Girl was rejected by her love and came back with a perfect answer!

Everything starts! Rachael Heffner is from Indianapolis who was also an easy and funny girl. Although the girl had to hear a lot because of

Everything starts!

Rachael Heffner is from Indianapolis who was also an easy and funny girl. Although the daughter was heard a lot because of the ever-increasing weight, she never took them to her heart. However, his weight has become a problem for her when she has reached her college. The girl weighed at 285 lb in her heavier. After entering adolescence, she realized she had won a lot of weight and she needed to reduce some. She even tried to control some eating habits, but she could not continue with her longer. Soon, she found himself wanting potato and soda chips. To say it frankly, the girl could not live without soft drinks.

It's love

She even started to love going to her college more when she met a boy who took her heart when she met her for the first time. In no time, she had completely fallen for him. Finally, Rachael gathered all his courage and asked him. It was perhaps the worst mistake she had made in her life. The boy rejected his proposal. The reason he gave was that the girl was too heavy to be removed and viewed with. She said, "I loved it and he did not like me, he said it was because of the way I watched and he was not attracted to me because I was heavier. "

A new year resolution

Well, there was the new year that gave it the opportunity to put its objectives in action. She started with the resolution of the new year. It aimed to lose weight as much as it can and to lead a healthier life. Subsequently, she bought running shoes. The next day she launched all the junk food she had in the trash. The girl made her decision. She was going to lose 139 pounds. Yeah, you heard that! It was half of his body weight.

Retrieve it

He finally said those words that Rachael wanted to hear and when he did well, she simply refused. His answer not only surprised the boy, but he's a surprise for the girl too. However, she felt very happy. The boy even excused himself in Rachael to treat her in a mistake but it was too late. Now, Rachael had other goals to continue!

An inspiration

The woman has become an inspiration for all women who want to lose extra weight. Rachael has managed to be one of the best in his field. She even participated in some of the competitions and conquered the first prize. Interestingly, Rachael won several titles, including novice physics, open physics, novice figure, Miss Indiana and novice figure. Well, there is a price more that has come. She also won the price for the best new competitor.

Categories: Birth
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