not want anything to happen in Rio or puppy.
Of the world
When the puppy is finally released, Louise and Claire could not believe their eyes. They had not seen anything before and it seemed too strange to be real. They could not understand what was happening and began to worry.
The mother and daughter noticed that a puppy was distinctly rare. Although Rio immediately took all puppies at his side, one of them was not like the others. It was green mint! But was it still possible?
Come out
"Everything was his hand on the bridge, but then while the puppies started to arrive, we noticed that one of the puppies had a green fur. We could not believe it." Golden Retriever puppies are almost always golden And are certainly never green.
Nély born puppy fur was so distinct that it was difficult to understand what happened. It was very striking and the worst was that Louise and Claire were worried if it was even normal or not. And if Rio was a kind of risk?
Louise and Claire have tried to understand the situation, but could not. Were they supposed to call help? Rio would require a medical assistant? The mother and daughter finally decided to look for the question on the internet and see if they could find something.
Fortunately, after just a little research, Louise and Claire have discovered that neither the green puppy nor the Rio were at risk. What they discovered instead was that the puppy was very rare and it was unique.
Make history
The Sutherland family did not know that the green puppy whom their family dog had just been born, was going to make history. It was only the third puppy in the world who was born green color. But a question remained.
The question
The whole family could not understand why a puppy so rare was born from Rio? They dug deeper into their research to know the answers to all the confusion that entered their minds and finally had the answers.
The Rio Green Puppy was one of the only puppy handles born from color like the puppy. The reason he was mint green was scientist, and certainly not a little default or a certain health as Louise thought.
Biliverdine is a green biliary pigment that is in the bellies of all bitches. The pigment has an essential function of its own during the pregnancy period. It gives nutrition and food to puppies inside the uterus.
Pigment Biliverdine is considered essential for puppies inside. He helps them feed and flourish puppies in the belly until they come to the outside world. It is necessary for their survival.
A mix-up
Biliverdine is usually part of the uterus and stays in there. But on some rare events like this, mixed with pigment Get with amniotic liquids in the uterus. That's why the pigment around the puppy fetus stained his fur.
The puppy was a rare that the family decided they give him a rare name so that the newborn is still remembered by the family and everyone around. Due to the color of his fur, Louise named "forest" of the puppy.
The story story
In order to honor the green color of the unique puppy and maintaining the natural theme of its surroundings, Louise has named Forest, since the Scottish Highlands were the ideal place and favorite, the family surrounded by hills and greenery.
The green color of the puppy was a temporary phenomenon, he would soon disappear. Claire and has been found the green hue would become less and less visible at each weak passage, when the fur grows and the puppy would be licked and washed by mother she.
Incredible experience
Even though Louise and his daughter now knew that the forest would not be green for a lot of time, they were very happy that they had the chance to see something so unique and rare like a colored puppy Bilverdin be born.
"Everything was his hand on the bridge, but then then the puppies started to arrive, we noticed that one of the puppies had a green fur. We could not believe it," Sutherland told reporters. "The Color is blurred a little already and will soon be disappeared, I am told. "
Special place
Although the Sutherland family loved each puppy who was born, Forest has a special place in their hearts. Louise and Claire thought that the rare green color of the puppy was a sign he had to stay in their families and they should never let go.
Most difficult part
After making the final decision to keep the forest in their families, the hardest was to let other puppies go. But the family knew it would almost impossible to maintain so many pets at once and it would be an injustice for puppies as well.
Last farewell
Thus, the Sutherland family decided to sell the second range of puppies, just like the first. Although this time, the forest was going to be an exception. They would have kept all puppies with them, but for them was financially and practically impossible too.

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