Boy interrupts the judge during a process of adoption and revealed the type of people that his host parents were

When you look at a family photo, it always looks attractive and well framed. Smiles on the people of the framework are clear proof that the family is happy

When you look at a family photo, it always looks attractive and well framed. The smiles on the inhabitants of the framework are clear proof that the family is happy and secure. But do we ever really know if a family is as happy as this one? Looks can really be misleading so we never really know what's going on at home. This couple adopted a boy who went from the front and dropped jaws before the court when he decided to interrupt the judge ...

A big deal

The judicial procedure took a lot of time. This day was very long to come for the 26-year-old woman whose future was about to be clear on boys. When she was young, she knew she wanted one day to become a host mother. It was something she had always sucked up. So, it was a big deal for her.

All tears

So, as they sat before the judge, the whole family was waiting for the final decision. The judge would answer if boys could be legally adopted by this woman and her husband. As was happening, the older boy, the Dayshawn, decided to have an announcement during the judicial procedure. He went forward and revealed something that left Cozad flooded with tears.

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He is 7 years old

Since his little girl, this woman had always been interested in taking children and being a host mother. It was something she felt passionate enough. And in fact, seven years before this day before the court, this lady had met him first at her husband, Stuart Shank. Even then, she quickly told her her dream of a day becoming a host mother.

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Rolling with her

It would certainly be strange that someone immediately confides in you that she wants to become a host mother the first time you meet. But her husband was the kind of guy who was impressed by that, someone who did not have any problem with her. "I was impressed by how [Shank] rolled with her," Revealed Cozad in an interview she gave in September 2018.

After the honeymoon

Since that was the case, it was clear that she and the stem was really supposed to be. They were both passionate about many other things too. So, they fell in love and he quickly arrived at the couple to get married in 2014. It was a few years after their first date. They went for their honeymoon soon and when they returned home, the trip to home parents followed.

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An incident in court

It was such a Russian mountain tower for all they were so happy that everything is finished. And that day was certainly one day when everyone became emotional. They had been involved in the legal adoption of boys for so long since everyone was happy to see everything in place. However, something in the courtroom made in Cozad losing eyes.

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Categories: Birth
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