40 Mother transversal house remedies swear at home!

Mothers live, careful and always offer an option of home remedies at home. However, we sometimes find ourselves on health challenges of Co Common Co

Mothers live, careful and always offer an option of home remedies at home. However, we sometimes find ourselves on the health challenges of common cold scholar. When medical first aid are not at your fingertips, mothers use effective home remedies. Here are some of the ways you can cure or offer you in the comfort of your own home ...

Methylated ointment

Mothers are turning to the healing properties of the brand methylated ointments as first aid when we are out of the flu. They dip a towel in a bowl of hot water mixed with a methylated ointment tablespoon. Then the victim of a cold inhale the torrid towel for about ten seconds before exhaling. This procedure is repeated at least five times before nasal entry is relaxed.


Hydrogen peroxide and cayenne pepper

Growing up, it was a common practice for the wake of the wax of their children's ears. However, the elimination of ear wax has become easier with the use of hydrogen peroxide. It suffices to dilute a capular water peroxide, pour droplets into your ear and let it stop before draining wax. Cayenne extracts are a home cure for attics, arthritis and bulbs of the oral cavity. The use of Cayenne ointment for medicinal purposes goes back to Christopher Columbus Days. In addition to the medical use of Capsaicin in Cayenne, pepper serves a great culinary delight.

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Potato skin and garlic and salt

To treat wounds faster, parents use the generational remedy of potato skin. The skin of cooked potatoes reduces swollen wounds and link skin cells. Do not dispose of the remains when they can break down the hyperpigmentation of wounds and cicatresses. In the absence of garlic, the table salt mixed with water can be used as treatment. As the affected part of your throat comes into contact with the mixture; Salt water solution to gargle with the head slightly folded back.

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Lemon juice and aloe gel

The particles of dust and impurities result in inflammation of nerves along the nasal passage. Sneezing and having an idea of ​​groggination are influenza of common symptoms. Mix a garlic clove, ginger and dilute the mixture with lemon juice. Drink a cup of tea from the mixture to increase your immune system. Inflammation of cells and tissues causes painful sensations and the Gel of Aloe Vera Plante is a good home remedy. Stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal infections can be treated by drinking a cup of aloe vera juice. Aloe Vera gel contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. A tablespoon of aloe vera gel is a cure for burns.

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Ginseng Roots & Fennel Seeds

Headaches and migraine are conditions that can reduce eye vision and cause a loss of concentration. Stress and anxiety are some of the causes of headaches. Chronic migraine induces insomnia (insomnia) in adults. Drink a cup of hot water with ginseng roots for instant relief. When your food does not fall as needed, the intestines become filled with gas and your stomach could be swollen. To expel the gas (PET), chew a tablespoon of fennel seeds. Mothers have a way to save costs by ignoring the use of overether gas antidowing drugs.

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