The man trying to fix a bump on his driveway ignoring the mystery buried below

This incredible incident happened with Simon Marks of Luton, Bedfordshire. He had bought a new house and has relocated to this there are only a few months. E

This incident took place incredible with Simon Marks de Luton, Bedfordshire. He had bought a new home himself and moved to just a few months ago. The man was an ordinary person with an ordinary way of life until he saw a bump on his driveway. He first took lightly, but could not ignore longer when the bump has changed in a hole. He took for a chasm, but that was not the case. After investigation, he realized that the hole was to keep a secret secret hidden. A secret that swept the floor from his feet.

The average man

Simon MARKS lives at Bedfordshire Luton. He wins his life as a computer support technician. He had been in his business for a long time and even saved a lot of money. And with this money, it buys a house. It was his first house.

Way of life

The 37-year-old man lived a normal life. His daily routine of the week includes going to his work and 9-5 after spending some time with me with himself. And on weekends, he would travel with his family and friends to finish with office stress. That too was not often.

His own house

This was the first house he had bought with his own money. Of course, he was very happy until a rotten piece of the past of his newly bought house came to the forefront. The man was under the impression he had bought an ordinary house.


The man lived alone in the house, at least that's what he thought. He did not know that the house he had bought was much more than he thought he was.


What he did as the most about his house. Well, you may find strange, but he loved his entry the most in his house. The reason? Well, he does not know himself. He just felt an attraction for this part of his house. There was no reason for this strange emotion.

All in place

He could not catch the strange vibes of his new house up to a few days. He spent the usual life. As always, he would leave for his work. The house has been changed, but its routine was always the same. Every day, before leaving for work, it would make sure that the front door is closed, then it goes up in its car to get to the office of the same driveway that was something else inside.

The day

The cards started to reveal itself in October 2016. That day, like every other day, the man entered his car to go to work. He did not know that the reversal of the car that day would be to be mess like. He was about to find a mystery.

Something obstructed

Simon tried hard to go back his car but something in his alley for him hurt him. The wheel was blocked by something becomes. It was late for the work so that he strongly supported the gas and pulled the car away from the driveway.


The man came just a bump on his entrance, his favorite part of the house. But he does not have time to think about it. He rushed to his office. However, thought was still in his mind. But the man did not know that the bump he had let ignored his entrance was just the tip of a gigantic mystery.

To find

After arriving at home, Simon assessed the driveway. He concluded that the pavement concrete was not built properly or perhaps the driveway was formerly used as a front yard. And perhaps because of that, it has not been stable and has been rebuilt in the poorest way.

No ordinary bump

These problems are not of great concern. They could be easily resolved when addressed properly. But it was an ordinary bump. What Simon had met was far from being an ordinary bump.

Bump shot in the hole

A beautiful morning he woke up only to see a heart show rendered. The bump had gone and that the whole alley too. Simon is scared and could not understand what to do. Simon had never seen anything like that ever. What was the problem with his driveway? First of all, it was a bump and now this big giant hole.

The cause

How does this hole appear from nowhere? He does not have an answer to this question, but soon he was going to have. Simon had never imagined that he was going to be in the titles by the dawn of the day.

Home made

Well, could he be? A sinkle? That's what came to the spirit of Simon. He had bought this house a few months ago and now his house disappeared into a hole. The truth was something else.


The phenomenon of the collapse of the soil in a hole is called gulfs. There have been a lot of chasms in the past and many of them continue to happen. Although many chasms occur in the sorry areas, there are people who have made victims. Fortunately, Simon was not there when doline took place.


It's not going to stop. The slabs of his sidewalk fell on the room per piece. The hole becomes vast. The man ran out of his house as it seemed that the hole was going to swallow the whole house. There was no trace of his alley now.

Flash light

The man ran inside his house and came out with his selfie stick. He with a race core moved closer to the hole and lit the flashlight of his phone. Subsequently, he tied his phone at the Selfie Stick and moved it inside the hope. He did it to capture images from the inside of the hole.

Faded away

Simon remembers: "I was just terrified all the house was going to disappear. I took pictures and I sent them to my father." What was going to do now? The hole had shaken it from the inside.

Look into the question

Instead of his driveway, there was an ever-growing giant hole. He called in his father and his professionals to examine the question. The man waited for them to arrive outside his house. He still had to recover from the incident. Soon, his father has reached him.

"Get to dig, son"

His father said, "Get digging, son." The man had called for help from his father and other professionals to consider the issue. As he could not understand what it was that he asked his parents and the experts to help him discover.

Something else

The crater had taken a horrible shape. As much as the team explored, they understood that it was not an obstacle. It was something else. The hole was not the result of natural calamities but it was man manufactured. But for what purpose?

A solution

Simon had to find a solution to their problem. He and his father had not taken such a massive job of digging before. They were confused but at the same time, they were so curious. Clearly, something was hidden at the bottom.

A ladder in the unknown

They continued to dig the soil deeper and deeper with their shovels and stopped dead on their track when the shovel of Simon struck something hard. Its shovel covered with a difficult object. He knocked him again only to confirm. They dropped their shovel immediately and began to remove the earth with their hands.

Something difficult

There was something hard buried under the ground. They started eliminating dirt even faster. Clearly, this mystery has been manufactured by man. But what is it?


They found a ladder under the ground. A steel scale. What scale was under the ground? The view has made a sense of peace to Simon as now, it was clear that the foundation of its home was safe. But what was the hidden mystery under scale?

Entered the hole

The scale has actually leads to somewhere. There was only one way to understand and decompose the ladders and enter the hole. But was it sure? Well, Simon was not going to go home and his father Gerrard was with him.

Flash light

In the hope of finding something interesting inside, he brought his flashlight and his selfie-stick. Burled with doubts, Simon started going down the ladder. He held his flashlight in a hand down by catching the ladder with another. It was then he realized something.


Simon did not take a lot of time to realize that it was an empty hollow built with bricks. The space was vast and had a concealed room. This space had remained a hidden place for a very long period. But why was he kept hidden? They had a lot to understand.

Mysterious hole

There was only one way to find that. Simon decided to speak to the previous owner of the house of this mysterious hole. He wondered if they had an index on that. Well, another surprise was waiting for them.

Came with a cost

Simon had bought the house of a couple of seniors. It cost him $ 400,000 ($ 518,000). He loved the house at that time and did not finish inquiring before buying. The owner did not say something on the hole.

Who knows?

The house had only a few decades. It was built in the 70's, to be more precise. At present, the ground on which the house was built was used differently at the time of the WW2. Simon said: "The previous owner must have known that it was there and when he built the house and put a garden he must have filled it." He had just forgotten to inform them.

New information

This new information certainly had fueled his curiosity and now Simon was even more locked up to become more deeply on this subject.

Relic of war

His investigation gave him more information about the room. He learned a lot about the history of the region where he lived. He discovered that his house was the first that was built on this piece of land.

For strategic protection

Before that, the Earth was taken into play in the WW2. The army forces used it for strategic protection for the villages of the world. It was a relic of war that was taken in use for air raids. But the question was who built it and how was it built?

The duty of a man

There was a lot of new things to learn for Simon. It earned him a meaning. The bunker was a steel raid chamber and was called Anderson Chamber. The room was named after Sir John Anderson, secretary of British origin. The room was built by Oscar Carl and William Paterson.

Refuges made of

In your opinion, what do you think these shelters are made? They are constructed with flexible aluminum with the intention of fast and cheap production. These rooms provided protection against German bombing.


Simon said, "It was so well structured with the concrete roof and the walls, it was quite clear what it was going to be. We have googled other air shelters and they were all a similar structure, so he clicked enough quickly what it was. "

A personal bunker?

But here the scene was a little different. However, his bunker was not constructed of aluminum. In fact, it was built in bricks. The historians also confirmed his doubt that the House was not an Anderson shelter. So what was it?

It is not finished

The investigation was not finished yet. More inquiry should still follow. After doing research, Simon thought that the tiny personal rooms of Anderson were not strong enough to support bomb attacks so that they decided to go for heavy community bunkers.

More than a bunker

Simon's ordinary life was returned. He was not going to leave the investigation in the middle. The bunker had a larger space than the Anderson style. In addition, the bunker had many pieces.

A wall

They continued walking until they reached the extreme end of the bunker and found a brick wall. And when they found the wall, they had all had only one question about their minds. What was lying on the other side of the wall?

Discover the mystery

While everyone was excited to discover the mystery hidden behind the Simon wall decided not to touch the wall. He feared that the wall be included in the base of the house and alter it could weaken the foundation. So was the mystery behind the walls going to stay a mystery?

Fascinating artifacts

Simon took a lot of his new expedition. Every day he crossed something new and interesting. One day, the man stumbled on a piece of the Herald newspaper and with this proof of bottles that conveyed the room was formerly stored with them.

It's obvious

These evidence confirmed that it was built to protect people from attacks by rival teams. And the place has been stored as long as the war continues.

More to know

He had now discovered a lot on the bunker and wanted to know more about it. He continued to eliminate dirt and mud that had superimposed the area for so long. What should he find?


If the bump had not appeared on his driveway, he would never have discovered this secret room. So what he considered a problem in the last few days, was now extremely proud of this bump. He made the right choice.


Simon is very proud of his decision to explore the hole. He was happy to think about doing research on the history of the region. And now he is working on the restoration of the bunker to its previous self. He considers it his duty too. Being a British citizen, it is his responsibility to protect the bunker because it is part of the history of Britain.


That's why Simon and his father decided to preserve the bunker. They took their efforts in advancing sweeping dirt bunker and also restructure the broken or damaged part of the bunker.

The hatch fell through

Simon said: "It was clearly not very worried about it and remained seated until the trap door has fallen. I think it's great and I want to clear it and preserve it if it is structurally sound. It's amazing to think that this has all been done by hand. It's part of our history so that it is kept. "

Lesson for the future

They know an artifact of historical significance can teach a more than a book can. Students should be considered historical monuments like this. This could be an effective educational method.


The surprises come when you least expect it. Obviously, that's why they are called surprises. Simon would never have guessed that the House would make him a subject of interest in the country. Have you witnessed this situation in real life?

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