Woman getting full of her husband who abandons her and fled with her young sister
Marriage is an endless commitment that must be completed until their last breath. Jack and Laura met, fell in love and married. Although the Alway couple

Marriage is an endless commitment that must be completed until their last breath. Jack and Laura met, fell in love and married. Although the couple is always short in cash, they had immense love for each other, at least that's what Laura thought. However, everything changed one day when Laura came back from work and saw a letter meaning it. The letter was written by its "dear husband". Jack did not have courage to talk to him and that's why he had left him a writer telling him that he left Laura for his young sister.
Well, the woman first believed in reading the letter but soon burst into a laugh. The woman was not going to let him go without paying the price. She ended up a laptop and started writing a letter that brought her the best revenge that anyone can get.
The woman was extremely happy that day. She had a good news to share with her husband. The woman took off from work early after posting the resignation to her manager and went to the house to tell her husband a secret. She smiled ear in her ear and wondered how beautiful the day was. However, everything changed when she entered her house.
A letter
There was a letter waiting for him. It was her husband. She read the letter on disbelief and exclaimed: "And it's a seven long wedding wrap." Her husband was not the way she had thought she was. His eyes went red and she wrinkled the letter of his hand. The woman was sad but that does not mean she was going to let her husband get away so easily. She wanted revenge and the woman had it too.
Dear Hubby
She started the letter by writing "Dear Mari". Well, he sounded ironical given what her husband did it was unacceptable swivel. She did not cry anymore. In fact, the woman was in the mood to teach her husband lessons. She wrote in the letter: "In everyone, everything you found was her. Did I tell him? "
Lovers of the University
Theirs was not a first glance love. Laura and Jack met in their college and became friends after some interactions. The duet started spending their time from the other side. They were found in libraries looking for books together, preparing together for exams. The couple could not understand how they got closer to each other during all this.
Opposite funds
Soon, they have admitted their feelings to each other but at that time, do not you know that it was not going to be easy for them. Jack and Laura had a different financial status. While Laura belonged to a trusted family, Jack worked as a part-time bartender. Clearly, it was not as financially as Laura and that was what worked as an obstacle in their relationship.
Well, none of the parents would like their daughter to marry someone who is financially weak. When Laura's parents came to know about his relationship with Jack, they refused to approve of that. In fact, they tried to persuade her from ending their relationship. But Laura was too much in love with Jack to listen to them. She wanted to take her relationship with him. Well, we should listen to our parents because they know a lot better than us.
Laura's parents did not stop telling him that Jack is not financially strong enough to give him the kind of life she is used. Although everything seems perfect now, things do not stay the same in the future. Laura, however, insisted that his love was enough for her.
Live in
Laura was assertive. She was not going to leave Jack, come on what can. She soon realized the persuading of her parents to accept her relationship with Jack was just a wild goose hunt. Laura made a difficult decision. She was going to leave her parents' home and moved with Jack.
Tough life
That day was very special for the couple. Laura and Jack attended their convocation and after Laura moved with Jack. Jack lived in a one-bedroom apartment when Laura settled with him. No need to say that the apartment was extremely small so that two people live. In addition, the apartment was more in disorder. The heat was almost non-working and the faded walls had completely destroyed the appearance of the house. But for Laura, this apartment was nothing less than the sky.
It was impossible for them to live their life in Jack's break. Thus, Laura decided to work too. She found herself a job in a nearby steakhouse as a waitress. The work got its good income thanks to the big tips it has been. Everything was going well in their lives until Laura was struck by rumors of her boyfriend.
The second best place for Laura was Jack's workplace. She was often going to the bar after finishing her shift at the restaurant. He had become a ritual for her. She did not want to miss an opportunity to spend time with him. However, all his dreams have suffered a shot when she heard a difficult truth about Jack. Whenever she visits the bar, people would look strangely. In addition, she even heard women named "Jack's".
Language walls
Although it does not take care of great attention to all rumors, Laura finally started to give and one day she could not remember her tears. The lady rushed to the bathroom to cry but what he saw in the bathroom broke his world completely.
"Jack" everywhere
The bathroom was covered with messages and hearts. He appeared more like a newspaper. The scribbled on the wall added to his agony because there was a heart painted on the name "Jack". It was not this. After that, she found something that has completely broken her heart.
Business and kisses
The four walls of the bathroom also had phone numbers written on them with embrace marks. What had it was a number that seemed familiar. It was "Jack". Laura could not help but cry. The woman did not listen to her parents and despite their disapproval, she remained with him and her man deceived it. She wondered where she was going to leave as she had already left the house of her parents.
There was no doubt on the left. The man deceived it surely. When she confronted Jack, the man replied, "If you can not trust me, we can not be together." Jack called all his stupid questions and said people write a lot in the bathroom without meaning. What happened then was even more unexpected.
He swept all his allegations by calling nonsense talks. And after that, Jack slid his hand into his pocket and took a ring out. The man was going to offer him. He leans forward and evoked the question. Well, his proposal has erased all the doubts of his mind and the woman said yes instantly.
7 years
7 years passed and the couple had always become old together. Their financial condition has not changed, Laura still worked as a waitress. They crossed many ups and downs, but they were always together. However, their 7-year marriage reached a tragic end when Jack abandoned Laura. He left him a letter that had very bitter revelations.
Lotto win
As mentioned earlier, the couple did not have a financial ring. The income they received was enough to respond to their ends, but it was not enough for a growing family. That's why Laura bought lottery tickets from time to time. The woman had won a ticket the day she had the letter. The day was indeed very memorable for them.
Tickets in Hawaii
She had not told her husband and I wanted to give him a surprise so that the woman booked two tickets in Hawaii after learning that she had won the lottery. The woman was full of enthusiasm and joy. That day, she rushed at home to give him this beautiful surprise.
The letter
His happiness did not know any connection. She entered the house with a big smile, but all her happiness faded when she did not find it in the house and saw the letter addressed to him. She started reading the letter: "Laura, my dear woman, I write this letter to tell you that I leave you forever. And the fact is that in these 7 years of marriage, I was a good husband to you, but somewhere you missed. "Laura wondered if it was a joke.
The last straw
She had not finished even the first half of the letter, tears started running her cheek. It was hard to believe that her husband had left him for no reason. The woman had sacrificed a lot for him and that's how he reimbursed.
Really hard
The letter further indicated: "These last two weeks have been very difficult for me. Your boss told me that you have left your job just today and that it was the final straw. "Her husband had epic with another girl he mentioned the name in the next line.
Complaints and complaints
The letter was full of complaints. Jack did not shoot his punches to criticize her. The woman continued to read it until the last word and when she was made with reading, Laura felt sad. But all his sadness turned into a big laugh. Why did she laugh? Had she lost her mind completely or did she have anything else in her mind?
It's the watch
Jack had left no purple stone for Laura to feel guilty. Her 7-year-old husband listed all her complaints. He wrote: "Two weeks ago when you returned home after work, you did not even notice that I had cooked your favorite dish".
Laura decided to write a letter to his "dear husband" too. She took her laptop and started typing. The letter started: "Dear husband, believe me, one thing; Get your letter really made my day. Yes, it is true that we have been married for seven years, but a good husband is completely different from what you have been and as far as my favorite dish is considered, then let me remember, that day you have prepared The pork something I have been eating left for so many years. It's something my sister Carla eats and not me ".
She also gave an answer also to Jack's next complaint. Jack's next complaint was linked to his new haircut that Laura did not notice. Laura had a very fun answer to his question. Well, she was trying not to harm her feelings, but maybe now was time.
Looking for a girl
Laura explained, "I noticed that the haircut but did not say anything as I thought you looked like a girl in this direction. And I prefer to stay silent rather than saying something like that. And to the extent that your third complaint is considered, it was exactly where you lost it. "
My $ 50
Jack proceeded to the letter criticizing his wife so she did not see her new pair of boxers that man had recently bought. Laura replied: "When it comes to your new boxers, I have not comment since you've always had the price tag of $ 49.80 and I was hoping it was a coincidence that my beautiful sister Carla had borrowed $ 50 from me the same day. "
Carla, yes
Among all things Jack mentioned in the letter, Carla-who was Lara's younger sister had a connection. The pork was what Carla loved Carla, Carla was the one who borrowed money and that the name mentioned in the following line has reduced things.
As expected
Jack has done everything clearly ", either you do not love me anymore, otherwise you deceive me, whatever the case, I must say that it's over and I'm leaving. P.S. Please, do not try to find me. Your Sister Carla and I go to West Virginia together! I wish you the best and I hope you have a good life! "
Laura who has always doubted that Jack had an illicit relationship with her younger sister could not help laughing when she was finally confirmed. It was time to drop a bomb on Jack. It was time to tell him something he had not imagined in all his life.
Carl and not Carla
Laura wrote that she already knew that something was going on between him and her sister, but she always denied this and that everything prayed everything is fine with time. But now, like everything was gone, she decided to let participate in one of her family secrets ...... ..
She is Carl
She writes: "PS I think I did not tell you that, but my beautiful Sister Carla was actually born like Carl. I hope it's not a problem for you." Whoa ... it was something incredible now. If only we could see Jack's impression when he read the letter.
Nobody cares
Jack should not have imagined him in his wildest dream. It will not be wrong to say that Laura had a perfect revenge. Her betrayal husband will remember all her life. Maybe he would regret the decision to leave her. But now it was too late to correct it.
Lottery baby
Laura then explained that she still loved her despite all her betrayals and that's why she bought two tickets in Hawaii. However, Touring in Hawaii was not in his destiny. Everything happens for good.
$ 15 million
And the reason to stop his work? Well, the woman put her paper because she had won the lottery that was worth $ 15 million. She wanted to have a good time with him instead of spending time at work. And now, Jack's letter clarified what he wanted exactly.
Nothing belongs to you
Laura had a lot to say. After revealed that she won the lottery, the woman clearly explained to her that he was not going to get anything from this money and she also told him not to come back.
She concluded: "In addition, according to my lawyer, the letter you sent me to ensure that you did not receive a penny of what I have now. So there is nothing more to say but take care of yourself. "The woman no longer cried. She was happy that everything be erased at the right time.
Goodbye to you
Laura Sirot wine and pressed the "Send" button. His phone has chicken notification, "Your message has been sent". Laura had the best revenge any woman can have on her husband. After being done with the letter, Laura hired a taxi and headed for the airport.
The woman started a new life leaving behind her wedding failed, her deceiving husband and everything about Jack. She made at ease in a taxi and asked the driver to drive it at the airport. The sky was only a few hours of her.

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