The life of the bride bride takes an unexpected tour after the girl pushes her in the swimming pool of her bachelorette

Rachelle Friedman had barely two weeks before the big day. As a result, she lived her days before the maximum marriage. Most of his days have been spent along

Rachelle Friedman had barely two weeks before the big day. As a result, she lived her days before the maximum marriage. Most of his days were spent with his fiance, Chris making arrangements for the great day. To take a day off all the hassle of wedding planning, a sumptuous bachelorette party seemed to be the best idea. Of course, she was excited for the celebration of the epic pool and the girls' evening, but she remained completely unconscious of the tragedy that changes her life that was about to change her life forever.

Who is rachelle?

Rachelle ChapmanRachelle Friedman was born in October 1985 in the city of Norfolk, Virginia. His family moved to Virginia Beach when she was a few years old. Rachelle was a brilliant student while teachers had no complaint about him. She was always happy who loved going out with friends and shops - especially shoes.

After school

Here at Virginia Beach, Rachelle lived his childhood days learn to dance and participate in all types of extracurricular activities in the Cape Henry Collegiate Preparation School, Virginia Beach. After graduating from Cape Henry with good grades, she had an abundance of options to choose from.

A love story begins

Rachelle ChapmanRachelle had an admission to the University of Eastern Carolina and started his university life with complete enthusiasm. She met so many people with various environments and stories. As social as it was, it did not take a lot of time to make friends. In addition to the new people, Rachelle found many of his classmates also in the same college.

Chris Chapman

Among so many new older friends, there was a guy named Chris Chapman who made a special place in the heart of Rachelle as well as his life. The guy was three older years old but Rachelle did not hesitate to get closer to him. After all, they felt a strong connection of their first meeting.

Similar and dissimilar

Chris and Rachelle had a lot of things that brought them together in the first place. However, this friendship has strengthened because of their various sympathizers many things. They helped each other to watch different aspects of life. They have become good friends at least as long as everyone around them misunderstood them to be a couple.

The relationship

Rachelle Chapman

The perception of people of them being in a relationship never disturbed Rachelle and Chris. They have remained friends for quite long. After a while, they started having a new type of feelings on each other. With that, their friendship took a new stage, it was the beginning of love. Although the two of them were under 25 years old, they felt like that.

Move together

After graduating, Rachelle and Chris came with their families and were finally installed together. They started their career in different areas and lived for many peaceful years. After spending long hours at work, they found their comfort in everyone's company.

Different careers

Chris has chosen a career in the field of education while Rachelle has made public relations and engaged in community awareness programs, particularly with retired citizens. Their various roles in demanding jobs have never been able to distance distances between the two. But the test of time still had to be difficult.

A serious stage

In 2009, Chris and Rachelle completed 4 years in their relationship that made them aware that this relationship could last all life. Their career began to watch all the articles that Chris worked with a successful and rachelle organization worked as a dance and aerobics teacher for the elderly. They finally felt like they reached a level from which life seemed settled and easy.

Happy Engagement

Finally, when Chris decided to propose the love of his life, he bought the best ring he found in the store and organized a nice candlelit dinner for both. While waiting for the dessert arrives, Chris got up on one knee and proposed Rachelle. The "yes" of Rachelle was instantaneous and he became an emotional moment for them.

Set up the best party of all time

Rachelle ChapmanThe newly engaged couple immediately shared the fantastic news with their family and friends. Although everyone did not expect everyone to happen, he had everyone submerged everyone to see these two finally make the greatest decision of their lives. It had the impression of getting out of some fairs ...

Bachelorette party

It was a big news and the girlfriends of Rachelle were extremely excited for this day. For a girl like rachelle, who made friends everywhere she went, throwing a big bachelorette party was an obligation. His close friends gave his amusing ideas to turn this festival into an epic. As everyone was well aware of the love of Rachelle for dance, an evening in the city was finalized.

The party begins

Rachelle ChapmanKeeping the circle of vast friend from side, Rachelle wanted spending time with his four best girlfriends. Therefore, it has been finalized that they will have a separate evening together. The girls took a limousine that will lead them to all the revolving clubs of Virginia Beach, to celebrate the special occasion. Hours spent dancing and enjoying ...

Heading at homeRachelle Chapman

After staying until late, girls decided to go to one of their homes. Their tradition of secondary school days was waiting for it; A dive in the pool. Whenever they party like that, it must end while throwing yourself into the pool. Unfortunately, this night was going to be a lot different from the previous time.

The can play in the pool

Rachelle ChapmanAs they say, "old habits, dies strong." So, the bouquet of drunk girls has changed in swimming costumes and rushed to the pool. Log in play in the pool was a ritual they could never jump. They had no idea of ​​the radicol that night about to end.

The wrong place

Like all time, one of Rachelle's friend spoke to him while playing in the pool, in the meantime, other friends approached her silent and pushed her in the pool from behind. What everyone has not noticed was the fact that she was standing on a shallow place. The floor where she was standing was wet and rachelle slipped and fell aside into the pool.

What they did not wait

Rachelle Chapman
His head hit the bottom of the pool and she completely sunk into the water. Rachelle did not even have time to grow. She just felt the pain of her head and her neck, and in the very moment she felt her whole body frozen. She was badly hurt but what she did not know was the fact that it will be the last time she felt her whole body.


She was trying but it seemed like her body was out of his control. She lacked breath and the weight of her body made her impossible for her to put on the surface of the pool. Rachelle was confused of what happened to him. That's what everyone wanted to know ... Why could not she swim?

The terrible truth

Rachelle Chapman
These seconds felt like ages and rachelle finally floated up with all the strength she had left. When his face came out of the water, she shouted one thing: "Call 911!" The water still floated from his face when two of his friends jumped into the pool for his help.

Everyone clipped

All the friends of Rachelle were also stunned. They were not even able to realize that the situation can become this serious they must call 911! One of her ran inside to call the call while the rest brought him on the edge of the pool. It was at that moment that Rachelle realized the most horrible truth.


Rachelle Chapman
As Rachelle was lying on the pool, she saw her feet were still in the water. She was shocked to know she could see the water but could not feel it. His body was cold and but she could not feel her feet. And immediately, he struck him, that she was paralyzed.

Everyone panicked

Rachelle was not able to feel anything below his collisbilles, she was able to speak and breathe properly. She could see that her friends were holding her hands and wrapped her in a towel but she could not feel any. Everyone saw that Rachelle was not able to move his body at all. And he panicked everyone on the spot.

The ambulance arrived

Rachelle ChapmanThe crew of Emts reached by the pool within 20 minutes. When checking the condition of Rachelle, they picked it up and put it in a rogue to go to the hospital. Rachelle was terrified by all the negativity she felt around her.

Ask the truth of the EMT

Rachelle could no longer hold her inside and she asked one of the Emts- "Have you ever seen someone from an injury like this?" The EMT stopped for a moment and said, "In 30 years, one." She was trying to stay positive at that time and replied, "Maybe I'll be second."

Waiting for cats results

Rachelle Chapman
Just after the ambulance reached the hospital, Rachelle was taken to a cat scan. They rested in a room where she was waiting for the results. His friends informed his parents and his mother from Chris, but they were not able to join Chris. He was not in the city and his number was out of order.

A campsite trip

This weekend, Chris and his father were in a remote forest area at the camp at the edge of the lake and spend some peaceful time. The parents of Rachelle, Chris Mom and the friends of Rachelle spent a white night waiting in the corridor outside. Over time, they have all prayed for the health of Rachelle, unfortunately, it was too late.

Official diagnosis

After a white night, Rachelle was finally informed by a doctor only when his head struck the bottom of the pool, one of the vertebrae was inside his spinal cord. He also said that his damage was irreversible. It will never be able to move anything below its collisions - legs, hands, back, all practically deceased.

Chris followed

Rachelle ChapmanRachelle was miserable but she was crying. She was a courageous girl who knew that crying will not help her. His only wish was to speak to Chris. Chris's mother was trying to get in touch with Chris and her father from various sources but failed. Rachelle's parents finally contacted the forest ranges of the region where the father-his duo campaigned.

A long search

After looking for them all day, the Rangers were finally able to find the two of them. Rachelle then recalled, "We have such a strong link, I knew that the gravity of my wounds would not change his love for me. Nevertheless, I was terrified to tell him what happened. "Is his chris' understanding correct?

The call

Rachelle Chapman
Finally, the long wait is over and rachelle could call Chris on his phone. Chris already knew that something serious was going to come in his way then Rachelle said with hesitation: "Doctors say that I will never walk again."

Chris's answer

Chris could not speak for the next two seconds. He managed to come back to his senses of the total shock and said in a voice breaking: "I'm on my way." In the short call, Rachelle felt the security she needed desperately.

First operation

Rachelle Chapman
Just after hanging up the call with Chris, Rachelle suffered surgery. The doctors would try to merge his vertebrae. The operation was crucial because they could not lead to a new deterioration or pain in areas where it could still feel a feel. The procedure would be painful and rachelle was informed in advance. She was intrepid because she felt like it could not have anything worse but better by this painful operation.

Recovery of surgery

Rachelle ChapmanAfter surgery, it took a day for Rachelle to win his conscience at the hospital. There was a tube that went down his throat and she could hear the buzzing fan because she helped breathe. Rachelle was scared and in this state of discomfort, she saw her darling college sitting next to her. Once again, she could not see her holding her hands but could not feel it. There were thousands of words in her she wanted to tell her but could not. His presence made him feel at peace.

"I'm a badass!"

Rachelle Chapman
After surgery, a time-taking process started. The surgery was a success, but to what extent, there was still to be discovered. All who knew this accident were concerned for her and her future. Nobody knew if it will ever be able to live a normal life or not. To find out what was rachelle thinking that one of his friends brought an alphabet chart to communicate with her while the tube was in the throat. The first thing she said through this board was: "I'm a badass."

What did I do?

Rachelle ChapmanWith a strong spirit, the state of Rachelle started to improve more quickly than expected. The tube and the vent have been removed and she could speak again. When the people asked her, she said she felt much better. All people encouraged it, but the one who pushed her into the pool on this inciting night. She did not rendered the hospital for her was deeply sorry. She finally showed up after everyone insisted and rachelle herself called her bestie. The first sentence Rachelle said to her was: "I could have done the same for you."

Start the rehabilitation

Rachelle ChapmanThe health of Rachelle is improving rapidly and 10 days after surgery, it has been transferred to a Northern Carolina rehabilitation center that specializes in the wounds of the spine. Patients who are willing to fight with their paralysis want to be transferred here. After a few weeks of his accident, Rachelle did not move at all. His muscles had atrophied and his target was to strengthen the muscles that were still in his control - in his neck, his shoulders and his arms - strong enough.

Skills of reappearance

Rachelle ChapmanDuring his time in detoxification, Rachelle learned about going to their easy work without using his hands. She felt like she started straight on the basis; the things she learned during her childhood. She learned to brush her teeth and hair, wash her face or use a wheelchair. And it has not been as easy as it may seem. She took a long time, but finally learned to use the paralyzed articles used.

Nearest than ever

During this struggle, Chris was there for her all the time. He felt like it was his hero and his dedication and the strong spirit inspired him. Rachelle remained in detoxification for 10 weeks and Chris made sure to change their home to help rachelle find comfort. He replaced the tiles with wooden floors as he will equip for the wheelchair, too, he moved down their room.

Raise the challenge - together

Chris and Rachelle adapted a new routine. Chris worked at the local middle school days seven per week. Behind him, the mother of Rachelle made sure to stay with her. Rachelle actively joins external physical therapy, learn to type with his thumb. You do not think she even joined a wheelchair rugby team!

Married after all

Rachelle ChapmanThese difficult times brought Chris and rachelle more. As Rachelle became more independent, they ended up started getting her hand on the refund of medical expenses. After receiving a significant amount of payment of the insurance company, the couple chose to get married.

A perfect wedding

Rachelle ChapmanThe two Rachelle and Chris have decided that they do not compromise their happiness because of an accident. Everything happened exactly as they planned in their wedding before. His father walked to him in the driveway and the magical moment of the wishes was here. Chris and Rachelle Chapman has occurred.

Decide to have a child

Rachelle ChapmanChris and Rachelle Chapman were the happiest together. His boss of the NGO also assured that his work is reserved for her and she can join every time she feels ready. As his new skills in typing were now perfect enough, Rachelle decided to join. After a while to be together, Rachelle and Chris made another important decision to have a baby.

The gestation process

Rachelle ChapmanThe process took months, but finally, in 2015 Chris and Rachelle Chapman quite saved to go further with the gestation process for others. They got in touch with a gestation agency for others and found a carrier mother for their baby. The good news quickly arrived the carrier mother was pregnant with their baby.


Rachelle ChapmanThey called their little Kaylee girl. Rachelle remembers in an interview: "Chris and me in team are more than able to take care of a baby, especially with the help of my mother, who was from the beginning. »

The story of their lives

Rachelle Chapman
In 2015, Rachelle Chapman wrote a book on his experience and what unexpected journey he was. His book entitled: "The promise: a tragic accident, a married paralyzed, and the power of love, loyalty and friendship" was a New York Times Bestseller.

The Old Friendship dies

Rachelle Chapman

Rachelle once talked about the friend who pushed him into the pool in an interview: "At first she was there for me and I was there for her. She was helpless and depressed what happened. But the years passing, she did not make the effort, it was just passing through the movements and every time we talked ".

The fractured friendship

Rachelle ChapmanRachelle was separated from his friend. Although the two of them do not speak more, neither Rachelle revealed that the name of a friend, nor she held her responsible for what happened. She does not hold any rancor for her as she is always a faithful friend.

Kaylee learns stand up

Rachelle Chapman
Rachelle Chapman takes advantage of every moment with his family. Watching his daughter growing is a heavenly feeling for her. Kaylee likes to play with the wheelchair of his mother from the beginning. And when his daughter walked for the first time, Kylee could not hold her tears.

Learn to drive again

Rachelle Chapman
Rachelle wants to give Kaylee the best life. She did her research and discovered that there are specially adapted vans - made for tetraplegic. Rachelle learned to drive again. It took a lot of time and a lot of lessons and tests before Rachelle was qualified to drive again. Nowadays, she falls and takes her daughter from school every day.

In his own words

Rachelle ChapmanThe success of the book was proof that people admired rachelle for his mind never die. Subsequently, a documentary was shot in collaboration with the TLC Rattled show. These days, Rachelle is a blogger. It video messages of makeup tutorials that are useful for paralyzed women.

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