The rescuers are left speechless when a black cat gives birth to 7 mysterious kittens

We can never know enough about the animal kingdom. They come with surprises that force us to reflect on unknown mysteries that are still discovery

We can never know enough about the animal kingdom. They propose surprises that require us to think of unknown mysteries that still need to be discovered about them. Although they are quite similar to those of humans in many ways, because some incidents that even humans can not decode. Something similar happened when a pregnant cat was brought to a veterinary clinic. The doctors seemed rather confident of the delivery to be normal, but when they arrived, all their presumptions failed.

The rescue team

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The rescue network of friends for life is a team of animal lovers operating from Los Angeles, California. Jacqueline Denamor, the co-founder, herself attached to the animals and the main reason for his association with the company was to ensure that undesirable pets and pets are kept safe and supported.

This work is not a change business. If they want to help, they must be on their toes. Every day can bring new challenges and some days are far too busy than others, but Jacqueline is always satisfied because every day is rewarding and knowing that love and care for animals are all it had wanted to make all his life.

Animal lover

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Since his childhood, Jacqueline was a pet. Even when browsing career options, something she was sure that her job should have something to do with animals. Finally, she decided to open a relief clinic. A team of his tastes was formed with the main motive, saving homeless and abandoned animals in the Los Angeles area and encouraging adoptions.

Hard work bears fruit

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Jacqueline could have been a businesswoman dedicated to the success of her society, but her dedication was not to gain profits, but the possibility of helping as many animals as possible. It has set up all its efforts to educate people through events and seminars. These events helped them spread their reach throughout the city.

With more people interested in buying their pets from shops at a very young age, Jacqueline had a difficult task encouraging him to consider adopting.

Forever Homes

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With endless days and a dedicated workforce, friends of the life rescue network have helped hundreds of animals to find houses forever. If it was not for Jacqueline and his team, these animals would be lost and forgotten. Fortunately for these abandoned animals, rescue teams find these animals homeless and feed them until they are fit and ready to be adopted by families through Los Angeles. The team ensures that before adoption, these animals are ready to be perfect pets.

Animal animals abandoned

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The rescue team could have done a great job to send thousands of stray animals to their happy houses, but much remains to be done. Hundreds of animals still live in the street. For the Jacqueline team at L.A., it is important that they find all abandoned animals and bring them to the clinic. These could be animals scrapped by their owners who have struggled to take care of their pets or thought they took a lot of time through the day.

Raining cats and dogs

Image result for cats and dogsFor most people, cats and dogs are the most obvious animals, but to the surprise of the rescue team, most abandoned pets are cats and dogs. Although some owners choose to leave their pets on the street, some try Jacqueline's team when they are unable to take care of their pets. This facilitates the task of finding more and more animals.

The call

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It was a usual day and Jacqueline received a distress call from a desperate cat owner. His cat was pregnant and she had no idea how she should take care of the cat and kittens that would soon enter into the world. Jacqueline as always was ready to help because she estimated her in her clinic, the cat would be taken care of and it would be like many other deliveries she administered. There was no way that Jacqueline could have seen what was going to happen.

Faded away

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The owner was happy to share a little cat's story. The owner told him that at one point that the cat had disappeared and did not come back for a very long time. The owner thought the cat was left forever and she will never see her again but her surprise, the cat returned after a few weeks. The small animal was not at all in a good condition and the owner was sure that his animal took place a lot.

A mother

The owner was worried about what might have arrived at his pet while it was far away, but she quickly understood what the problem was. The cat looked a lot bigger! The owner discovered that the cat was pregnant. This news was exciting for the owner, but soon worry resumed enthusiasm when she realized that she had no space for kittens nor get an idea of ​​how to take Care of the pregnant cat or his kittens.

Take responsability

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Jacqueline was excited by this new guest about to arrive in their clinic. She never refused any animal needing help and she did the same thing here. After hearing the story, she asked the owner to bring the cat to her clinic as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, she informed all her volunteers on the new guest and she needed special care. Everyone in the clinic started working to make things comfortable for the mother.

Ask for help

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Jacqueline was happy that the owner had turned to her for help on her pregnant cat. Especially in these cases, the owners throw their pet or so extremely attached to the animal attempt to raise them without appropriate knowledge. This could harm the animal even more. She was sure that between her veterinarians, the cat would give birth to healthy kittens and would have a better chance of survival.

In order

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The owner of the cat had informed Jacqueline that she would bring it somewhere around the afternoon. She had also told her that she was worried because she had no idea how to raise kittens and how the pregnant mother should be supported. Jaqueline and his team were always ready to manage such situations. The team has set up a clean and safe place for the mother to give birth to her children.

She had experienced professionals who would take care of the reach of kittens.

The arrival

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After a few hours, the owner was sitting in Jacqueline's cabin with the pet cat. The cat was in his cage and was ready to give birth at any time. The owner informed Jacqueline on the history of the cat. The animal was usually a cat from the house. Then came the part where she escaped and became pregnant. She really felt weak after her return and the owner instantly knew that the cat needed help to deliver her babies.

An owner concerned

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Jacqueline had met several pet owners and all of them had been loved to their pet. Some of them had lost interest in their domestic animals and wanted to get rid of them. But this time it was different and this woman looked worried about her cat. It made even more happy Jacqueline and she promised to take care of the mother and her kittens.

A final check

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The owner was finally assured that his pet was in good hands and that the people of the clinic took good care of her. Jacqueline has now sent the cat to the internal veterinarian to test it medically. The cat was able to contract a lot of diseases as it was far and if not examined it could result in serious complications in the delivery.

Fortunately, the cat has received a clean hospitality. The mother to the mother was now transferred to a comfortable place to rest and waiting for her work.

Take his time

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When Mother Cat arrived, she seemed so soon that she would give birth to her kittens, but the team had to wait long before the cat was not entered at work. There was no sign of work in the first week of his arrival.

However, shortly after a week, the cat was ready to become a mother of beautiful babies. The most expected event was about to occur.


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When the time has arrived, everyone knew it was about the arrival. The mother cat started to act differently. She bruised and purred more than usual. As time became a closer excitement was high and that everything would anticipate the number of kittens it wore. The only signs have grown up and small new guests can come at any time now.

Spend time

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A week after she was brought into the black cat came into work. Jacqueline was there to help delivery in all possible ways. Some other volunteers and veterinary have accompanied it. The cat was placed on a comfortable layer of covers and was comfortable. The cat was a little agitated and it was nothing new for them. They gave the animal enough space to continue with delivery.

A long delivery

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Even after showing real signs of work, the cat had to wait another hour before she could bring her little kittens in the world. The team understood everything that the cat feel comfortable at ease through the long process. They make sure the cat was well hydrated and if necessary, would be reconstructed. It was a long wait.

Next protocol

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Everyone in the clinic was standing. They did not let the excitement take back their professionalism. Doctors continually monitor the cat's vitals and made sure the mother was strong enough to deliver kittens. When the mother finally showed the signs of dropping her babies, everyone from the room was fixed on their positions.

One by one

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Finally, the mother gave birth to her first baby. The team was ready and as soon as the kitten came out, they took it to the veterinarian for new ones concerning his health. The team crossed his fingers and when the news arrived that the baby was in good health, they pushed a sigh of relief. The little kitten was very healthy and moved. It was a new positive for the rest of the babies to be born.

Lucky number

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The whole team was there until all the kittens were born and when everything was said and done, the cat cat gave birth to 7 healthy kittens and the mother was as healthy. It was a wonderful day for everyone at the clinic who had put their hearts and souls to make sure everything happens in order.

Jacqueline could not wait to break the news to the owner and see how happy she would be.


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Jacqueline has been exhausted after the long process of ensuring that the mother and her kittens are safe and strong. She was happy for the mother. The mother had had a difficult and prolonged pregnancy and workforce, but it was finally for good. She was happy that soon kittens would be ready to meet their mother. At that time, the mother would be ready to feed them. It was now time to clean and take the mother at a safe and comfortable place where she could rest before finally meet her little kittens.


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Everything was now in place. Just when Jacqueline could think of a mishappening, she heard a voice calls her from the room that the kittens were detained. It could distinguish that it was not a normal call. Something was wrong. Was it with kittens? Has something happened to them? Jacqueline, in a hurry, ran to the room she heard her voice.


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She reached the room and watched the kittens. She was just confusing. Why did she bring it so urgently when the kittens seemed all right. They would all smile and moved around their cradle. This is what normal kittens do.

Has she missed something? Something must have been wrong.

Strange coats

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Jacqueline watched the volunteers taking care of the little kittens. They were all worried and wore an expression of consternation. On their request, they stressed the kittens and asked Jacqueline to look closely with the fur of these animals. When she looked closer, she saw these kittens had different fur from ordinary kittens. She had never seen such coats on newborn cats. Jacqueline and his volunteers have no idea why the kittens were so different. Did they wear some disease?

The veterinarian had to have a second look and confirm if these kittens would even live.


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All seven kittens wore a strange layer of fur from them. Nobody had never seen kittens like these. The kittens seemed very aged because of the silvery color fur. The kittens were traversed by another detailed control only to know that their vitals were well and none of them had a deadly disease.

Coat of fever

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After all, checks were concluded and the veterinarians had examined the kittens they said that the kittens were healthy, but the coat layer they transported was a phenomenon called "coat of fever". They also stated that it was not an abnormal event and that it can happen to any kitten if the mother has made stress or fell ill during pregnancy.

This could have been the case with this mother cat too and that's why kittens have developed a layer of silver fur.

Strange colors

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The doctors gave a detailed memoir on why the kittens carried this pigmentation. As they were still in the belly of their mother, a layer of silver hair covered them for any reason she can and while they grew up inside, they did not manage to disperse fur money from their body. Jacqueline was still not satisfied. She was worried if it could cause health problems for kittens in the future, but doctors were convinced that the phenomenon of the coat of fever has never had any harmful effects on a growing cat.


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After understanding that it was not harmful, it was now time that the volunteers can let the kittens meet their mother as they had already been far from her for long enough. Jacqueline also understood that it was important that the link process begins.

Jacqueline was a little worried about the mother's cat's reaction to her babies with silver hair.

Dating mom

The doctors were very convinced that kittens could be gathered with their mother and their color would not affect their collage. It was very important for all kittens and the mother to have a smooth meeting. They could not afford to overwhelm the mother. It was therefore decided that they would be taken to the mother one by one. As they have entered the world.

First look

The team hoped to have an emotional meeting and that's what happened. As soon as each of the kittens were brought before their mother, they recognized her instantly and realized that she was the one who would feed and take care of it. Very soon, the 7 kittens surrounded their mother and started rubbing them against her showing an immediate affection.

Immediate affection

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Children all reacted in the way they should. They all liked their mother. But it was important to see how the mother reachaged. It was an overwhelming view. The mother let all her babies gather around her, stick to her and start feeding. See this view was the most emotional time for Jacqueline. The doctors could have been confident of kittens but Jacqueline always had his doubts. This emotional meeting has melted the concerns she had in her mind.

Silver babies

Assumptions that kittens with silver fur would bring poor health in the future have been excluded by veterinarians. They advised volunteers to follow the same process of developing these kittens as they would have done with other kittens. For people with friends for life rescue, it meant a lot of attention and discipline to administer the birth of a cat was one thing, but raised them when someone would come to adopt much more work.


After the comfort of the doctors, Jacqueline knew that the kittens would take place well, but another question that was still in the lead was if the kittens would be in this way forever. Was this pigmentation a permanent thing? Apart from the silver fur, the kittens also carried different colors that seemed to be their original fur color, but it was very difficult to notice with all the dominant money. Jacqueline asked one of the veterinarians if the kittens would have come out of the silver hair while they were growing up.

Growing the fever coated

Among the many kittens she had been born, they were different. She finally got the answer to her last question on litter. The fever was a temporary case and the kitten grows, they would see their hair silver and show their real colors.

Now another excitement took up Jacqueline because she could not wait to see how the kitten would take care of having poured this layer of money.

Boys will be boys

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The incident incidents could have been an incredible trail. From mother cat moving away from her home then go back pregnant after weeks. From her being brought to the clinic to her giving birth to seven kittens clothed with silver. Everything seemed adventurous. But one thing someone did not notice that the mother had given birth to all male kittens and this revelation was not very common.

Adorable wicked

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The kittens were now pushing full speed. The volunteers have now decided to give them names and their journey hard and adventurous, they decided to name them after cartoon wicked. What fun was to call cute and adorable kittens with nasty names. Then finally, the names were decided and they went: Bane, Joker, Magneto, Penguin, Venom, Lex Luther and Riddler.

To grow

Five weeks died without any person noticing. The kittens had surprised everyone with their growth. They were all strong and healthy. It was all because of their mother who did his job very well. The appropriate diet, cleaning and care of his babies made him the great mom that everyone from the clinic had imagined. It was exactly what we live humans. The way she raised her kittens was adorable to experience.

Positive updates

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Throughout the pregnancy and the continuation, Jacqueline made sure that the owner of the cat was well informed about the events and how his animal was based as a mother of seven strong and healthy kittens. The owner was very happy to know that everything was going well and that very soon she could visit the clinic to bring her pet with her.


Finally, when kittens started growing, the fur began to change. It was like a second birth. The designs of silver were only slightly visible and the natural colors of the kittens began to think. They gradually became black, white and orange. They now had seven beautifully colored kittens in their natural shadow, but tell the truth, the volunteers missed the unique silver shadow of kittens a few weeks ago.

Package of personalities

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Although the team at friends for life, the rescue knew that kittens would eventually modify that they were surprised by the speed they had brought their original colors. They were like Shining New New. Each kitten had his shade. Although some of them took the black shadow of their mother, all did them. Some of them even had colored stripes throughout their body.

To gain weight

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It was a ticking task for the mother to feed all his seven kittens to keep them healthy and on the other hand, the volunteers had to make sure that the mother was also in the rose of her health so she could continue to feed his kittens. It was important for her to gain weight and do it, food and water had to be adequate.

Fortunately, veterinarians and volunteers have ensured that the mother cat has good health throughout the feeding time.

Adoption options

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Each kitten in the litter and the Mother of the Lot went well and it would be fast that the mother cat becomes at home and that little kittens were adopted by their new owners. Everyone with the rescue team and the clinic was happy for the wonderful Lot and Jacqueline was proud of the work that his team had withdrawn. The adoption would give these kittens their new happy houses.


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Although all litter kittens occurred well, the team was particularly concerned about the joker. He was the smallest of the lot and was quite low as his brothers and sisters. He had always tried to follow with them, but there was something that prevented him. When the time has come from adoption, Jacqueline has decided to make another check to see if everything was fine with the little Joker. Did she expect a bad news?

Bad news

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When Joker crossed a detailed medical check. The doctors found something that was expected but they were not really happy to discover it. Joker suffered from an infectious feline or FIP peritonitis. Now, FIP is usually a fatal disease in cats and lifetime is between a few weeks. Joker has an accumulated liquid in his chest that would sooner or later be fatal. Everyone at the clinic was discouraged but Jacqueline wanted to do everything she could to help the little boy.


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Jacqueline decided to do something to Joker and she took her home and made sure he lived his last days in peace. She gave him everything he wanted and never left him alone. She made sure that Joker felt pampered.

Although Joker lived a peaceful life in her home, her brothers and sisters gradually adopted families. In a few weeks, all kittens were now in their new incredible houses. The clinic team had made a wonderful job of keeping kittens in shape until the adoption.


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It was difficult for the team to let go all the kittens because they had now found the attachment to the caregiver and watch them grow up. The most difficult part for Jacqueline was to send the mother cat to his owner. Although she knows that she would arrive one day, she was not ready to let her leave. With a heavy heart, she called the owner and handed the cat to her. In a small corner of his heart, she was also happy for mother cat as she went to the house who was still his. The cat owner was delighted to recover his pet in a healthy state.

Say goodbye

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Joker was not better. His health was deteriorating since. Very soon Jacqueline also had to bid goodbye to Joker. Joker died after a few weeks of life with Jacqueline. Jacqueline, however, was grateful to have discovered her illness in advance and she could give Joker a golden and happy life.

Back to work

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It could have been a nice ride in the Russian mountains for everyone at the rescue clinic, but it was probably not the end. They had worked then and their return to work as soon as all kittens were safely sent to their homes forever. More animals like this chat help needed and they could never slow down. The work was no longer demanding becomes.


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Several cases that come to the clinic do not end on a happy note, but Jacqueline and his team are happy that this story despite some bumps ended quite happy. The cat has crossed a difficult pregnancy, but gave birth to healthy kittens. The kittens wore a coat of fever, but they have little over and joker might not have been able to do it, but he lived a happy life before his end. This is what Jacqueline and his team do. They make it a happy end for each animal that comes to their rescue home.

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