The discovery of a couple while renovating their basement you question the story of your own home

It does not matter if it's an old place or an artifact. There is always something about places and spaces that are not this day that usually hold a lot of al

It does not matter if it's an old place or an artifact. There is always something about places and spaces that are not of this day that usually hold a lot of play leaving us astonishment and wondering. We tend to think about mystery behind its existence. This reddit owner was only renovating his basement but ended up discovering and solving a mystery of decades!

Generous discoveries

Image result for reddit homeowners

As it is a very common habit for reddit owners, this story of this user is something that each person would like to read. Many Reddit users have cited their experiences on their interesting discoveries in their homes. Whether it's cool hidden rooms in houses, secret passages in homes or hidden passages, they always hit when it comes to finding secret rooms in houses.

An old house

hidden treasure

This Reddit user found this house built in the fascinating 1940. His wife and he agreed that it would make a beautiful house. However, their only knowledge of the property consisted that he had had several owners over the years. The couple could not have imagined in a million years that their discovery could have been there inside their basement.

Remodel the basement

basement walls As they could not afford to renovate all the basement, they decided they would work with everything they had. Therefore, they took the task of cleaning and making it seem as good as possible. While cleaning was in progress, they were shocked to learn that there was something that figured there all the time ... something shocking ...

Strange designs on the walls

Image result for kids drawing on walls

While they cleaned the basement, the couple was left surprised because they found strange writings and drawings on the wall. They were not those of children however. The drawings and markings in themselves are not very dangerous, but the very nature of these drawings issued a disturbing feeling. What could make me feel this strange sensation?

Love the Nazis

basement walls The walls had several scribbles of what looks like gammer ranges. These had been striped in his surface. For them, it seemed that the previous owners could have been a Nazi partisan while the house was built in the 1940s, at the precipice of the Second World War. But the threatening drawings meant little to the couple because there were other even more surprising discoveries.

A lively diyre

The guy who has this place is someone who likes to do things himself. "I am 35-year-old do-it-it-it, so I had everything renovated on the first and second floors," he revealed. A complete renovation of the house by appropriate home remodeling companies costs damaged amounts, so it took it on itself to do it. In fact, he is a qualified master man.

Pile of dust

basement As they pursued in order to reorganize the basement, started them to work on the ceiling. But the task did not appear to be as simple as it was expected. "There was a good 1/4 inch with ceiling dust. We put in plastic to keep the dust from the rest of the house, then we have exposed and corrected the air refers first, "said the reddit owner.

A strange discovery

If you have already guessed that the couple has found something else while they were working on this project, you absolutely right. The task in hand was all good and well when they crossed another more surprising discovery. During the cleaning tax task, they discovered a hidden article in a single hidden place. What could it be then?

It was a box!

hidden box While the couple was busy working, in one of the corners of the basement, they found the mysterious box of hidden suitcase next to a ceiling pipe. For a suitcase to be placed there, anyone who would be incredibly curious, right? The box had been concealed in such a way that only the person who placed it there would have known on his location.

Growing curiosity

hidden box in the ceiling

When the box has been discovered by the couple, they become more and more intrigued. There was a mixture of fear and agitation that took over the couple. Being like the house was built in the 40s and having spent multiple owners, the identity of the original owner could have been anyone. But more urgent was the question, what was the case type box?

Scaling for size

hidden box When they finally took the suitcase of his hiding place, they discovered that it was a retro vintage suitcase. The couple used a toy banana for the ladder. It was a rather thick suitcase in fact. "We took the box outside. He had something inside, but nothing heavy like coins or gold bars. I thought I could be lucky, however, "one of the owners remembers.

Started guessing

hidden treasureFrom this state that the house was in, the pair was waiting for antiques inside the clear blue vintage suitcase. "We were starting to guess a lot at this point. My wife thought we would find old recipes, I thought we could discover vintage sport cards, "the owner confessed, speaking of the quantity of guess game they played during the discovery.

Easy to lift

hidden box

Everyone would be a conflictual to open a mysterious suitcase, right? Even this couple has spent a little time deliberate. Both have then decided to open the box themselves. It was a hard and light suitcase that did not need much effort to raise. Despite his derisory weight, he did not seem empty. They could immediately say that something has been definitely kept inside.

Open the box

hidden box After speculating on the content of the vintage luggage holder during the longest period, the couple finally decided to end his curiosity by deciding to open it. But as the proverb says, the "curiosity killed the cat" and it was apparently the case of this couple. If you were in their place, would you be able to upset your curiosity?

Result of the disappearance

old newspaper

They made an insufficient discovery after finally open. But, their mind fell sharply when they noticed that the box was not so special as we were waiting for. Obviously, it contained nothing of an old newspaper, which is not unfortunately not so special. Why would anyone want to store a newspaper in a suitcase in such a place like this?

Why this?

Image result for mystery

They started thinking about why someone would even think of putting it in a secret place. The only possible reason that they could have thought about finding the newspaper in this vintage luggage holder, that it could have been used to protect and preserve a more precious and more important nature. Well, was it?

Really old ...

old newspaper They proceeded to carefully inspect the newspaper. Therefore, he became closer, they discovered that the newspaper was dated March 25, 1951. Seeing that, they deduced that the retro vintage suitcase could have been concealed by the original owner himself. "The date of the newspaper must be close to the time that the box was hidden," revealed the owners.

Something else!

hidden box The couple was surprised when they suddenly discovered an unusual package wrapped in something that seemed to them as wax paper. It seemed very particular, letting them believe it was something illegal. Their curiosity increased rapidly when they found three small packets on tearing waxed paper as quickly as possible.


hidden treasure Finally, there was a small smile on their faces as the secret placement of the suitcase finally gave meaning. The couple when he found 20, 50 and 100 dollars of tickets from the interior of this strange package. Fortunately, for them, they were in perfect condition. The series of surprising discoveries in this short period of time left the confused couple.


hidden treasure The owners had never encountered such a weird experience in this house until the date. He struck them that someone would play a cruel stuffing on them. They started with fervor looking for hidden cameras at home. "We panicked. It does not happen to us! What are we doing? Where are the cameras? "They admitted.

Tickets of $ 20 ...

hidden treasureOne of the packages of the suitcase had a $ 20 stack. - "We did not have a picture that opens every package, our excitement has overwhelmed us, we spent hours making an inventory of everything we found in the box. We decided we had to have the projects Evaluated special law and talking to a lawyer on how to proceed ", the couple said.

All content

hidden treasure These silver invoices were dated from 1928-1934. They had the impression of being at the top of the world when they ended up getting $ 23,000. "It was a wild tour for us. We are boring people and we chose our extra money to repay our mortgage and this is where this money will go too, "said the couple. Was it all the mystery?

A lucky day

rare dollar bills The couple could not believe their luck. It was as if they had done something big in the past and that the good benefits of their previous efforts have been rewarded. Shortly after the initial discovery of all the money, including fifty dollars and some $ 100 $ 100 rare tickets, they were something else shocked.

Another box!

hidden box

After finding the suitcase with money inside, the couple returned to their usual daily shopping. The excitement died and the woman had gone to work and man continued her work to reshape the ceiling. It turned out to be one already seen for the man when he found a second box of type suitcase, identical to the first. He was kept hidden as the previous one.

Waited for his wife

hidden box When the husband took the suitcase of another corner in the basement, he noticed that he was surprisingly identical to the first. It was a clear blue vintage suitcase. Keeping control over his overwhelming curiosity, the man decided to wait for his wife while pursuing the work to tear his ceiling in the meantime.

Another newspaper

hidden treasure "I sat down and looked at him and cleaned my precious for hours until my wife returning home," said the man. He could not wait to inform his wife about the new discovery he made. Finally, when the woman returned home, it was time to reveal the contents of the second Durshell suitcase. They sat together and tried enthusiastic the opening of the box.

More money!

Newspaper lined the bottom of the green case, dating back to 1951

Like their previous discovery, the two of them found another newspaper of the same year - 1951. This was again used to cover the contents of the box as a barrier. While the couple was lucky, it does not seem that the amazing of saying that they found that the second Durshell suitcase was filled to the edge of the $ 20 bills.

Contacted a lawyer

hidden treasure The couple wanted to be smart about it. So what did they do? They contacted a successional lawyer to learn more about the details of the legal aspect. In the subsequent investigation, they discovered that the initial owner of the House had died in the 1960s and did not have descendants. This basically translates them to the full ownership of the money found.

Very funny

hidden treasure "All the money is at the bank and will be paid to our mortgage, less taxes. We seriously had to make an appointment and stay sitting there and watching them count all that. It was very fun, "expressed the couple. It was really a good fortune to be able to discover suitcases full of money. They would definitely enjoy like to spend that money they did not even have to win.

You reap what you sow!

hidden treasure The couple finally decided to sell these antique bills. They ended up with an incredible amount of $ 45,000. They believe that everyone harvests what they are sowing: "We are generally good people. We try to help others when we can. The acts of kindness go a long way. "They were convinced that it was his good nature that led them here. Have you had help someone near you today?

Here is a list of incredible discoveries rendered involuntarily that could let you be a little more attentive to your entourage. Get ready to become jealous and surprised ...

Ceiling skeletonshttp://

A horrible discovery took place in a house in Montreal. On the basement of the basement, the owner discovered renovation skeletons. He contacted a coroner who was certain that it was bones of a body of a young person. The bones were covered in 10-year return newspapers. The house was built in 1910, so there was there since the moment they moved here in 1978.

Treasury and indices come all about the famous "Treasure of Fenn?" This is an American legend of very. This involves a fortune that Forest Fenn, an art dealer, buried $ 3 million of gold and jewelry in the Rocky Mountain region. A couple renovated his cuisine that had a note with the combination. They then found a safe under their basement and when used the code, it opened to reveal more than $ 50,000 and a bottle of Bourbon from the year 1960. There were others. Supposed indices present in the safe for possibly much more treasure.

Buddha of 600 years a hydroelectric Watergate was being renovated in the Chinese province of Jiangxi, the workers made a surprising discovery. A perfectly preserved Buddha statue initially discovered by a local village. The water level dropped 10 meters and the characteristics of the statue were revealed from others. It goes back to the Ming dynasty, even the yuan dynasty. It was in a suitable condition for water probably prevented erosion.

Plumb plumber of a plumbing company based in Calgary in Canada has encountered a fortune during a bathroom renovation. He could not believe his eyes when he saw a $ 50,000 (CAD) gold brick. They were honest workers so they gave it to the owners. The plumber revealed: "We were pumped when we found it, of course. Seeing the economy as it is right now, it fears that we had to overthrow it. Obviously, we were going to do the right thing. "

$ 500,000 cash discovery was a legal battle that took place on a discovery of $ 500,000 from treasury by contractors. They renovated a house in Arizona. Entrepreneurs believed that as observers, they should be legitimate guardians. The owners believed that since it was in their property, it was rightly theirs too. They were unlucky that the money ended up the heirs of the person who hit him first.

Treasury cards of real life a 170-year-old house in Nova Scotia, Canada, a couple has discovered real treasury cards. They discovered these cards when they renovated their place. When installing the new floor covering, they found several old cards actually manufactured by James Imray. He is a cartographer who withdrew in the 19th century. Even though cards may not actually lead to treasures, these cards were up to $ 6,000.

Carcases of animals family in Pennsylvania discovered something incredibly shocking when they tried to install the insulation. Various carcasses of animals have come to pour when they torn their walls. These animals wrapped in a newspaper fell while leaving the abasourded family. These newspapers were 1930s and the theory is that these animals were used for the witchcraft ritual.

Antique skull in a house of Scotland the United Kingdom, among the different old buildings, one in Applecross, Wester Ross d'Scotland had something incredible. The building existed since 200 years and the workers found an old skull while renovating it. Police and archeology teams have been called to investigate. The skull would have been over 100 years old, so it was impossible for investigators to resolve the mystery.

77 year old neon

The historic Los Angeles dinner, "Clifton's cafeteria" does it make a ringtone? This is one of the oldest food chains and it is obviously obviously with a lot of history. During renovation, the workers found neon lamps behind the walls. Experts believe that it had been activated for more than 77 years. He made meaning as the owner had actually paid $ 17,000 in electrical bills due to light.

Top Secret Nazi Documents Hungarian couple has discovered Nazis Top Secrets documents hidden in their walls when renovating the house. They found more than 6,000 Nazi documents from the Third Reich. There were lists of the actual number of Jews and designate houses they could be moved before moving to Budapest. This has been extremely useful for researchers and historians to use as data.

If you have discovered an unexploded hand grenade in your house, how much will you feel? When a son and a mother cleaned the garage of the grandmother, they found a grenade by hand. The incident occurred in Sydney, where activists had to come to the rescue. He was probably belonging to the grandfather who participated in the Second World War.

A real mosque And if you have discovered a real mosque in your home? Do you think that's even possible? This unimaginable incident took place in Palermo, Italy. The owners of an apartment decided to break down the walls for renovation. It led them to discover Arabic writing on the wall. Arabic writing was made in gold and silver amazing on the four walls. They called in an expert historian who told them that he had been used as a mosque during the time of the Crusades.

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