Marine approaches in the midst of a disturbed triathlon everyone present

"Some people spend a lifetime for life wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines do not have this problem. "- Ronald Reagan, 40th pr in the United States

"Some people spend a lifetime for life wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines do not have this problem. "-Ronald Reagan, 40th US President.Over the years, the marines have won a reputation and they deserve it. When the children say they want to be like them, parents have the right to feel proud of what their child has just said. After all, their work is intended for their nation and the well-being of its citizens.

If you feel too satisfied with this team of brilliant men and women who believe in doing the right thing for the good cause without worrying about the consequences, this story will certainly bring you to tears.

Give back

"Every child deserves a little Christmas." This is the motto of toys for Tots, a mission that is arranged by the United States marine. A campaign that works to organize Christmas gifts with disadvantaged children. This is one of the most famous campaigns in the Marine Corps. They brought smiles to so many innocent faces. But the story we want to tell you is certainly no question of smiles and gifts, but much more than that.

Giving Back

Serve people

Matthew Morgan has recently been enlisted in the body of the American Marines. Until now, he spent most of his life in San Diego, but when he received the marine confirmation letter, he moved to his first publication in the region of Pensacola. It was awarded the first private position at the Navy Detachment Corry station.

Serving The People

An assigned role

It was a year of a year before any break and a group of 22 students, including Matthew, learned from his commander, Captain Frank Anderson. It is his order for the team of 22 students to supervise the triathlon and to ensure that all participants stay on the track and that everything came back well according to the plan. But only the time will indicate what would happen next because it was not part of a plan.

Keep an eye on

The hour was here and the private Morgan was standing at the post where he was waiting for the participants to succeed. The boys still ended the first phase of the triathlon, that is, swimming. It meant that there was still time to arrive at where they will be visible for PFC. Morgan.

Keeping An Eye Out

They were there

Finally, the boys arrived there and it brought a smile on Morgan's face. Everyone acclaimed athletes and also Morgan. Obviously, it means a lot for boys to see their parents standing in the public to support them. Complete the triathlon and cross the finish line is something everyone feels proud of.

Strange couple behavior

While all the others were impatient to see their boys a couple looked like a strange. Nobody knew what made them fear that a lot. Maybe they were like that, types too care but that's not what it was. This couple had their own reasons for being worried and everyone was about to realize that soon.

Noticed something strange

It's when PFC. Morgan noticed something strange. He must act at the same time and he ran to the track to make a vision closer to what was happening. Yes, it would become an unforgettable moment; A moment of a life.

Categories: Birth
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